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WSD Educators Nominated for National LifeChanger of the Year Award

September 16th, – Winooski, VT – JFK Elementary School behavior coach Amanda Babcock and guidance counselor Sarah Murphy have been nominated for the 2019-2020 national LifeChanger of the Year award.

Babcock was nominated by her colleague, Savanna Bechard, for her tireless dedication to students. The majority of her students have experienced developmental trauma, and Babcock supports them by implementing behavior plans or incentives to help them successfully navigate through the day and receive the extra support they need. She has also stepped up to leadership roles in the school community, acting as Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Coordinator. Since implementing PBIS and Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) systems, there has been positive climate and cultural changes in the school.

“I have never had the privilege of working with someone as highly skilled, dedicated, and kind-hearted as Amanda Babcock,” said Bechard. “Each day, I continue to be amazed by her knowledge, intellect, and her commitment to our school. Amanda is a true LifeChanger.”

Murphy was nominated by her principal, Sara Raabe, for going above and beyond to meet her students’ physical and emotional needs. She was integral in creating a fall clothing drive to ensure the entire community had weather-appropriate clothing, and works closely with local businesses to donate food, shoes, coats, and boots to students in need.

Murphy is also deeply committed to her students’ emotional needs, working with local social workers and the Department of Children and Family to support students. She has also arranged for independent therapists to visit the school during the day, which has had an enormous positive impact on students, as many families do not have access to therapy outside of the school day. About 20% of the student population receives therapy in school.

“Sarah knows all of students and families by name, can tell you the history of our families, and is deeply committed to our families as their students move through our schools,” said Raabe. “Each day, I continue to be amazed by her knowledge, intellect, and her commitment to our community.”

About LifeChanger of the Year

Sponsored by the National Life Group Foundation, LifeChanger of the Year recognizes and rewards the very best K-12 educators and school district employees across the United States who are making a difference in the lives of students by exemplifying excellence, positive influence and leadership.

Each school year, LifeChanger of the Year receives hundreds of nominations from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Seventeen individual LifeChanger of the Year awards will be given during the 2019-2020 school year.

  • (1) Grand Prize Winner – will receive $10,000 to be shared with their school/district.
  • (4) Grand Prize Finalists – will receive $5,000 to be shared with their school/district.
  • (10) LifeChanger Award Winners – will receive $3,000 to be shared with their school/district.
  • (1) Spirit Award Winner – This award is given to the nominee whose community demonstrates the most support for their nomination. The winner will receive $5,000 to be shared with their school/district.
  • (1) Spotlight Award Winner – This award is given to a nominee in a specific discipline each year. For 2019-20, the Spotlight Award will be given to a nominee who has made a proven impact on school safety.  The winner will receive $5,000 to be shared with their school or district.

Winners are announced via surprise award ceremonies held at their schools. The grand prize finalists will also be honored at a national awards ceremony in April 2020 in Florida, where the Grand Prize Winner will be revealed.

Winners are chosen by a selection committee comprised of former winners and education professionals. Nominees must be K-12 teachers or school district employees. To be considered for an award, nominees must

  • Make a positive impact in the lives of students
  • Enhance their school or district’s atmosphere, culture and pride
  • Demonstrate exemplary leadership at the school and/or district level
  • Possess a proven record of professional excellence
  • Show commitment to building a nurturing environment that supports learning
  • Adhere to the highest moral and ethical standards

A resource page with ideas for how to celebrate nominees can be found at

To view Mrs. Babcock and Ms. Murphy’s LifeChanger of the Year nominee profiles, or to nominate someone from your school community, visit

Alumni Highlight: Rainbow Chen

Rainbow Chen

Rainbow Chen

WHS Class of 2017

As my summer comes to an end, I wanted to reflect on one of the most exciting and life-changing summers of my life. Last Friday, I finished my 11-week internship in Senator Bernie Sanders’ office as a Legislative Intern and all I can say is that I’m truly thankful for the educators and mentors in my lifetime that have brought me here and taught me skills and knowledge on how to navigate Washington, DC in a fascinating point of American history.

Although the government functions quite differently from what we are taught in schools, I hope that I can take this experience and share with peers, mentees, and future students on how our voices can be heard on the federal level. I’ve had an adventure of a lifetime in this internship of being able to work directly with Vermont constituents, conduct research for upcoming bills, write important hearing and briefing notes for staffers, and work in a team of fellow interns with similar drives as myself to see equity for all people. As a constituent of Vermont, it’s been an absolute honor and privilege to serve my state at such a level I couldn’t have imagined myself doing just a year ago. I can’t wait to see what’s next!

#educationforfuture #politics #policy #internship #senate #equity #vermont

AOE Awards Equity Literacy Grants to Vermont School Districts

In order to address the inequities experienced by historically disadvantaged students in school, Winooski School District is joining three other districts in the Chittenden County region, Champlain Valley School District, Colchester School District, and South Burlington School District, to engage in a collaborative opportunity to improve equity for all children. The collective focus for this grant is on equity literacy with the goal of moving from an understanding of inequity to sustainable action and a culture of equity. While our districts have different levels of readiness and needs, we share a commitment to address inequities together. We will work collaboratively to build capacity for staff to have a common understanding of equity literacy by sending district-based teams to Courageous Conversations: Beyond Diversity training series, bringing information back to inform school-based trainings, and attending a regional stakeholder meeting. Teams will assess equity literacy growth and understanding using a common pre-post assessment tool. The districts propose a common purpose, focus, and set of goals and measurements that will improve understanding and actions for staff and lead to improved outcomes for students. Read more about the Equity Literacy grant here.

