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District Communications

District communications including weekly updates, COVID-19 & more.

WSD Family Update – August, 6, 2020

Dear Winooski Families, 

During these trying and uncertain times I hope you are finding moments to relax, reflect, exercise and laugh with your family and friends. Last week I was able to find some time and mental/emotional space to begin processing all that has happened. I want to share my reflection, thinking and some of the data and resources used throughout this journey to make decisions to meet our purpose of safely reopening WSD schools for all students, staff and families and putting student and staff health, safety, and wellbeing as our primary guiding belief.

Each one of us comes with our own biases, background and opinions about the “best” way to reopen schools. I have heard just about every opinion about what the right decision is and let’s be honest, there is no “right” or “correct” decision.  My role is to balance the needs of families and staff.  A hybrid model is the middle option for a reason, it considers many factors and finds a middle ground in balancing family and staff needs.  While Mill River UUSD, serving communities outside of Rutland, has decided to go with a K-12 fully remote learning model, our neighbors in the Champlain Valley School District are receiving intense pressure from a variety of stakeholders, including local pediatricians, to open in-person for more than two days per week. Some people are very scared of contracting the virus and believe remote learning is the best method of ensuring physical health and safety. Others believe the health data clearly points toward a more robust opening of in-person instruction, and not opening school poses a greater health and safety risk to our children.

In mid/late July over 200 or 50% of our families responded representing over 400 of our PreK-12 students to a survey about Learning Models (In-Person, Hybrid, Remote) preferences

On a scale of 1-5 with 1 being the least comfortable and 5 being the most comfortable…

  • In-Person: 32% of parents/caregivers were comfortable with this model (4 & 5 combined)
  • Hybrid: 55% of parents/caregivers were comfortable with this model  (4 & 5 combined)

In the last two weeks 149 or 37% of our families, representing 262 of our PreK-12 students, responded to a survey asking “At this time, are you planning to choose the fully remote learning option for your child(ren) in the coming school year? 

    • 68.8% said No
    • 20% said Yes
    • 11% said Maybe

Below is a description of the current hybrid learning model and full remote learning plans by school as developed by members of the District Reopening Committee. Our overarching goal in assigning students is to allow for students from the same family to attend on the same days to facilitate a more consistent family schedule.  

JFK Elementary

The JFK Reopening team, in conjunction with the District Reopening Committee, has been working this summer to develop a comprehensive hybrid learning plan for our students, staff and families for this fall.  Most students will be divided into two equal sized learning groups, with one group attending in-person school on Monday and Tuesday (Pod A), and the second group attending in-person school on Thursday and Friday (Pod B).  Most students will be participating in remote learning on Wednesdays and on the two days when they are not scheduled to be in school.  All JFK teachers and staff will be supporting students during their in-person and remote learning. Wednesday will be a remote day for all staff to allow for a thorough clean of the building. You will be notified by Friday, August 14th of your student’s placement in Pod A or B.  

Winooski Middle-High School

Middle School:  We want to keep our students, staff and community as safe as possible while also providing the in-person learning opportunities we know to be valuable. We are trying at both the middle and high school to keep student groups at 12 or less.  

Pod A students and teachers will attend school in-person on Mondays and Tuesdays beginning Tuesday, September 8th.  Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday Pod A students and teachers will be working remotely.

  • Pod B students and teachers will attend school in-person on Thursdays and Fridays beginning Thursday, September 10th, 2020. Pod B students and teachers will work remotely on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays starting on September 8th.  

Pod assignments are being organized to ensure children in the same household are attending in-person school on the same days.  This information will be shared with families by August 14th.

We are looking forward to planning robust hybrid programming for students in this hybrid learning environment.  This will look and feel different than our emergency remote learning last spring, as students will be using their in-person learning experiences to guide their remote enrichment, collaboration, and independent practice.  Teachers and students will work together to determine the best balance of synchronous (live) learning and asynchronous (on your own schedule) learning opportunities for at-home learning days.

High School
At the High School level, the reopening committee has been working on rapid-prototyping models of learning that would have the best learning outcomes for students while having the least health risks to students, family, and staff.  We realize that there may be a limited window of time this academic year to have face-to-face instruction as the pandemic evolves. We want to seize the start of the year to set foundational practices and expectations to carry us through the entire year should we have to be off-campus doing fully remote learning for months.  

We are assessing four versions of a hybrid model that would try to minimize the numbers of students and teachers in the High School.  These proposals include two days on-campus, in class learning and 3 days off-campus (remote).  The goal would be to have teams of teachers who support the same students both during the on-campus and off-campus days to make the learning as rigorous and as supportive a system as possible both academically and social-emotionally. This would have the benefit of aligning with the Middle School. The sorting of students into A and B pods will be completed by August 14th.  


