In order to address the inequities experienced by historically disadvantaged students in school, Winooski School District is joining three other districts in the Chittenden County region, Champlain Valley School District, Colchester School District, and South Burlington School District, to engage in a collaborative opportunity to improve equity for all children. The collective focus for this grant is on equity literacy with the goal of moving from an understanding of inequity to sustainable action and a culture of equity. While our districts have different levels of readiness and needs, we share a commitment to address inequities together. We will work collaboratively to build capacity for staff to have a common understanding of equity literacy by sending district-based teams to Courageous Conversations: Beyond Diversity training series, bringing information back to inform school-based trainings, and attending a regional stakeholder meeting. Teams will assess equity literacy growth and understanding using a common pre-post assessment tool. The districts propose a common purpose, focus, and set of goals and measurements that will improve understanding and actions for staff and lead to improved outcomes for students. Read more about the Equity Literacy grant here.
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