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District Communications

District communications including weekly updates, COVID-19 & more.

Art Across the Year

Our Winooski Middle School students have worked hard in Visual Arts this year to produce artwork of incredible quality and depth. During this strange period of remote learning and social distancing, we are unable to gather in a physical space to view and celebrate their artistic accomplishments. However, in lieu of an in-person art exhibition, we are thrilled to present this virtual exhibition featuring over 120 works of student art! We hope you will take some time to move through these virtual gallery spaces and view the wide array of artworks created this year by our extremely talented Winooski middle schoolers.

Thank you to Exhibbit for the generous donation of this virtual gallery space, and their support of our young artists!

Gallery Links:

Digital Safety and Wellbeing: Tackling Difficult Conversations in the Digital Age

Children and youth today spend an average of 53 hours a week with entertainment media, more than any other activity but sleeping – and that was before the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s no surprise then that young people today are navigating the ups and downs of learning, relationships, kindness, and cruelty in both offline and online spaces. In this interactive and energizing webinar, Erin Walsh will explain how technology is changing the ways that children and youth grow up, socialize, and make decisions. She will cut through conflicting messages and walk through the latest evidence on topics like cyberbullying, online cruelty and how to cultivate focus amidst a sea of online distractions. Participants will leave with practical tools and strategies for tackling difficult conversations, building trust, and being the media mentor that kids desperately need to make better decisions online.

Participants will explore questions like:  

  •  How can parents help prevent, address, and respond to cyberbullying?
  • What do parents need to know about the latest apps?
  • Should I be monitoring my child online?
  • What can I do at home to nurture my child’s digital wellbeing?
  • Can kids really multitask? How do I help them focus?

May 21st, 6:30-8:00 PM: Presentation and Q&A focused on grades K-5. (Attend Via Zoom: )

May 28th, 6:30-8:00 PM: Presentation and Q&A focused on grades 6-12. (Attend Via Zoom: )

Updates: May 4, 2020

Winooski School District will hold our final round of learning material distribution on Wednesday May 6th from 9-10am at the site closest to your child’s home.
When you pick up materials please stay six feet away from others in line, wear a cloth face covering, and remember to wash your hands before leaving the house and when you get back home. 

Meals will be available for pick-up that day, as well. Visit our meal distribution webpage for a reminder about our new meal schedule, breakfast and lunch menus, as well as safe pick-up procedures. 

Keep Winooski Safe
Recently, we have had several conversations with local residents who are concerned about Winooski students playing together on basketball courts, soccer fields and playgrounds. 

It is very important that you remind your child(ren) that they must follow directions from Governor Phil Scott and the Vermont Department of Health. The COVID-19 virus spreads very easily and can make anyone sick. Some people can spread the virus without even knowing they are sick. Please help keep everyone safe by asking your child to stay home and socialize with their friends on the phone and online. We all have an important role to play in fighting this deadly virus. 

Brava to Sara Poland: JFK Music Teacher with a lot of HEART!
Mrs. Poland’s online music class was featured in this sweet report by NBC5. Watch the video here. 

You still have time to order a 2019/20 JFK Yearbook.
MHS yearbooks have already been ordered.
JFK and WMHS yearbooks will be distributed later this year. 

Kindergarten Registration
We are waiting for guidance from the Vermont Agency of Education about how to safely conduct student screenings and complete the school registration process. Please contact JFK registrar, Linda Casier ([email protected]) if you would like to be on the list to receive kindergarten registration information as soon as it is available. 

We are expecting guidance from the Vermont Agency of Education about how to plan for this year’s graduation celebration by the end of this week. Our students and staff are also planning special ways to recognize this major milestone.

