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Be Part of Restorative Justice in Winooski

Do you or your child have an interest in Restorative Justice or care about contributing to making Winooski a thriving community? The Winooski School District is partnering with Spectrum Youth & Family Services, UP for Learning, and the City of Winooski to...

Kindergarten Screening for the 2020/21 School Year

Kindergarten Screening In-person screening for incoming kindergarten students will be held on Monday, August 31, and Tuesday, September 1. To sign up, please call Linda Casier 802-383-6025.  Families will be contacted about their child’s placement on Wednesday,...

Art Across the Year

Our Winooski Middle School students have worked hard in Visual Arts this year to produce artwork of incredible quality and depth. During this strange period of remote learning and social distancing, we are unable to gather in a physical space to view and celebrate...

Coronavirus: COVID-19

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Resources & Information Meal Distribution Information & Instructions Current Status in Vermont Read Status Report COVID-19 Info Translated View Translations Center for Disease Control: COVID-19 Visit CDC Website Stop the Spread of Germs...
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