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Updates: May 4, 2020

Winooski School District will hold our final round of learning material distribution on Wednesday May 6th from 9-10am at the site closest to your child’s home. When you pick up materials please stay six feet away from others in line, wear a cloth face covering, and...

WSD Welcomes Nicole Mace as Finance Manager

Nicole Mace will be joining the Winooski School District (WSD) as Finance Manager. Her first day is Monday, May 4. Nicole worked for eight years at the Vermont School Boards Association (VSBA), first as the General Counsel and then as Executive Director. Last year she...

April 26, 2020: Continuity of Learning

Dear WSD families, We hope you and your family are healthy and had a restful April break. School is starting back on Monday, and we are moving from the Maintenance of Learning to the Continuity of Learning, meaning that students will be introduced to new content and...

April 16, 2020: Learning Materials, Veggie VanGo & More

Dear WSD Families, I hope this message finds you well. I have a few quick reminders about tomorrow’s material distribution and Veggie VanGo, as well as April break and our new meal schedule. Learning Materials Our third round of material distribution will take...
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