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Abdimajiid Mohamed – graduated 2018

What are you doing now? I’m earning my degree from Trine University in Angola, Indiana. I’m pursuing my Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA). My academic life is very rigorous. Master’s-level classes are more strict and detail-oriented than I was...

Amanda Nattress, graduated 2015

What are you doing now? Currently, I am attending the Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont, M.D. Class of 2024. I have no idea what specialty I want to go into, I’m open to them all. However, my interests (so far) lie with Emergency Medicine,...

Assia Hamana – graduated 2021 & her Mentor Alice Urban 

Assia, what are you doing now? I go to college Brandeis University in Massachusetts. I’m pursuing a major in International Relations and Global Studies. I picked that major because I want to work with refugees and love traveling so it seemed like a good combination. I...

Amber Porter (Morgan) – graduated 1999

What do you currently do for work? I currently work remotely as the Legal and Human Resources Manager for an international digital marketing company based in South Florida. Tell us more about your life after high school. I started school at Champlain College but I was...

Jessica Perrotte – graduated 1992

What do you currently do for work? I’m a teacher at the Winooski School District. I’ve been there since 1998, so for 23 years! I’ve taught some of my current students’ parents. I’ve also had friends who I went to school with, and I taught their children. It’s these...

Kassian Prior – graduated 2014

What are you doing today? I’m selling real estate in our beautiful home state. (Didn’t mean to start off with a rhyme…it just happened). I’m trying to contribute to all of the community programs that contributed to me getting where I am. That’s why I’m...
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