Full Remote Learning Option

We have selected Discovery Education  and the VT Virtual Learning Cooperative as part of our full remote learning plans.  Details about how these will work, how to let us know if you want to select one of these options and how to enroll will be coming by August 21st.

Teachers will arrive for Pre-Service on Monday, August 17th and we will have a full three weeks to refine our reopening plans. We are only a month away from the first day of school on September 8th, there are still many unknowns, and we have also made tremendous progress on our reopening planning. 

Finally, there is much for us all to do in challenging circumstances. We need each other.  We know that you may be struggling with childcare needs, economically supporting your family, educationally supporting your child(ren) and I want you to know that we are here for you and we are in this together! We can do this and we will be stronger, smarter and proud of what we will have accomplished for our students!


Additional WSD Updates


Antiracism Work

Winooski School District will raise the BLM flag August 7 at 4pm

Join the Facebook Live stream at and watch live on Instagram at

Middle School teacher Mugabo W’Ishema Thierry Uwilingiyimana will speak at 4pm. 

Winooski Students for Antiracism representatives will be speaking at 4:10pm. 

Please join in online and support our students!

The WSD School Board will present their response to the demands of the Winooski Students for Antiracism (WSA) at the August 12 board meeting. Please join this meeting to learn more about how our district is moving forward with this important antiracism work.


Capital Project Updates

We are excited to share that our district will receive a $57.8 Million Direct Loan Investment from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Community Facilities Loan Program. This investment will save Winooski taxpayers approximately $11 million! Read the full press release.

We know this is a challenging time for everyone, and we are so grateful for your ongoing support.


Take care,

Superintendent Sean McMannon

COVID-19 Testing in Winooski and Surrounding Communities

COVID-19 Testing in Winooski and Surrounding Communities

From the Vermont Department of Health: Registration is preferred, but walk-ups are welcome. Please note these tests are for people without symptoms. People with symptoms should call their doctors. The test will tell you if you have a current infection and is not a serology/antibody test. Children under the age of 12 months cannot be tested. There is no need to be tested unless you believe you have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19. Testing is not prevention: getting a negative result does not mean you can ease up on the everyday actions that will prevent the virus from spreading. Continue to wear a mask or face covering when out in public, keep a safe distance from others, wash your hands often, and stay home when you’re not feeling well.



  • Wednesday, August 12 / Champlain Elementary / 1 PM – 7 PM
  • Thursday, August 13 / Champlain Elementary / 1 PM – 7 PM
  • Thursday, August 27 / 666 Riverside / 1 PM – 7 PM
  • Click here to register:*


For registration help in English, call 802 828 2828 or 2-1-1. For registration help in other languages, Call 802 503 5402 or 802 355 0795. Interpreters will be provided at all Winooski events.

Getting Tested for COVID-19
Arabic | Burmese | French | Kirundi | Maay Maay | Nepali | Somali | Swahili | Spanish | Vietnamese

Contact Tracing: What it is and Why it is Important
Arabic | Burmese | French | Kirundi | Maay Maay | Nepali | Somali | Swahili | Spanish | Vietnamese

Understanding Your COVID-19 Test Results
Arabic | Burmese | Chinese | English | French | Karen | Kirundi | Nepali | Somali | Spanish | Swahili | Vietnamese

*The Vermont Department of Health is aware of an email error in the registration system regarding signing up multiple people at once (in reference to “attendee emails” – the system will only allow that email to be added once per event). If you need assistance with this error, registrants can Call 2-1-1 or 802 828 2828 for registration assistance or use a fake attendee email for the other family members.

Additional NON-HEALTH DEPARTMENT TESTING SITE: Walgreens at 9 Susie Wilson Road, Essex Junction, VT is conducting drive-thru COVID-19 PCR testing. Testing is available for individuals 18 years and older who are asymptomatic and meet CDC criteria. If you do not have health insurance there is a $15 fee. Hours of operation are 9 AM – 11:45 AM and 12:30 PM – 5 PM daily. The Walgreens in Essex is not currently accepting appointments online, and individuals will be screened and tested in the order they arrive during hours of operation. For more information, please call Walgreens at 802 872 1800.

