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Transition to Middle School – Meeting for Families of 5th Graders

Dear Families of 5th Grade Students, All 5th graders and their adults are encouraged to join Winooski Middle High School Co-Principal Kate Grodin and Middle School Guidance Counselor Amanda Spencer for a brief presentation and Q&A about the transition to middle...

SBAC Testing will begin April 26

After the April break, the SBAC testing window will begin.  The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test assesses students in grades 3-5 in both Math and English Language Arts.  Additionally, 5th-grade students will take the Vermont Science Assessment (VTSA)...

Increased In-Person Days for Middle School 

We are pleased to announce that Winooski Middle School is preparing to move grades 6-8 to a 4 days-per-week in-person schedule. Currently, Monday, April 26 will be the first day of the new schedule. Our plans are centered on two goals: Make decisions that maintain...

Sewing the Way Through Uncertainty

In July Winooski Middle School student, Ivy Resmer reached out to WMHS Co-Principal Kate with a question. She said that she had been making cloth face masks since the beginning of the pandemic, and had currently made over two-hundred. She wanted to know if Winooski...

Be Part of Restorative Justice in Winooski

Do you or your child have an interest in Restorative Justice or care about contributing to making Winooski a thriving community? The Winooski School District is partnering with Spectrum Youth & Family Services, UP for Learning, and the City of Winooski to...

76th Annual Athletic Banquet

A message from WSD Athletic Director, Dennis Barcomb: With the help of our own video expert, WSD librarian Matt Gile, I present to you the 76th annual Winooski Athletic Banquet. While we would have much rather met in person, I believe this video captures all of the...
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