Dear Winooski Families, We want to keep you informed about local resources to help support your family during these difficult times. As information is coming quickly and the situation changes frequently, we appreciate your patience with our numerous communications. If...
We have new translations on COVID-19 in 11 languages on our webpage: in the “Translated Materials” section. Below is a shortcut to the documents: What You Need to Know About Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)...
WSD Learning Materials Pick-Up and Meal Distribution Thank you to all WSD families who joined us Friday to pick up student learning materials. We appreciate your patience and kindness during this challenging and rapidly-evolving situation. If you were NOT able to make...
Dear WSD Families, Winooski School District is committed to nourishing our students’ bodies and minds during this time of school dismissal. To help us support this goal, tomorrow, Friday, March 20th at Winooski School District, (60 Normand Street) you may pick up: 9am...
Meal Distribution Distribution Information & Instructions Student Meal Kits this SummerOur district is participating in the Summer Food Service Program, which will start Wednesday, June 16. Every child in Winooski, aged 0-18, is eligible for one meal kit which has...