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Graduation: Celebrating the Class of 2022

We are excited to celebrate the accomplishments of our 12th-grade students at Graduation on June 11. There is a mandatory graduation practice on June 10 at 12:30pm. All 12th grade students must attend. Caps and gowns will be handed out at practice. The cost is $21....

Welcome Maybeline Lopez – Director of Early Learning

Maybeline Lopez will be moving into her new role as the Director of Early Learning this July. She is currently the WSD’s Act 166 Coordinator and Preschool Director.  Throughout her years of service to the district, the Preschool program has greatly benefited from...

New Entrance and Classrooms for WSD Students

The Capital Project construction is going smoothly and incredible progress is being made daily. The high school wing has been renovated and we are so excited for students to finally see their beautiful new space! Over April break, students in grades 3, 4 5, and high...

Important Changes to WSD’s COVID Response

The COVID-19 virus will be with us for a long time. As the level of severe disease is low in our community and across the state, the Vermont Department of Health (VDH) has stated that each person can decide if they want to take precautions based on their own personal...

Important Change to School Calendar – No School on Monday, May 2

Dear Winooski Community, We want to inform you that we are changing the day off scheduled for Tuesday, May 3 to Monday, May 2. Our district is committed to honoring the cultures, languages, and beliefs of all students. An important way to show this respect is by...
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