Stay Home, Stay Appreciative
May 4th – 8th is staff appreciation week. We need your help to recognize the amazing work our staff does every day, from our custodians and meal service providers, to instructional assistants and teachers. Here are some ideas: 

  • Take a video of your student telling a school staff member what they like about them and share via email. 
  • Mail a note to a WSD staff member at school, and we’ll make sure they get it: WSD, 60 Normand Street, Winooski VT 05404. Please be sure to write “Attention JFK” or “Attention WMHS” on the envelope. 
  • Send an email to an adult at school thanking them for something they do for students each day. Remember to think about all district employees, especially those that do work “behind-the-scenes”. 
  • Here is a list of JFK staff members, their roles, and their emails and here is a list of Middle High School teachers and staff

Taking a few moments to thank someone will brighten their day! 

From Winooski, With Love
Display a green heart in your window to say “From Winooski, With Love!’  This is one way we can all spread a little joy to our friends, neighbors, first responders, and frontline workers. Cut out a heart from paper or challenge yourself with other materials and formats. Let your creativity shine! From downtown businesses to neighborhood homes and apartments, we can’t wait to see green hearts everywhere until there can be no mistaking that Winooski has heart and we are in this together, apart. We will be distributing hearts for your children to color and display at Wednesday’s material distribution!

WSD Welcomes Nicole Mace as Finance Manager

Nicole Mace will be joining the Winooski School District (WSD) as Finance Manager. Her first day is Monday, May 4.

Nicole worked for eight years at the Vermont School Boards Association (VSBA), first as the General Counsel and then as Executive Director. Last year she left her position with the VSBA to practice law with a private firm that represents school districts in Vermont. While she was looking forward to practicing law, when the finance manager position opened up, she felt she had to apply.

Nicole Mace - Winooski School District“I knew I wouldn’t have another opportunity like this, to be part of such a wonderful team,” said Nicole. “So I went for it.”

Nicole is a long-time Winooski resident, and her daughter, Olive, attends JFK Elementary. Nicole served on the Winooski City Council for four years and was briefly mayor. Throughout her career she has proved herself as a tireless advocate for equity through sound public policy.

“We are very excited and fortunate to welcome Nicole into the WSD team! She brings proven leadership, vision and financial skills to our organization combined with a deep understanding of the Winooski schools and the broader community,” said WSD Superintendent Sean McMannon. “I have known Nicole for several years and admired her ability to analyze complex educational challenges in a clear, collaborative manner with an eye on student-centered results.”

Nicole will be filling the vacant position left by Rebecca Goulet, who served the WSD with integrity and persistence for more than two decades. We asked Nicole a few questions so we could all get to know her better.

What did you do before you came to WSD?

I have spent my career dedicated to the firm belief that all Vermont students should have access to high quality educational opportunities that will equip them with the knowledge and skills they need for success in career, citizenship, and life. I started out as an Instructional Assistant at Essex High School in 1999, and since then have worked in a variety of different roles in public education and human services.

Most recently, I had the pleasure of serving the Vermont School Boards Association (VSBA). I oversaw all aspects of the organization – finance, policy, personnel, member services, and advocacy – while reporting to a 23-member board of directors and managing a staff of four and more than a dozen consultants serving approximately 1,400 school board members across the state.

Providing strong fiscal oversight and budget management was a key focus of my work as Executive Director. Understanding Vermont’s education funding and finance system was also a big piece of my job at the VSBA. In my work delivering training and support to school board members, I developed an ability to translate Vermont’s extremely complicated system to school board members and communities, so that they understood how decisions at the local level regarding budgets and investments translate into statewide and local tax rate impacts. I also developed substantial technical expertise in special education funding, and familiarity with the various state and federal grant programs that school districts are accountable to.

You clearly have impressive leadership experience understanding and explaining Vermont’s education funding system but this will be the first time you manage day-to-day school district financial operations. Are you excited about learning certain aspects of your new role? How are you handling the transition?

