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Dear WSD families,

We hope you and your family are healthy and had a restful April break.

School is starting back on Monday, and we are moving from the Maintenance of Learning to the Continuity of Learning, meaning that students will be introduced to new content and skills. We wanted to share some information about what to expect.  

Remember, this is new for everyone. Show your children and yourself compassion and understanding as we all adapt to this new environment. Keeping our schools closed to stem the spread of the COVID-19 virus is truly a matter of life-and-death. This life-and-death perspective offers us a chance to evaluate what is most important in our lives. Focus on staying connected and keeping everyone mentally and physically healthy. Schoolwork, while important, should not increase stress in your or your child’s life. Please keep that in mind as we move forward together. 

The information below is specific to the Winooski School District Continuity of Learning (COL) plan as a whole. Students’ individualized schedules and learning plans have been communicated through their teachers. 

Parent/Guardian Expectations:

  • Be your child’s biggest fan – you are not expected to be their teachers. 

  • Partner with teachers to keep your child on track.

  • Encourage your child to engage with their assigned learning activities.

  • Communicate with teachers and principals as needed.

  • Develop a schedule with your child that leaves plenty of time for schoolwork, play, and relaxation. Here are our suggestions for the ideal middle school schedule checklist (and video), and the ideal high school schedule checklist (and video).

The Vermont Agency of Education has useful information about this new phase of learning for families. You can find suggestions about how to engage children and keep them thinking, how to design a home learning environment, as well as resources for families of children with disabilities. Read more on their website:

Continuity of Learning Guidelines for Families/Guardians

Guidelines for parents of students in grades 6-12.

Guidelines for parents of students in grades PreK – 5. 


In accordance with Vermont statute, we will track and record student attendance. Our expectation is that students will check in with their teachers and engage with their learning on a daily basis while school is in session.

WSD is maintaining our 2019/20 school calendar. May 25th is the next vacation day. No attendance will be taken that day. The last day of school for students will be June 12th.


Our goal is to design learning so that it is meaningful and engaging for all students so they remain motivated and confident. 

Our remote learning goals are focused on three areas:

  • Connection – keeping students connected with each other and their teachers

  • Health and Wellness – supporting and developing social, emotional and physical health and wellness of students during this period

  • Academic learning – focusing on the concepts and skills that are most critical to moving onto the next grade level successfully or preparing high school graduates to be college and career ready as determined by our Graduate Proficiencies (GP) and Graduate eXpectations (GX).

Special Education

Individualized Continuity of Learning Plans for students on Individual Education Plans have been sent home. Please contact your student’s special educator if you have questions about your student’s plan. 


Every student K-12 has access to a Chromebook or iPad (as of 4/17). Please review our Expectations for Online Meetings for Students for more information about WSD technology standards. If your student has issues with their device, please review our Troubleshooting Guide.

Learning Assessment 

Across the WSD, teachers and administrators have developed a system to ensure students are still learning to the best of their ability during this period of school closure and state-wide quarantine. 

The elementary school grade level teams will assess all students weekly in either math, reading and writing or phonics. Lessons will focus on the standards critical for students to move onto the next grade level.

Middle and high school teachers have planned critical proficiencies and learning activities for each student. They have also developed performance assessments that will show whether students have reached these proficiencies. 

We recognize that this period is challenging for everyone. Teachers and staff will continue to work with each family to make sure children have the support they need to succeed. Do not stress about grades, as long as students participate when required, their targeted proficiency outcome (grades) will not decline. 

You can find more information and resources on our website:

As always, please contact our district at or 802-655-0485 if you have questions or concerns. 

Thank you,

Emily Hecker

WSD Communications and Development Director

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