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Amber Porter (Morgan) – graduated 1999

What do you currently do for work? I currently work remotely as the Legal and Human Resources Manager for an international digital marketing company based in South Florida. Tell us more about your life after high school. I started school at Champlain College but I was...

WSD Updates 4/15/21 – COVID, Spring Assessments

Important Upcoming Dates: No School April 19 through 23  Student Meal Kit Distribution April 21 from 9-10am  April 26 – Middle School Students begin the four-day-per-week schedule View the updated WSD School Calendar Hello Families, Today, two positive cases in...

SBAC Testing will begin April 26

After the April break, the SBAC testing window will begin.  The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test assesses students in grades 3-5 in both Math and English Language Arts.  Additionally, 5th-grade students will take the Vermont Science Assessment (VTSA)...

Health Guidance Updates – April 9, 2021

Dear WSD Families, As of today, April 9, A Strong and Health Year: Safety and Health Guidance for Vermont Schools has been updated. This updated guidance reflects Governor Scott’s timeline for Vermont’s reopening. While hope of a return to normal life is on the...

Jessica Perrotte – graduated 1992

What do you currently do for work? I’m a teacher at the Winooski School District. I’ve been there since 1998, so for 23 years! I’ve taught some of my current students’ parents. I’ve also had friends who I went to school with, and I taught their children. It’s these...
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