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District Communications

District communications including weekly updates, COVID-19 & more.

Welcome Mohamedou Diop – Director of Multilingual Learner Programs

Mohamedou Diop, (who is known to many people in the WSD by the shortened version of his name, Mohamed) will be moving into his new role as the Director of Multilingual Learner Programs this July. He will be transitioning from his roles as the Winooski Middle High School Behavior Interventionist and the Hiring and Recruiting Staff of Color Coordinator. 

Mohamedou grew up in Mauritania, in Northwest Africa. He discovered Vermont during one of his many vacations to the U.S., which were trips that focused on exploring professional opportunities within the American education system. In Mauritania, Mohamedou was the Principal of a school and worked for the U.S. Embassy, the Washington Post, and the United Nations as an interpreter.  “It took me a while to decide to become a U.S. citizen because I had so many opportunities back where I come from,” Mohamedou said. Read more about Mohamed’s amazing work and multicultural background in our Faces of Winooski feature.

During the past seven years, many students and staff have enjoyed the opportunity to get to know Mohamedou, and appreciate his warmth, enthusiasm, and positive attitude. As a multilingual learner himself, Mohamedou believes deeply in the value of speaking multiple languages. Through his role as the Director of Multilingual Programs, Mohamedou will guide our district in becoming a truly multilingual community. 

“We are thrilled to welcome Mohamedou into this important Leadership role. As an educational leader, Mohamedou has exceptional credentials and extensive experience. He also brings his multicultural background,  which will provide valuable insight into the cultures of the students we serve,” said Kate Grodin, WMHS Co-Principal. 

For those of you who don’t know Mohamedou already, we asked him a few questions so you can get to know him better.

You speak many languages and have extensive experience teaching second languages to youth and adults.  Why are education and language acquisition so important to you?
Education is important to me because that is what helps us understand the world we live in to better navigate it. Through education, we can also even better understand one another to respect each other.

How can we understand each other without interacting? We need to understand different aspects of communication, therefore language acquisition is important to me because there’s more than just our day-to-today verbal expressions within it. Think of our nonverbal communication, for example, the human face is extremely expressive, able to convey countless emotions without saying a word. While learning a language we also unconsciously learn the culture of the people who speak that language. 

I have always prioritized knowing, and understanding our students and their cultural backgrounds to better contribute to their success. 

What is your vision for the  WSD Multilingual Learning Program? What do you hope to accomplish in your first year in your new role?
In my first year in this role, I’ll review the vision in place, while I develop some professional development sessions around cultural competency to enhance our staff,  students, and community members’ relationships. When we understand our students and their parents or guardians, our teaching becomes even more effective. While I believe there’s some great work already in progress, I’ll build upon it to celebrate our success as a teaching and learning community. I’ll also work closely with our students, staff, our school administrators, our community members, and any stakeholder we collaborate with to overcome our challenges.

How do you feel your multilingual and multicultural background will benefit our students and staff?
I believe my multilingual and multicultural background is a reflection of many of our students, staff, and community members. My understanding of our staff and our students’ population background has already been a huge benefit to many within our school district. This asset will remain and become even more effective in my role as the Director of Multilingual Learning in our district because I’ll guide our staff and students towards cultural bridging so that we understand each other even better and celebrate our similarities and differences.

Are you excited about learning certain aspects of your new role?
I am absolutely excited about my new role! As a life-long learner, I am also more than ready to learn first and foremost from our great Kisten Kollgaard through the transition period. Here I come, WSD  & ML Team, teach me some more while we work together as a strong family to close the achievement gaps and celebrate our students’ success!

How do you describe your Leadership style?
I am a very respectful leader/human being, knowledgeable but open to learning, observant, and a great listener who scaffolds my staff and provides constructive feedback. I collaborate really well with students, community members, staff, school administrators, and all stakeholders I get to partner with for our students’ success.

