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What are you doing now?

After graduating from Winooski High School in 2013 I went on to pursue my Doctorate in Pharmacy from the University of Rhode Island in Kingston, Rhode Island. Upon Graduation in 2019, I began working as a Pharmacist for Hannaford Food & Drug. I currently serve as a floating Pharmacist who travels around Vermont serving at various Pharmacies from Rutland to Essex. This past year I also worked as a Girl’s Varsity Assistant Basketball Coach at Winooski High School.

How did WSD prepare you for your current success?

While attending WHS, I had the ability to not only participate in sports, but also be involved in band, marching band, Life Smarts, Business Club, and many more. Growing up in Winooski allowed me to explore each of my interests which eventually led to the realization that I wanted to explore a career in the medical field. I was able to take classes that specifically led me toward pharmacy, and even if WSD didn’t offer those classes, it was always made possible through VTVLC, CCV, and UVM. Another way the WSD community helped shape me was by all of the amazing relationships I formed. From teachers to coaches and my peers as well, I always felt comfort and security knowing there were people in my corner who pushed me even in tough moments. Winooski is a special place and will always have my heart and my roots as I would not be where I am today without all of the incredible people. 

Advice for current students? 

Embrace how small the school is. Take advantage of all the opportunities the size of the school gives you. It allows you to make strong connections with your teachers and support staff. It allows you to get to know each one of your classmates of which you might even develop lifelong friendships. I have lived in Winooski my whole life, and I am thankful to be able to know so many people from so many different backgrounds. WSD also allows you to join every group imaginable, from sports to band to theatre – so take advantage! Leaving Winooski and going to a state University for pharmacy school was terrifying at first, but due to my experiences in WSD I felt confident and solace in reaching out, asking for help when necessary, and making friends!

Fondest memory of WSD?

A memory that I am attached to is winning the 2012-2013 Division 3 Basketball State Championship. That team felt just like family to me and to share something so special that no other Women’s team had done at our school was remarkable.

Why do you heart WSD?

I have lived in Winooski my entire life. I moved out of state for 6 years only to return back to my home. I truly see WSD as my home and the community members as my family. I will always try my best in giving back to the community, whether that be coaching basketball or attending another band concert! Winooski has given me memories of my childhood, adolescence, now adulthood, and for that, I am so grateful. 

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