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Cathy Bray

What do you do at WSD? I wear a lot of hats – I’m the school receptionist, I also do security, run the copy center, and I’m administrative assistant to the school’s Business Manager, Rebecca Goulet.  How long have you worked for the district? It’s my 12th year....

Vicki Wolinsky

I live in Essex Junction with my husband and two young daughters. I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, gardening, cooking and baking, going to concerts, reading about living a healthy lifestyle, going to farmers’ markets, hiking, and spending time...

Sarah Murphy

In the winter, I love watching sports, especially college basketball. In the summer, I enjoy being outside, especially boating on Lake Champlain. Education and Professional Experiences I am a native Vermonter who grew up in Shelburne. I attended CVU high school where...

Drew Blanchard

I’m working hard at learning how to relax – it’s not something which comes naturally to me. Spending down-time with my wife and our pets, reading a good book, and being in my work shop all help me see the value in disconnecting from the Internet and...

Dennis Barcomb

I enjoy spending time with my wife and 3 kids ( #4 due in August!) I enjoy running, playing basketball, and weight training. Education and Professional Experiences I attended Essex High School (92) and Springfield College (Mass-96) I have worked my entire career here...

Kyle Blindow

I am the oldest of 4 siblings and come from a PE family as my grandfather, father, uncle, brother, and 1 sister all are PE teachers! For the last 8 years, I have been a Varsity Football Coach at Essex and Winooski, Vermont certified Basketball official and Baseball...
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