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Family Updates – Sept. 24, 2020

Dear WSD Families, We are so proud of our students for adapting so well to our new learning environment. As a district, we are still looking at our health and safety systems and procedures and adapting if needed. We need to stay safe to stay open. Your support and...

School Resource Officer Retained for 20/21 School Year

Winooski, September 16, 2020 – The Winooski School District (WSD) School Resource Officer (SRO), Jason Ziter, will return to WSD tomorrow, Thursday, September 17. The SRO will drive an unmarked car and wear a soft uniform, which is khaki pants and a polo shirt...

Family Updates – September 17, 2020

Dear WSD families, Congratulations to all our students and their families on another excellent week of school! The successful reopening of our schools depends on each and every member of our learning community following our new health protocols. We appreciate each of...

Family Updates, Sept. 10, 2020

Dear WSD families, The first few days of school have been a resounding success. After months of exhaustive planning by our Reopening Committee, I’m thrilled to announce that our students followed carefully designed protocols so they could come together safely to learn...
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