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Mukhtar Abdulkhleiq – graduated 2019

What are you doing now? I currently attend UVM as a sophomore. I’m a full-time student, trying to transfer to the Grossman School of Business. I’ve always liked business because my whole life I’ve been surrounded by people who are business-driven. My two brothers run...

Brianna Robare – graduated 2013

What are you doing now? After graduating from Winooski High School in 2013 I went on to pursue my Doctorate in Pharmacy from the University of Rhode Island in Kingston, Rhode Island. Upon Graduation in 2019, I began working as a Pharmacist for Hannaford Food &...

ThaZin Aye – graduated 2019

What are you doing now? I’m going to the Community College of Vermont, studying business. How did WSD prepare you for your current success? It was like a family, and I liked getting to know people and getting to know their stories. I still live in Winooski and I...

Keshab Bista – graduated 2016

I wanted to share this very powerful and intimate essay Keshab Bista wrote about our relationship from middle school. Keshab was an outstanding middle school student on Team Journey, and I believe this essay (he is now a senior in Ohio) reflects how impactful the...

Kate Violette (O’Brien), graduated in 2004

What are you up to these days? After graduating from Providence College in 2008 with a major in English and Secondary Education, I was hired as a high school English teacher. I am in my 12th year of teaching and also serve as an advisor for the school’s Student...

Taylor Langlais – graduated 2016

What are you doing now? I’m in college at Eckerd in Saint Petersburg, Florida, studying business administration and marketing. I picked the college because I wanted to get out of Vermont and mature away from my support system. I love it there, it’s a lot like Vermont,...
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