WMHS students will take the 2023 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) on Wednesday, March 15th. This survey was developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and is sponsored by the Vermont Department of Health and the Agency of Education. The YRBS...
What is a school, if not a community? A high-quality education goes beyond the classroom and extends into all aspects of a student’s life. What we know is that the security of basic resources is incredibly important to a student’s success. So why not bring...
These are a selection of photos from the WHS Semester 1 Digital Photography class that were on display for the January Expo. They include various learned techniques and compositional strategies learned in class. Artist: Mohamed Artist: Mohamed Artist: Nishal Artist:...
On December 5th 2022, the Winooski School District (WSD) began offering bus transportation to students residing three-quarters of a mile or further from the WSD campus. Since then, WSD has added additional busses and drivers, now offering 5 routes. WSD now serves all...
Preschool Skills Screening Survey & Pre-registration On March 24, 2023 If your child is or will be 3 by September 1st, 2023 please complete a Preschool Skills Screening & Pre-registration Form for ACT 166 Publicly Funded Pre-K or to inquire about a Winooski...