While I believe my experience at the state level regarding education finance and policy will be useful in terms of understanding the fiscal pressures and policies that WSD will have to navigate, I am most excited about developing and applying my skills “in the real world” of a school district. Thanks to Rebecca Goulet’s years of dedicated service and leadership at WSD, I know there are strong systems and procedures in place to ensure WSD’s resources are protected and well-managed. I am excited to learn those systems, and to work with the other members of the finance and leadership teams to identify opportunities to strengthen and improve them. While I do not have prior work history as a school finance manager, I am fortunate to have a substantial network of colleagues around the state whom I could call upon for support if needed.

Transitions are always challenging, but I honestly feel like coming to work at WSD is a bit like coming home. I have been very involved with the community and WSD for many years, and have built friendships with many folks who I will now be proud to call colleagues. Plus, the commute is going to be awesome!

What do you hope to accomplish in your first year with WSD?

I hope to build a solid foundation of knowledge of the financial systems and procedures, establish strong relationships with the leadership team and faculty and staff, and support Superintendent McMannon and the WSD School Board with good information and analysis as they navigate what promises to be a challenging fiscal environment due to the economic crisis caused by COVID-19.

What is your proudest accomplishment?

My proudest accomplishment was being part of a team that advocated for changes to Vermont law that would require private, independent schools that accept public education dollars to serve students with disabilities. It was a long and difficult process, but ultimately, the Legislature included that requirement as part of Act 173 of 2018.

I’m also pretty proud of an animated video we created at the VSBA that explains Vermont’s education funding system. Many said it could not be done, but we did it (and it’s only 15 minutes long!)

What do you do for fun?

I love to go for walks in the Gilbrook Nature Preserve with my dog and my daughter. Did you know that fairies live there? I also love to read and to cook (and eat!). And these days, I love my neighborhood dance party every night at 6 pm, courtesy of Joe Smith.

Why do you heart Winooski?

When I was on the Winooski City Council, I was fond of saying that Winooski is a small city with a big heart. It is so true – we are a small, close community that looks out for one another. We are not perfect, and we do not always agree, but we are always striving to be better and do better for one another. Plus, we love to have fun!

April 26, 2020: Continuity of Learning

Dear WSD families,

We hope you and your family are healthy and had a restful April break.

School is starting back on Monday, and we are moving from the Maintenance of Learning to the Continuity of Learning, meaning that students will be introduced to new content and skills. We wanted to share some information about what to expect.  

Remember, this is new for everyone. Show your children and yourself compassion and understanding as we all adapt to this new environment. Keeping our schools closed to stem the spread of the COVID-19 virus is truly a matter of life-and-death. This life-and-death perspective offers us a chance to evaluate what is most important in our lives. Focus on staying connected and keeping everyone mentally and physically healthy. Schoolwork, while important, should not increase stress in your or your child’s life. Please keep that in mind as we move forward together. 

The information below is specific to the Winooski School District Continuity of Learning (COL) plan as a whole. Students’ individualized schedules and learning plans have been communicated through their teachers. 

Parent/Guardian Expectations:

  • Be your child’s biggest fan – you are not expected to be their teachers. 

  • Partner with teachers to keep your child on track.

  • Encourage your child to engage with their assigned learning activities.

  • Communicate with teachers and principals as needed.

  • Develop a schedule with your child that leaves plenty of time for schoolwork, play, and relaxation. Here are our suggestions for the ideal middle school schedule checklist (and video), and the ideal high school schedule checklist (and video).

The Vermont Agency of Education has useful information about this new phase of learning for families. You can find suggestions about how to engage children and keep them thinking, how to design a home learning environment, as well as resources for families of children with disabilities. Read more on their website:

Continuity of Learning Guidelines for Families/Guardians

Guidelines for parents of students in grades 6-12.

Guidelines for parents of students in grades PreK – 5. 


In accordance with Vermont statute, we will track and record student attendance. Our expectation is that students will check in with their teachers and engage with their learning on a daily basis while school is in session.

WSD is maintaining our 2019/20 school calendar. May 25th is the next vacation day. No attendance will be taken that day. The last day of school for students will be June 12th.


Our goal is to design learning so that it is meaningful and engaging for all students so they remain motivated and confident. 

