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District Communications

District communications including weekly updates, COVID-19 & more.

COVID-19 Testing Continues in Winooski 6/15/20 – 6/19/20

The Vermont Department of Health, in partnership with Community Health Centers of Burlington, continues to offer COVID-19 testing in Winooski from 6/15/20 – 6/19/20. Testing is free and available to anyone – registration is encouraged but walk-ups are welcomed. Anyone without symptoms who wants to get tested for COVID-19. People with symptoms should call their doctors. The test will tell you if you have a current infection. It is not a serology/antibody test, which means it will not tell you if you were infected in the past. Children under the age of 12 months cannot be tested.

Testing Schedule:

O’Brien Community Center (32 Malletts Bay Ave)

To register, visit *

*The Vermont Department of Health is aware of an email error in the registration system regarding signing up multiple people at once (in reference to “attendee emails” – the system will only allow that email to be added once per event). If you need assistance with this error, registrants can:

  • Call 2-1-1 or 802 828 2828 for registration assistance
  • use a fake attendee email for the other family members

School Board Statement on George Floyd’s Murder

There is a George Floyd in every city in America.  

Our hearts break for George Floyd’s family, friends and community. Our hearts break for our country. Our hearts break for our students – who have inherited a system founded on racism and injustice. 

The Winooski school community vehemently condemns the mental and physical violence directed at People of Color in the United States. As an organization, the Winooski Board of School Directors firmly believe that everyone should be afforded their inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The abhorrent killing of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and many, many others demonstrates that we are utterly failing to uphold our country’s founding principles in the Black community.

The condemnation is easy. What is much harder is knowing what to do now. We may not be able to solve the country’s problems, but we can take ownership of what happens in Winooski and its school district. 

Our Board of Trustees vows to:

  • Build trust with marginalized communities, truly listening to the voices that are often left unheard. 
  • Be vigilant and consistent in dealing with racism in any form.
  • Require that all of our students and staff are treated fairly and equally.
  • Examine our policies and practices to ensure that we are truly meeting our ends statement for all. 
  • Require measurable equity progress, as shown by data that is based not just on students’ academic achievements but also on connection to our community and school. 
  • Ensure everyone in our learning community has access to bias and equity training.
  • Educate our students to be allies in ending discrimination.
  • Empower our students of color to speak up for themselves and others. 
  • Hold ourselves to high standards of accountability to our community in meeting these equity goals. 

We are the board of the most diverse school district in Vermont. WSD has the highest percentage of students who identify as Black within the second whitest state in the United States. We have a profound responsibility to our students and their families to do better.

We also recognize that many of our students are discovering racism since they moved to our country for safety. Tragically, our students are quickly learning that the U.S. does not, in fact, guarantee safety to people who look like them.

We might not be able to end institutional racism across America. But we can try to end racism in Winooski. Providing an equitable education to our students is the best tool we have to accomplish this goal. We will ask our students: What do you want from your future and how do we get you there? They will see their dreams and goals reflected in our policies, practices and course offerings.

The School Board of Winooski Schools is committed to providing this equitable education. We, the Winooski School Board of Trustees, call on the community of Winooski to stand with us in combating racism in all its forms to ensure each of our students are truly afforded their inalienable rights.

In solidarity,

  • Michael Decarreau, WSD School Board President
  • Margaret Bass, WSD School Board Member
  • Tori Cleiland, WSD School Board Member
  • Matthew MacNeil, School WSD Board Member
  • Alex Yin, WSD School Board Member

Message about the Killing of George Floyd

The Winooski School District Leadership Team wants to express our deep sadness and outrage at George Floyd’s death, yet another Black person killed because of the systemic racism inherent in our nation. 

We understand that despite the long history of racism and injustice in our country and in our schools, Families of Color continue to entrust us with their precious children’s education. We must be worthy of their trust. These are some of the ways we are trying to combat racism in ourselves and our schools:

  • A group has been reviewing our hiring procedures and drafting a hiring statement for the active recruitment of teachers of color. We are prepared to back this work with financial resources.
  • We are committed to offering a safe space for our students to process their emotions and express their voices – through art, video activism, and letter writing.
  • We are training our staff to help facilitate these challenging conversations with our students.

Over the last few years, educators at the Winooski School District have begun the journey of engaging in courageous conversations together about race and equity through different types of professional development. There is much more for us to do. It is moments like this that highlight why this work is so important and it must serve as a catalyst for promoting change in our community so we can expand this important work.

