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Upcoming COVID-19 Testing in Winooski

The Vermont Department of Health, in partnership with Community Health Centers of Burlington, will be offering testing at the O’Brien Community Center in Winooski at 32 Mallets Bay Avenue.  This is for members of the community of Winooski.  Testing is free and...

COVID-19 Testing Offered in Winooski 6/1/20

The Vermont Department of Health, in partnership with Community Health Centers of Burlington, will be offering a number of COVID-19 testing events for residents. The first Winooski testing event will take place on Monday, June 1st, 2020 at the O’Brien Community Center...

May 30, 2020: COVID-19 Cluster in Winooski

Dear WSD Families and Staff, I wanted to share the latest update from the City of Winooski regarding the new cases of COVID-19 in Winooski (below). I understand that many of you are concerned about these new cases, but I urge you to stay smart and continue following...

May 28, 2020: Digital Safety & Wellbeing

Dear Winooski Families, The Winooski School District is committed to supporting every family in our district through the various challenges the pandemic has created. Below are a few resources we hope will help. Support for Distance Learning and Keeping Your Teen Safe...

Updates: May 22, 2020

Dear WSD Families, Our school year is winding to a close while many aspects of our future remain uncertain. This can be a confusing and stressful time — for you, for our families, for our students. In the midst of this turbulent time you are exhibiting extraordinary...
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