What to Expect – A Year Full of Heart, Learning, and Practical Precautions
We are thrilled to welcome our students and staff back for what is shaping up to be a regular pre-pandemic in-person schedule. For students, the first day of school is August 25*.
As before, the school day will be from 8am to 3pm. Students should be in their classrooms by 8:10am. Students who arrive after that time will need to check in with their school’s front office. Expect to learn more about our robust afterschool programming once school begins.
*Winooski Middle High School (WMHS) is excited to offer a Smart Start morning for 6th and 9th-grade students to help them transition to their new schools. More information about the Smart Start will be shared directly with WMHS families and students this month.
Student Meals
WSD is a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) district due to the high number of students who qualify for free and reduced lunches. That means breakfast, lunch and supper are completely free for all students. Breakfast will be served in our elementary school classrooms and will be offered mid-morning to all WMHS students. Lunch will be served in the cafeteria. Supper will be available for students who participate in afterschool programming.
Entering the Building
As the past school year has taught us: Flexibility is key to our success! While the pandemic’s impact has lessened significantly, our Capital Project continues to create changes for our learning community. Please discuss these campus changes with your child, and remind them that in a little over a year, the WSD building will be a brand new, amazing place they will all enjoy! We’ve got to keep our eyes on the prize.
For the next school year, all students and staff will enter through two entrances: the JFK Elementary School main entrance and the new George Street entrance.
PreK-5th grade will enter through the JFK main entrance. All students who arrive after 8:10am should enter through the JFK main entrance. Visitors will need to check in at the JFK main entrance as well. Parents and guests are allowed in our building again, but access will be limited due to construction.
Grades 6-12 will enter through the George Street entrance.
Drop Off and Pick Up
You may drop off your child in the front of the building at 8:00am near the JFK entrance. The previous bus loop and short-term parking loop are currently closed. The new drop off/pick up location will be in a marked location in the front of the parking lot.
Parking will be limited. Please consider walking or biking to school with your child, if possible, to avoid traffic congestion. If you plan to pick up your child after school, you must park in the lot and walk to the pick-up area.
The new George Street entrance will be closed at 8:10am. Dropping off and picking up students by car is not permitted at the George Street entrance.
Other Changes on Campus
Due to construction, eight classrooms in the elementary school have been converted to high school classes. Additional high school classrooms are located in the newly constructed gym. The WMHS Central Office is now located in room 6 of the JFK building.
JFK Central Office is in room 12. Grades PreK-2 will now be located in the newly constructed elementary school building. Middle school students will be able to enjoy their new classrooms in the newly constructed Middle School wing.
COVID-19 Precautions
As of June, there are no requirements for wearing masks in Vermont. The Vermont Department of Health (VDH) strongly recommends unvaccinated individuals wear masks indoors. Our summer programming has been operating under this guidance.
When this newsletter was printed in July, our district was still waiting on updated health and safety guidelines for the 2021/22 school year. The VDH and the Vermont Agency of Education are currently evaluating the guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and the American Academy of Pediatrics (bit.ly/AAPfall2021) about masking and other health precautions this fall. We hope to be able to share more information by mid-August.