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District Communications

District communications including weekly updates, COVID-19 & more.

March 12, 2020: Update from Sean McMannon, Superintendent

WSD Staff & Families, as you know the COVID-19 situation has evolved rapidly.  WSD still has no confirmed cases of the virus. There is a confirmed case in Chittenden County. Out of an abundance of caution and concern for our high-risk community members, including older adults and anyone with chronic (long-lasting) medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes or lung disease, we have compiled a status list below of upcoming events. We used guidance from the Department of Health (DOH) and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to make decisions about postponing, cancelling or continuing with events.  This list is for the next two weeks and will be updated as needed. Also, I have included some information about school closure and student attendance.

School Closure Planning

School will remain open for regularly scheduled PreK-12 classes, 21C after school activities, THRIVE and school-sponsored athletics and clubs.  The VT Agency of Education (VTAOE) has issued guidance on school closure and we will continue to work with the VTAOE and the Department of Health (DOH) on this topic.

In the event of school closure we will continue to provide food service and are working on a plan to provide access to  appropriate learning resources for all students in the event of school closure.

Student Attendance

I have received many questions about what will happen if a parent/guardian keeps their student(s) out of school.  We respect the decision of parents/guardians to do what they believe is best for their student(s). We are required by law to keep attendance records and will continue to log all absences.  Parents/guardians will continue to receive 5-10-15-20 day absence letters. At the 20 day absence point we need to make a referral to the State’s Attorney. We will include in the referral the dates of absences and what we know about why the student was absent.  Also, I have requested guidance from the State’s Attorney office and I believe they will provide direction to us about how to approach this in a reasonable manner given the circumstances.

Status of Upcoming Events

  1. JFK 3rd Grade Field Trip to Shelburne Farms: CANCELLED
  2. JFK Fun Fair, Friday, March 13th, 4:30-6:30pm: POSTPONED
  3. Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest, Saturday, March 13th: CANCELLED
  4. WHS Advisory Representative Retreat at Rock Point in Burlington, Sunday & Monday, March 15-16: POSTPONED
  5. WMHS Band, Chorus & Orchestra Performance, Tuesday, March 17th: POSTPONED
  6. Winooski Youth Wellness & Substance Use Prevention Forum: A Community Conversation, Wednesday, March 18th, 6:00 – 8:00pm: POSTPONED
  7. JFK 2nd Grade Field Trip to Flynn Theater, Wednesday, March 18th: CANCELLED
  8. WHS College Pathways Thursday, March 19th: CANCELLED
  9. WMHS Parent/Teacher Conferences, Thursday, March 19, 12-8pm: CONTINUE AS SCHEDULED
  10. WMHS Parent/Teacher Conferences, Friday, March 20, 12-3pm: CONTINUE AS SCHEDULED
  11. Winooski Talent Show Dress Rehearsal, Friday, March 20: POSTPONED
  12. VT Drama Festival in Montpelier, Saturday, March 21st: CANCELLED
  13. JFK 1st Grade Field Trip to Flynn Theater, Monday, March 23rd: CANCELLED
  14. WHS Science Field Trip to ECHO Center, Tuesday, March 24th: CANCELLED
  15. WMS ELL Field Trip to Cairns Arena, Wednesday, March 25th: CANCELLED
  16. WHS Science Field Trip-Winooski River Sampling, Thursday, March 26th: CONTINUE AS SCHEDULED
  17. Winooski Talent Show Performance, Friday, March 27th, 6:30pm: POSTPONED
  18. New England Regional CYO Basketball Tournament, Friday, March 27-Sunday, March 29th: CANCELLED

Lastly, PLEASE continue to take these everyday preventive actions to help stop the spread of germs:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

  • Stay home when you are sick.

  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

Thanks, Sean McMannon
– WSD Superintendent

Who We Are – a WMS Art Exhibit

Winooski middle school students exhibit, Who We Are, shares many of our students’ unique identities, backgrounds, and interests with the community through imaginative self-portraits. Students studied the Surrealist art movement in order to integrate fantastical, Surrealist qualities into their self-portraits. This integration of Surrealism into our self-portraiture unit gave students the freedom to express themselves more creatively, and the resulting portraits are beautifully varied and original. We are thrilled to show more of our students’ personalities and artistic talent through yet another exhibit at Scout & Co., and are so grateful for their partnership and support of our young artists! The Who We Are exhibit will be on display through the month of March.

