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March 26, 2020: WSD Response to “Stay Home, Stay Safe” Order

Dear WSD Families, Yesterday, Governor Phil Scott today issued a “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order to minimize all unnecessary activities outside the home to slow the spread of this virus and protect the public. We wanted to share some information about how the Winooski...

March 25, 2020: Meal Distribution for March 25

Dear Winooski Families, While Governor Scott has issued a “stay home, stay safe” order, effective 5pm today (March 25), Winooski School District will still be serving meals to all children ages 18 and under. Meals can be picked up at any of the three meal distribution...

March 25, 2020: Additional Food Resources

Dear Winooski Families, We want to keep you informed about local resources to help support your family during these difficult times. As information is coming quickly and the situation changes frequently, we appreciate your patience with our numerous communications. If...

March 23, 2020: Message from the Department of Health

We have new translations on COVID-19 in 11 languages on our webpage: in the “Translated Materials” section. Below is a shortcut to the documents: What You Need to Know About Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)...

March 22, 2020: Learning Materials and Meals for All WSD Students

WSD Learning Materials Pick-Up and Meal Distribution Thank you to all WSD families who joined us Friday to pick up student learning materials. We appreciate your patience and kindness during this challenging and rapidly-evolving situation. If you were NOT able to make...
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