What is your proudest accomplishment?
My proudest accomplishment among many is having mentored many students from different parts of the world, some of whom have already graduated from college and are in the workforce. Running into some of those former students, and getting a phone call or an email from them gives me a joy I can hardly describe!


New Entrance and Classrooms for WSD Students

The Capital Project construction is going smoothly and incredible progress is being made daily. The high school wing has been renovated and we are so excited for students to finally see their beautiful new space!

Over April break, students in grades 3, 4 5, and high school students will be moving to the newly renovated high school. For elementary classes, this move will be temporary. They are moving so the construction team can begin renovations on the older JFK building. By the beginning of the next school year, most students will be in their permanent classrooms!

We wanted to make you aware of some important changes and information:

The new Main Entrance for the entire school district will be the side entrance near the playgrounds. The current main entrance facing the main parking lot will be closed for renovations.

Student drop-off and pick-up will not change. Please continue to use our current procedures for dropping off and picking up students at the loop in front of the building.

George Street is not to be used for drop-off or pick-up. That street is very narrow and can get easily congested. This prohibits access to emergency vehicles into the street and causes other safety issues.

The WMHS entrance will move to the rear of the building, facing the soccer field. Students in grades 6-12 will enter the tunnel through the back of the building. The fence will be open from 7:55 – 8:10am and from 2:50-3:10pm only. At other times this entrance will be closed and students will need to enter through the new Main Entrance.

All visitors must also use this new Main Entrance to gain access to the building.

Students who arrive late will use the new Main Entrance.

  • JFK students who arrive late must check in with the new JFK main office space in room E140, inside the first-grade pod.
  • WMHS students who arrive late must check in with the new WMHS main office in room A183, off the old gym lobby.

Thank you for talking about these changes with your children so they feel prepared coming back from break. Let them know that we appreciate their patience and flexibility as we wrap up the final few months of the construction project.

Important Changes to WSD’s COVID Response

The COVID-19 virus will be with us for a long time. As the level of severe disease is low in our community and across the state, the Vermont Department of Health (VDH) has stated that each person can decide if they want to take precautions based on their own personal level of risk. This is a positive shift as we look forward to a time when we can learn together without significant disruptions from COVID.

The change in Vermont’s public health guidance means the WSD COVID Response Team will be changing some of our current strategies. The following changes will begin on April 15:

  • We will stop handing out rapid antigen tests as part of the Test at Home program.

Students’ households may continue to make an appointment at a State of Vermont testing site to obtain tests for their use at home.

  • We will no longer share presumptive contact notifications or weekly COVID case counts.

The WSD COVID Response Team will continue to monitor for trends and absences consistent with any other infectious disease and will determine the need for notification to families as needed with collaboration from the VDH.The WSD COVID Response Team will continue to conduct diagnostic testing in school using LAMP or antigen tests as needed.

It is very important that everyone in our learning community stay home when they are sick, even if their COVID test is negative.

Returning to school after illness:

If your child gets sick, their symptoms should be much better and they must be fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication before returning to school. Additionally, students who are experiencing vomiting or diarrhea should remain home until symptoms are resolved and 24 hours have passed.

Our school nurses can help you decide when your student should return based on their symptoms. Please call the WSD COVID hotline 802-556-2243 with any questions or concerns.

We appreciate your efforts to keep our learning community healthy and thriving.

Important Change to School Calendar – No School on Monday, May 2

Dear Winooski Community,

We want to inform you that we are changing the day off scheduled for Tuesday, May 3 to Monday, May 2. Our district is committed to honoring the cultures, languages, and beliefs of all students. An important way to show this respect is by considering the religious and cultural holidays observed by our students and their families.

Most public school districts in the U.S. break for the Christian holiday of Christmas, and Easter falls on a Sunday each year, but many school calendars are not built to reflect Muslim or Hindu holidays. To ensure equity, the WSD Leadership Teams consults with the district’s Multilingual Liaisons to carefully plan around the most important holidays for the majority of our students. Unfortunately, it is not possible to create a school calendar that reflects every important day for every student, so we focus on the days that have the biggest impact on the largest percentage of students.

