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Canary Ly, class of 2013 photographed October 2019

What are you doing these days?

I’m at the UMASS Medical School, Graduate School of Nursing. I’m pursuing my DNP (Doctorate of Nursing Practice). I’ll graduate June 2022. I am also Assistant Director of Fundraising for an organization called Hoby – started by Hugh O’Brian the late actor. I help the Vermont chapter remotely and check in with volunteers. We run an annual seminar at St Mikes. We select two high school sophomores from each high school in Vermont and help them develop different leadership styles and abilities (showing by example and how to make changes in their communities). I went in 2011 and I still do a lot of volunteering, and it made a big impact on me. I also volunteer at a free clinic called Akwaaba, which means “welcome” in Ghanaian. It’s a clinic for people who don’t have insurance, or anyone who needs medical help. I work as a phlebotomist. I’m working to get my RN licensure so I can work while I complete the rest of my program. 

How did your WSD education prepare you for success?

I really appreciate the sense of community. Everyone knows everyone. It’s only getting stronger because there are new people coming all the time. When I started kindergarten, I was one of a handful of people of color, now we have so many people from so many backgrounds. Whenever I make it to soccer games I’m just amazed at how diverse it is. I also really appreciate how people support you regardless of your background. Winooski plays on people’s strengths – not just focusing on one skill that everyone needs to master equally. Teachers are flexible and always available. The small class sizes are amazing. We are so privileged to get one-on-one time with teachers. 

What’s your best memory of your time here?

The Homecoming parade, seeing people come and support the teams. Also, hanging out in the hallway, even though we weren’t supposed to. And texting under the table…we weren’t supposed to that either, but we had flip phones so it was easier because we could feel the buttons (laughs). Also, I’m still playing soccer – that definitely stuck with me. 

Have any advice for current students?

No matter how you are trying to get through life – don’t forget your roots. To anyone learning a new language or anyone who grew up with a language other than English, don’t forget it! Work on it every day. It will come in handy later on. I was so thankful that my mom made me speak Vietnamese. She drilled it into me. As I’m looking for jobs, its nice that I can relate to and serve patients who don’t speak English. If you have a chance to ask someone how to say things in a different language, ask them! It’s a lifelong skill. 

Regardless of what you try to do or how you feel you should conform, never forget who you are. 

Also, to current students: you might be a big fish here, but you will probably be a minnow elsewhere…but don’t be afraid of that. You can adapt and learn. 

When I got to Middlebury I was so intimidated. It felt like everyone there had been to private boarding schools and their parents were very wealthy. It was really disarming because I was there on a full scholarship. 

I studied neuroscience and education. If I could go back and do it over I would have studied American studies and done a pre-med background. If you think you’re going pre-med don’t think you have to major in a science. I would have enjoyed to learn more about cultural studies for my undergrad. I would still have to go to MIddlebury, because it was close to home. I pushed through even though I had doubts. So, put in scholarship applications now because it will pay off. 

Why do you heart Winooski? 

I heart Winooski because of the way you’re always made to feel welcome, no matter who you are or where you’re from. Your ideas are always taken into consideration. We embrace new ideas and that’s reflected in the way we welcome new families, new businesses…Now when people think of Winooski, they think, “That’s the place to be!” rather than that negative reputation from when I was younger.

And I heart Winooski because when I come back it always feels like home. 

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