Our remote learning goals are focused on three areas:

  • Connection – keeping students connected with each other and their teachers

  • Health and Wellness – supporting and developing social, emotional and physical health and wellness of students during this period

  • Academic learning – focusing on the concepts and skills that are most critical to moving onto the next grade level successfully or preparing high school graduates to be college and career ready as determined by our Graduate Proficiencies (GP) and Graduate eXpectations (GX).

Special Education

Individualized Continuity of Learning Plans for students on Individual Education Plans have been sent home. Please contact your student’s special educator if you have questions about your student’s plan. 


Every student K-12 has access to a Chromebook or iPad (as of 4/17). Please review our Expectations for Online Meetings for Students for more information about WSD technology standards. If your student has issues with their device, please review our Troubleshooting Guide.

Learning Assessment 

Across the WSD, teachers and administrators have developed a system to ensure students are still learning to the best of their ability during this period of school closure and state-wide quarantine. 

The elementary school grade level teams will assess all students weekly in either math, reading and writing or phonics. Lessons will focus on the standards critical for students to move onto the next grade level.

Middle and high school teachers have planned critical proficiencies and learning activities for each student. They have also developed performance assessments that will show whether students have reached these proficiencies. 

We recognize that this period is challenging for everyone. Teachers and staff will continue to work with each family to make sure children have the support they need to succeed. Do not stress about grades, as long as students participate when required, their targeted proficiency outcome (grades) will not decline. 

You can find more information and resources on our website:

As always, please contact our district at [email protected] or 802-655-0485 if you have questions or concerns. 

Thank you,

Emily Hecker

WSD Communications and Development Director

Keshab Bista – graduated 2016

I wanted to share this very powerful and intimate essay Keshab Bista wrote about our relationship from middle school. Keshab was an outstanding middle school student on Team Journey, and I believe this essay (he is now a senior in Ohio) reflects how impactful the...

Friday, February 7, 2020

Dear Families, Our annual Big Change roundup contest has begun! The Big Change Roundup is run by WOKO and the Vermont Children’s Hospital every year. All of the money raised goes to the Vermont Children’s Hospital and is used to support children and their families....

Friday, January 31, 2020

Dear Families, February is Black History Month. Shouldn’t this be celebrated everyday as an embedded part of what we do? In short, it should be. In reality, it isn’t always. The majority white culture of Vermont does not lend itself to People of Color being...

Kate Violette (O’Brien), graduated in 2004

What are you up to these days? After graduating from Providence College in 2008 with a major in English and Secondary Education, I was hired as a high school English teacher. I am in my 12th year of teaching and also serve as an advisor for the school's Student...

Friday, January 24, 2020

Dear Families, As we end January, and round into February, the winter JFK assessment window for students is open. At JFK, we have a comprehensive local assessment plan to progress monitor our students growth. For reading, we assess students using the Fountas &...

Friday, January 17, 2020

Dear Families, Tonight is the PTO sponsored Family Disco! We hope to see everyone there tonight and highly encourage fun costumes! Remember, students that come must be accompanied by an adult for supervision. Another fantastic event that the PTO sponsors is the Annual...

Friday, January 10, 2020

Dear Families, Everyone is back, and school is in full swing again. The winter weather is here with yesterday being a very cold day. The rule at JFK is that students go outside for recess unless the feels like temperature is 10 degrees or below. Please send your...

Friday, January 3, 2020

Dear Families, Welcome to 2020! I hope that everyone had a wonderful break and was able to ring in the New Year surrounded by people you love. The staff was back January 2nd ready to welcome students back and excited to start their learning in the New Year. January...

March 1, 2020: Information from Sean McMannon, Superintendent

WSD Families & Staff, as you are well aware, there has been an outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel or new coronavirus (COVID-19).  As of March 12, 2020 there are two confirmed cases of novel coronavirus in Vermont.  The VT Department of Health is the...

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We will try to address your need as fast as we can!
Contact us at [email protected] or fill out the following form.

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