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Winooski Schools: Blurring Lines Between School, College, Career, and the Community

High School to Transcend School Walls to Help all Learners
Achieve 21st-Century Definition of Student Success

Winooski, VT, July 24, 2019 – Winooski School District (WSD) has been awarded a $500,000 grant, spread out over three years, from the Barr Foundation for the implementation of a redesigned school model for Winooski Middle High School aimed at creating a Wider Learning Ecosystem (WLE). 

Through the WLE grant, Winooski School District leaders will put into action a flexible, student-centered school model that blends the lines between school, college, career, and community. 

What does that mean for Winooski students? Kate Grodin, Co-Principal of Winooski Middle High School, explains: “The Barr grant is going to allow us to deepen our transformational efforts to make our school supportive and engaging for all learners. We will continue to explore community partnerships at a variety of different levels – bringing the community into the school, such as guest speakers and visitors to share their work, and bringing students out into the community to do fieldwork and internships. We are hoping to respond to the students’ desire for a well-balanced “variety pack” of experiences with this grant work.” 

WSD has already been incorporating student-driven, field study experiences into different programs, and the students’ responses speak volumes. On a recent trip to Rubenstein Ecosystem Science Laboratory, incoming 9th grader, Aden Jelle, shares his excitement about the day’s project: fish dissection. “It was so interesting seeing all the parts of the fish, I’ve never done that, never looked inside a body,” he said of the experience. “I was interested in this because I would like to be a cardiologist and want to learn how bodies work so I can help people.”

WSD student Aden Jelle, 14, at Rubenstein Ecosystem Science Laboratory (7/19)

Barr Foundation has a strong interest in supporting high school students with individualized, student-centered, flexible pathways to post-secondary success. “We are excited to continue our partnership with Winooski School District through the Wider Learning Ecosystem cohort,” said Jenny Curtin, the Barr Foundation’s Senior Program Officer for Education. “Winooski’s educators and students have committed to launching a redesigned high school experience that leverages community assets as part of the core experience for all students.”

A portion of the funds will be used to hire a Community-Based Learning Coach, as well as a Coordinator to manage the logistics of the fieldwork opportunities and internships for students. The funds will also support professional development, and an Innovation Fund, which will be available to teachers and students through a proposal process. 

Sean McMannon, WSD Superintendent, is enthusiastic about the possibilities the grant opens up, “We can start with a student’s passion, and then look for ways to help them develop that passion by utilizing the tremendous expertise in our community, the organizations and businesses that are already doing the things that the students are interested in learning about. 

Learning and student growth work best when the whole community is involved, not just within a traditional classroom setting.” 

Superintendent McMannon also believes not only Winooski students will benefit from this new model focusing on out of the classroom experiences, stating, “We might be able to help solve problems for some of our local businesses and nonprofits – getting students’ perspectives can bring fresh ideas and innovative solutions.”



Back-to-School BBQ

Back-to-School BBQ is almost here, We hope to see you this year!

Thursday, August 22, 2019 at 5:30 PM – 7 PM
@ Winooski School District, 60 Normand Street, Winooski, VT 05404

Friday, March 8, 2019

Dear Families, Welcome back! I hope that everyone had a relaxing week off. It was great to see all of the students return on Tuesday! Next Friday, March 15th, is our PTO sponsored Fun Fair. The Fun Fair beings at 4:30 and ends at 6:30. Each year this is a fantastic...

Friday, February 22, 2019

Dear Families, It  has been another wonderful week of learning at JFK Elementary. Our second graders are learning all about sound with a focus on music. Students are building their own instruments to learn about how sound is created. Our 5th graders are doing science...

Friday, February 15, 2019

Dear Families, Happy 100th day of school! Today marks the 100th day that students have been in school this year. Students and teachers celebrated this in developmentally appropriate ways today. Some grade levels spent the day working on the number 100, while some just...

Friday, February 8, 2019

Dear Families, It is so fantastic to have to students back in the building after our unexpected long weekend. The WSD staff, along with All Seasons Excavating, worked very hard to get our students back into the building on Wednesday, ensuring that we had a safe...

Friday, February 1, 2019

Friday, February 1, 2019 Dear Families, As you know, there is no school today due to a water main break. We currently have people working on the problem. If you drive by school, you will see the heavy equipment in the parking lot digging away! The Big Change Roundup...

January 25, 2019

Friday, January 25, 2019 Dear Families, As you know, the water main break earlier in the week effected the school. On Thursday, the area from the Main Lobby over to JFK was completely turned off while the City was trying to find the leak on Main & Tigan.  The City...

Friday, January 18, 2019

Dear Families, It has been another busy, and cold, week at JFK! Please remember to dress your students for the weather. Students are arriving at school without coats some days. Remember that we go outside if the feels like temperature is at or above 10 degrees....

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