All free Vermont testing sites for Covid-19 are now closed. However you can continue to pick up free tests in Vermont. You can continue to pick up free tests at the Refugee Program and the Association of Africans. If you have health insurance, you can pick up free...
Do you live in Winooski and have a child who will be 5 years old by September 1, 2023? Sign up now for the Winooski School District Kindergarten Screening Day, an important first step to sending your child to school! Kindergarten Screening Day will take place on...
Dear Winooski Families, The Winooski School District (WSD), along with fifteen neighboring districts across Addison, Chittenden and Franklin counties adopted the hybrid model for school instruction with a public announcement on July 23rd. The hybrid model is not...
Dear Winooski Families, During these trying and uncertain times I hope you are finding moments to relax, reflect, exercise and laugh with your family and friends. Last week I was able to find some time and mental/emotional space to begin processing all that has...