Last year, when the WSD Leadership Team was planning this school year’s calendar, the current lunar calendar said that Eid Al Fitr, a very important Muslim holiday, would be celebrated on Tuesday, May 3. However, every five years or so, the lunar calendar can shift, as it has this year. We now know that Eid Al Fitr will be celebrated on Monday, May 2.

In our original calendar, Tuesday, May 3 was a planned day off to show support for the 120+ Winooski students who celebrate this holiday, so they can be with their families without missing school. Because this date has changed, we have moved our day off to Monday, May 2. That means there WILL BE school on Tuesday, May 3.

We apologize for any disruption this may cause families. Thank you for your understanding and flexibility.

Ramadan Mubarak or happy Ramadan to those who observe.

Kevin Dirth, Interim Superintendent

It’s Time to Register for Kindergarten

If you live in Winooski and have a child that will be 5 before September 1, 2022, they are eligible to come to Kindergarten for the 2022-23 school year!

On May 25th, all incoming Kindergarten students are invited to come to JFK for our Kindergarten screening day. Please call the JFK main office to choose a time to attend Kindergarten Screening (802)-655-0411.

At least one parent or guardian will need to attend with their student. When students and families arrive on May 25th, we will have a short welcome and staff will be introduced. After introductions, the students will go to one of our Kindergarten classrooms with the Kindergarten teachers and other JFK staff to play and complete some academic screenings. The screenings look at student’s play, engagement, social skills, number and letter knowledge, and fine motor skills. We know that these screenings are just a snapshot of who your student is as a person and learner. While the students are in the classroom, the families will participate in a welcome to JFK overview presentation, complete registration, and fill out a sheet that tells us all about your student.

Please bring your child’s birth certificate, updated immunization, and proof of residency to the appointment.

We use PowerSchool as our student information system and all of our registration happens online. Registration is open for the 22-23 school year.

If you are new to the District, you will need to fill out a Pre-Registration form. Once approved by the Registrar you will get an email from PowerSchool with directions on how to create a PowerSchool account and register your student.

If your student did not attend PreK at Winooski but has siblings in the District, you do not need to create a new account. You will link your Kindergartener to your current account by a code emailed to you after you’ve completed the Pre-Registration form. Please make sure that when you login you are using your current account information and not creating a new account.

*Please have the Pre-Registration form filled out prior to Kindergarten screening day.*

If you’ve completed the PowerSchool registration for your PK student because they go to PK in Winooski, or receive PK money for your student to attend a partner PK program, you do not need to fill out a Pre-Registration form. You will need to log into your PowerSchool account and update your students’ information.

If you do not remember your login information or need assistance linking your student to your account please send an email with your full name, students’ name and DOB to [email protected] with your request.

Summer Food Access Resources

The Winooski School District has selected several dates throughout the summer to open the Necessity Store and hold Veggie VanGo. These resources are completely free to the community and all are welcome to come.  WSD Necessity Store Summer Hours Monday, June 19, 2023...

Winooski School District Announces New Superintendent

On the evening of Tuesday, May 2nd during a special board meeting, the Winooski School Board announced the selection of Wilmer Chavarria as the next Superintendent of Schools for the Winooski School District (WSD). Chavarria will assume responsibilities on July 1,...

Winooski Middle School Artists’ Work Selected

Two Winooski Middle School artists' submissions to the VT Wildlife Fund's annual art competition were selected for the special exhibition at the Highland Center for the Arts in Greensboro, VT. The exhibition opening and awards ceremony will take place on April 21st...

Youth Risk Behavior Survey

WMHS students will take the 2023 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) on Wednesday, March 15th. This survey was developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and is sponsored by the Vermont Department of Health and the Agency of Education. The YRBS...

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