 We recognize the need to develop a clear vision and action plan for moving our school community’s equity work ahead. This work will take shape over the course of the next school year.  We are organizing informal equity dialogues over the summer to begin this process. If you would like to participate in these groups please email Kirsten Kollgaard at [email protected].

In solidarity,

  • Sara Raabe, JFK Elementary Principal
  • Kate Grodin, WMHS Co-Principal
  • Jean Berthiaume, WMHS Co-Principal
  • Kirsten Kollgaard, Director of ELL & Curriculum
  • Robin Hood, Director of Support Services & Early Learning
  • Nicole Mace, Finance Manager
  • Sean McMannon, Superintendent


Winooski Outbreak Update

From the Vermont Department of Health:

Health Commissioner Mark Levine, MD together with City of Winooski leaders, will hold a press conference Friday at 9:30 a.m. at Winooski City Hall to give an update to the community about the recent outbreak of COVID-19.

The Health Department today reported 34 positive cases of COVID-19 that are thought to be associated with the outbreak in Winooski.

Since Monday, the Health Department has worked with the city and Community Health Centers of Burlington to offer testing at the O’Brien Community Center every day this week, and those testing opportunities will continue. As of Wednesday afternoon, 271 people had been tested at the Winooski site.

As additional specimens are collected, health officials expect to see additional positive test results.

“We understand the fear and uncertainty that people in the community are feeling,” said Dr. Levine. “And we understand that every community has unique and diverse needs. We have been working closely with city leaders, community partners, and service organizations to make sure that the people of Winooski get the information, care, and supports they need to help prevent the spread of the disease, and to keep their community safe.”

Dr. Levine said these types of outbreaks are part of the nature of infectious diseases. “This is not a breakdown of the core actions that have helped to flatten the curve,” said Dr. Levine. “We expect outbreaks, but we are prepared to contain them. Our contact tracers work hard to find out who is at risk and reaching out to them so we can take steps to slow down the spread of disease. This is the public health work we do every day.”

All Vermonters are urged to continue to practice critical public health measures such as wearing masks, limiting close interactions, and hand washing. Officials also encourage people to keep a diary of contacts to help in the event contact tracers need to find others who might be at risk.

“As we are seeing all over the world, COVID-19 is can have a huge impact on people, families and our communities,” Dr. Levine said. “We appreciate everything Vermonters have done to slow the spread of this disease and keep other people safe, including the many people who are impacted by this outbreak.” Additional dates have been added for Winooski residents to get tested for COVID-19 at the O’Brien Community Center, 32 Mallets Bay Avenue in Winooski. Sign up for an appointment and get more information at:, or call 2-1-1.

Getting Tested and Understanding Your COVID-19 Test Results

Getting Tested for COVID-19 – Vermont Multilingual Taskforce Videos
Arabic | French | Kirundi | Maay Maay | Nepali | Somali | Swahili | Spanish | Vietnamese

Understanding Your COVID-19 Test Results
Translated to: Arabic Chinese Nepali | English Somali | Swahili  other languages coming soon

What Parents Can Expect – Child Care and School Age Camps/Care
Arabic Burmese English French Kirundi Nepali Somali Spanish

March 25, 2020: Meal Distribution for March 25

Dear Winooski Families, While Governor Scott has issued a “stay home, stay safe” order, effective 5pm today (March 25), Winooski School District will still be serving meals to all children ages 18 and under. Meals can be picked up at any of the three meal distribution...

March 25, 2020: Additional Food Resources

Dear Winooski Families, We want to keep you informed about local resources to help support your family during these difficult times. As information is coming quickly and the situation changes frequently, we appreciate your patience with our numerous communications. If...

March 23, 2020: Message from the Department of Health

We have new translations on COVID-19 in 11 languages on our webpage: in the “Translated Materials” section. Below is a shortcut to the documents: What You Need to Know About Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)...

Meal Distribution

Meal Distribution Distribution Information & InstructionsStudent Meal Kits this SummerOur district is participating in the Summer Food Service Program, which will start Wednesday, June 16. Every child in Winooski, aged 0-18, is eligible for one meal kit which has...

March 17, 2020: Update about student meal distribution

The Winooski School District (WSD) is committed to strengthening our community by providing healthy and well-balanced meals to all of our students year-round.  As has been announced, WSD schools and afterschool programs will be closed to students starting Wednesday,...

March 16, 2020: Update from Sean McMannon, Superintendent

WSD Families & Staff, just a quick communication to keep everyone updated: WSD is open tomorrow, Tuesday, March 17th for all PreK-12 students.  No student is required to attend school tomorrow.  21C Afterschool and Thrive programs will be open tomorrow. Starting...

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