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What do you do at WSD?

I wear a lot of hats – I’m the school receptionist, I also do security, run the copy center, and I’m administrative assistant to the school’s Business Manager, Rebecca Goulet. 

How long have you worked for the district?

It’s my 12th year. I’ve lived in Winooski for 17 years. 

 What do parents and students need to know about you?

The students mostly come see me when their teachers send them to get copies. They call me the “Copy Lady”. Parents come see me when they need directions to a classroom or an event in the building. 

What’s something people in the district might not know about you? 

I’m really crafty. I love Pinterest, and I can just look at something and make it. I’ve done these really cool shadow boxes recently. It’s a lot of fun. 

Why do you heart WSD?

In a small town like Winooski everyone knows each other and if someone needs help, people are always willing to help you out. I love the district because of the diversity. It’s amazing how many different cultures are here, and to learn about each one of them. It’s incredible watching a kid come in who doesn’t speak much English, a kid who is understandably scared, and by the end of the year they’re confident and succeeding.

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