March 10, 2020: Update from Sean McMannon, Superintendent

WSD Families & Staff, I was notified late Monday night that three of our students and two parents stayed in a hotel in Boston over the weekend and later found out that there were confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the hotel two weeks prior to their stay. Parents kept their students home today (Tuesday), and consulted with their primary care physician (PCP) and the Dept. of Health (DOH). Parents agreed to update our Health Office after consulting with health professionals. None of the students are presenting with symptoms and were told by their PCP that they can return to school.  One of the parents is presenting symptoms and has self-quarantined.  I will keep you posted as much as possible given health confidentiality (HIPPA).

A few important reminders and resources:

  1. Upcoming planned events at WSD such as the Fun Fair, Free Throw Contest and Talent Show will continue as planned but could change.  I will do my very best to provide timely information and decision-making about these events.
  2. Take these everyday preventive actions to help stop the spread of germs (Stop the Spread of Germs poster):
    • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
    • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
    • Stay home when you are sick.
    • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
    • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  3. Who is at Higher Risk?  Early information out of China, where COVID-19 first started, shows that some people are at higher risk of getting very sick from this illness. This includes:
    • Older adults
    • People who have serious chronic medical conditions like:
      • Heart disease
      • Diabetes
      • Lung disease
    • If a COVID-19 outbreak happens in your community, it could last for a long time. (An outbreak is when a large number of people suddenly get sick.) Depending on how severe the outbreak is, public health officials may recommend community actions to reduce people’s risk of being exposed to COVID-19. These actions can slow the spread and reduce the impact of disease.
    • If you are at higher risk for serious illness from COVID-19 because of your age or because you have a serious long-term health problem, it is extra important for you to take actions to reduce your risk of getting sick with the disease.
  4. You can keep up to date with the latest here:

Thanks, Sean McMannon
– WSD Superintendent

Youth Wellness & Substance Use Prevention Forum

Winooski Youth Wellness & Substance Use Prevention Forum: A Community Conversation

Wednesday, March 18 from 6 – 8 PM at the Winooski School District Cafeteria

Did you know in 2017, a quarter of Winooski High School students thought there was little to no risk from binge drinking every weekend and 50 percent thought similarly about regular marijuana use? But in fact, research shows both negatively impact young people’s developing brains.

Let’s join together as a community to discuss how we can ensure all youth get the support they need to make healthy choices.

The forum will include a FREE COMMUNITY MEAL and CHILD CARE. The program includes presentations and discussion about youth substance use prevention and identifying next steps for the community. Translation services in Nepali, Swahili, Arabic, Vietnamese, Burmese and Mai Mai will be available.

The community forum is sponsored by the Winooski Partnership for Prevention, City of Winooski, Winooski School District, and United Way of Northwest Vermont Chittenden County Opioid Alliance.

Our FY’21 Budget Passed. Thank you, Winooski!

Strong schools need strong community support.
That’s why we are so glad to have the continued support of our community. On Town Meeting Day Winooski taxpayers proved they believe providing a high-quality education to all children in our community is vital to our collective success.
With the approval of the FY’21 school budget, we will continue to ensure all students graduate from WSD college and career ready at a cost supported by a majority of the Winooski community. Our students are the future.
The WSD school board composition remains as strong as ever, as both Board President, Mike Decarreau, and Board Member, Tori Cleiland, were re-elected.
We are also glad to announce that the City of Winooski budget also passed.
Results below. Thank you, Winooski!
Article IV: Federal Budget
YES 1895
NO 248
Article V: Operating Budget
YES 1508
NO  640
City Budget
YES 1495
NO 666

Friday, September 20, 2019

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Becoming An American: The Road to Citizenship

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Friday, September 13, 2019

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Justice Palmer, Class of 2017

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Cathy Bray

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Friday, September 6, 2019

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Friday, August 30, 2019

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