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Friday, September 14, 2018

Dear Families, Welcome to the end of the first full week of school. Students and staff have settled into the rhythm of school, and the week went very well. Monday, September 17th is our school-wide picture day. We will have a makeup day later on in the fall if your...

Friday, September 7, 2018

Dear Families, Although this week was only 4 days, it was a fantastic, busy week. Students continued to learn routines and expectations in school. It is important that we take the beginning of school to teach all the students the expectations. This builds a strong...

Friday, August 31, 2018

Dear Families, What a fantastic start to the school year! It was wonderful to have students in the building and to watch them begin to make connections with the adults and peers. These first three days of school, teachers began their work on their First Six Weeks of...

Summer Letter

August 29, 2018 Welcome to the 2018-2019 school year. We are so excited to have students back in the building ready to learn and grow. As the year gets started, I wanted to highlight a few important things for our families: The doors at JFK open at 7:45 a.m. There is...

Letter from Principal Raabe

Dear Families, I hope that everyone had a fantastic vacation. While the students had Monday and Tuesday off this week, the staff was at school. On Monday, our teachers worked on their Project Based Learning unit. The 3rd – 5th grade teachers completed a training on...
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