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Do you or your child have an interest in Restorative Justice or care about contributing to making Winooski a thriving community?

The Winooski School District is partnering with Spectrum Youth & Family Services, UP for Learning, and the City of Winooski to establish a culture of Restorative Justice in the Winooski community.

Spectrum and UP for Learning would like to start by creating a YPAR (Youth-led Participatory Action Research) team to assess what’s already in place and figure out how to create a sustainable program. The goal of the project is to engage all stakeholders in defining what it means to be a thriving school/community.

This youth-adult team would use this information to design, implement, and communicate these opportunities to their community.


  • WSD students and parents
  • WSD teachers and staff
  • Community members

You don’t need to be an expert in Restorative Justice; you just need to have a willingness to learn and the enthusiasm to carry out this project.

Team members twenty-four years of age or younger will are eligible to receive a stipend of up to $500 upon completion of the project.


Send an email to the Restorative Justice Coordinator at Spectrum Youth & Family Services, Kayla Loving [email protected] with your interest and any questions you may have.

There will be an information session on Tuesday, Aug. 4th, at 4pm via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 824 7678 9316
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