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Keshab Bista – graduated 2016

I wanted to share this very powerful and intimate essay Keshab Bista wrote about our relationship from middle school. Keshab was an outstanding middle school student on Team Journey, and I believe this essay (he is now a senior in Ohio) reflects how impactful the...

Kate Violette (O’Brien), graduated in 2004

What are you up to these days? After graduating from Providence College in 2008 with a major in English and Secondary Education, I was hired as a high school English teacher. I am in my 12th year of teaching and also serve as an advisor for the school’s Student...

MS Students Explore the Impacts of Screen Time & the Teenage Brain

Digging into their Digital World: The Impact of Excessive Screen Time on the Adolescent Brain A Team Nexus Learning Expedition Students kicked off their learning expedition by visiting the Fleming Gallery at UVM, where they did a print-making workshop, and a tour of...

Taylor Langlais – graduated 2016

What are you doing now? I’m in college at Eckerd in Saint Petersburg, Florida, studying business administration and marketing. I picked the college because I wanted to get out of Vermont and mature away from my support system. I love it there, it’s a lot like Vermont,...

2019 Vermont Outstanding Teachers Award Celebration

Winooski High School Math Teacher, Tom Payeur, 2018 Outstanding Teacher of the Year, celebrates the 2019 cohort of Outstanding Teachers in this speech at University of Vermont. Watch it here. (His speech starts at 15:26.) “This should be a day that inspires you...
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