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Friday, December 20, 2019

Dear Families, I hope that everyone had a wonderful week with the cold weather really moving in. Winter is really  here! If your student(s) need any winter gear, please let us know so we can get them what they need.  We return from break on January 2nd. Our January...

December 13, 2019

Dear Families, Last night was our amazing Winter Concert. This year’s Winter Concert theme was Community and Light. Sara Poland, our music teacher, worked with students starting back in September. Sara picked songs, choreographed them, worked with classes to master...

Friday, November 22 2019

Dear Families, Yesterday and today were our fall parent teacher conferences. It is always wonderful to welcome our families into the school and share their student’s success with them. If you were unable to make it to your student’s conference, please contact your...

Friday, November 15, 2019

Dear Families, It feels like winter, even though the calendar says it is still technically fall. Please be sure to send your student dressed for the weather. Our students go outside unless it is raining and/or is below 10 degrees with the windchill. If you, or your...

Friday, November 1, 2019

Dear Families, Last week, the Winooski Middle and High School students had their Parent /Teacher Conferences. This is the first year we, the WMHS and JFK have had conferences on different days. This decision was made so the high school could have scheduled conferences...

Friday, October 25, 2019

Dear Families, We have had our first frost, and the fall weather is beginning to get chilly. In Vermont, this means that winter and snow are right around the corner! Winooski students, Grades 3 and up, have a fantastic opportunity to learn how to cross-country skiing....
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