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WSD Family Updates August 27, 2020

Dear WSD families, It’s hard to believe that students will start back in just over a week. Our teachers and staff are busy preparing to welcome everyone back safely. Here are some important updates and information.  IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES August 28 – Deadline...

WSD Family Updates August 20th, 2020

Dear WSD Families, I hope you are all well. Our teachers and staff are back for inservice this week, and while things feel and look very different this year, we are all very excited to welcome students back to our learning community.  Below are some important updates...

Student Meal Time Preferences Survey

Family Update on Meals August 18 There will be no more student meals available until September 8.  If you are experiencing food insecurity due to the pause in meal provisions, we have grocery store gift certificates available to help. Please call or text Emily Hecker...

Full Remote Learning Option for the 20/21 School Year

If you would like to choose the full remote learning option, please fill out this form. Winooski School District Full Remote Learning Option K-12 Winooski students in grades K – 12 may choose a fully remote option for learning instead of in-person learning.  WSD...

WSD Family Update – August, 6, 2020

Dear Winooski Families,  During these trying and uncertain times I hope you are finding moments to relax, reflect, exercise and laugh with your family and friends. Last week I was able to find some time and mental/emotional space to begin processing all that has...

Black Lives Matter – Flag Raising at WSD

Winooski School District will raise the BLM flag TOMORROW August 7 at 4pm.  Join the Facebook Live stream at and watch live on Instagram at   Middle School teacher Mugabo...
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