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WSD Updates: 12/10/20

Important Upcoming Dates: WSD Fully Remote Learning 12/9 through 12/16. The current plan is for all students to return to the previous in-person schedule 12/17 (details below). December 23 through January 3 – No School Find the WSD’s updated school calendar...

Student Meals During Fully Remote Learning

Dear WSD Families, While our district is fully remote, student meals are still available. In order to better meet the needs of our families, our food service providers will be offering “make your own meal” kits so that students can make their own meals at...

Fully Remote Learning Model – Starting 12/9/20

Dear WSD Families, December 7, 2020 – I am writing to you this evening to let you know that another member of our learning community has a confirmed positive case of COVID-19. At this time, we have no reason to believe there is any evidence of transmission...

COVID-19 in the WSD – Updates

Dear WSD Families, Staff, and Community, December 2, 2020 – I am writing to let you know that another member of our learning community has a probable positive case of COVID-19. At this time, we have no reason to believe there is any evidence of transmission...

Positive Case of COVID-19 in the WSD (12.1.20)

Dear WSD Families, Staff, and Community, December 1, 2020 – I am writing to let you know that a member of our learning community has a probable positive case of COVID-19. While we hoped that everyone in our district would stay healthy and COVID-free, we expected...

Safety Reminders Following Break

November 29, 2020 Dear WSD Families and Staff, We hope you were able to relax over the last few days and find some creative ways to observe your favorite traditions within our challenging circumstances.  On November 13, Governor Scott’s Executive Order suspended...
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