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Oct. 1 Updates – Phasing in JFK to 4 Days, RJ, and More

Dear WSD Families, As we shared last week, schools in Vermont have been cleared to begin bringing students back for more days of in-person instruction. As long as everyone in our learning community continues to follow health and safety guidelines we are confident we...

Family Updates – Sept. 24, 2020

Dear WSD Families, We are so proud of our students for adapting so well to our new learning environment. As a district, we are still looking at our health and safety systems and procedures and adapting if needed. We need to stay safe to stay open. Your support and...

Full Remote Learning Option for the 20/21 School Year

If you would like to choose the full remote learning option, please fill out this form. Winooski School District Full Remote Learning Option K-12 Winooski students in grades K – 12 may choose a fully remote option for learning instead of in-person learning.  WSD...

WSD Family Update – August 14, 2020

Dear Winooski Families,  The Winooski School District (WSD), along with fifteen neighboring districts across Addison, Chittenden and Franklin counties adopted the hybrid model for school instruction with a public announcement on July 23rd. The hybrid model is not...

WSD Family Update – August, 6, 2020

Dear Winooski Families,  During these trying and uncertain times I hope you are finding moments to relax, reflect, exercise and laugh with your family and friends. Last week I was able to find some time and mental/emotional space to begin processing all that has...

Winooski School District to Reopen with Hybrid Model 

Dear WSD Families and Staff, I am writing to provide you with an update on our plans to reopen our school buildings. To start the school year, Winooski School District, along with all 16 school districts covering Addison, Chittenden, Franklin, and Grand Isle Counties...
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