Statewide Mask Mandate Reminder

Governor Phil Scott’s Statewide Mask Mandate began on August 1st, 2020. Vermont Emergency Management and the Vermont National Guard will begin distributing over 200,000 free masks to towns and community partners. The City of Winooski has requested our allocation of these masks – more details will be available soon. If you’re interested in obtaining one of these masks, please email

Tax and Utility Reminder

Tax bills will be mailed on August 7, 2020 this year. Due to the Vermont State tax filing deadline extension to July 15th the City did not receive homestead declaration information for many taxpayers until August 1st. If we had proceeded as normal, homestead declaration information may not have been included leading to confusion and potential overpayment. Act 102 signed by Governor Scott allowed municipalities to change the due date for property taxes. A delay of the first installment was approved by the Winooski City Council at their June 6th meeting.

The deadlines for the 2020-21 tax bill as approved are: September 7, 2020, November 15, 2020, February 15, 2021, and May 15, 2021.

Vermont Legal Aid: Money for Past-Due Rent in Vermont During COVID-19

For help with past-due rent, Vermonters should apply for the Rental Housing Stabilization Program through the Vermont State Housing Authority (VSHA). Starting July 13, VSHA is accepting applications from landlords and tenants, and paying landlords directly to bring the tenant’s rent account current. Visit the Vermont Legal Aid website to learn more. Translations:

Af Soomaali / Somali / Ikirundi / Kirundi / العربية / Arabic / မြန်မာစာ / Burmese / Kiswahili / Swahili / नेपाली / Nepali / Français / French / Español / Spanish

WSD Receives $57.8 Million Direct Loan Investment from Federal Program

Winooski School District Receives $57.8 Million Direct Loan Investment from Federal Program

Investment Will Save Winooski Taxpayers Approximately $11 Million

 WINOOSKI, VT, August 5, 2020  – The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is investing $57.8 million to build a new campus for the Winooski School District (WSD). 

USDA Vermont State Director Anthony Linardos announced the project earlier today. “The new school and essential infrastructure repair will benefit the children, parents, and teachers of Winooski for generations to come, and we are extremely proud to be a part of it,” Linardos said. 

Funds will be used to renovate the existing educational facility infrastructure to modern educational standards and expand to serve one of the fastest-growing student populations in the state of Vermont. Through its Community Facilities Direct Loan & Grant Program, USDA Rural Development will provide and secure funding for the initiative.

The Winooski School District team comprised of WSD Superintendent Sean McMannon, Finance Manager Nicole Mace, Owner Project Manager Tom Barden, as well as leaders at ReArch and TruexCullins, worked closely over a span of several months with USDA Rural Development VT/NH Community Programs Director Eric Law and the team from the USDA to complete the process to qualify for the financial support.

“This team of dedicated leaders spearheaded a collaborative approach to complete a complicated process and brought an incredible finance package that will bring significant long-term savings over the life of the loan to Winooski taxpayers and secures a safe, healthy and modern learning environment for Winooski students,” said McMannon.

WSD Finance Manager Nicole Mace reported that the district will be saving approximately $11 million over the life of the loan compared to initial calculations, due to the historically low interest rate they were able to secure through the USDA program. “These savings mean students will be in a building that will match the excellence of the learning that is taking place inside, while also keeping the cost of the project more affordable to Winooski residents,” said Mace.


Contact: Emily Hecker (WSD Communications Director) [email protected], 802-338-7061

Be Part of Restorative Justice in Winooski

Do you or your child have an interest in Restorative Justice or care about contributing to making Winooski a thriving community?

The Winooski School District is partnering with Spectrum Youth & Family Services, UP for Learning, and the City of Winooski to establish a culture of Restorative Justice in the Winooski community.

Spectrum and UP for Learning would like to start by creating a YPAR (Youth-led Participatory Action Research) team to assess what’s already in place and figure out how to create a sustainable program. The goal of the project is to engage all stakeholders in defining what it means to be a thriving school/community.

This youth-adult team would use this information to design, implement, and communicate these opportunities to their community.


  • WSD students and parents
  • WSD teachers and staff
  • Community members

You don’t need to be an expert in Restorative Justice; you just need to have a willingness to learn and the enthusiasm to carry out this project.

Team members twenty-four years of age or younger will are eligible to receive a stipend of up to $500 upon completion of the project.


Send an email to the Restorative Justice Coordinator at Spectrum Youth & Family Services, Kayla Loving [email protected] with your interest and any questions you may have.

There will be an information session on Tuesday, Aug. 4th, at 4pm via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 824 7678 9316

Housing Assistance for Winooski Residents – VHFA

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Shift to PowerSchool for the 2020/21 School Year

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Family Updates – July 17

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Reopening School Survey

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76th Annual Athletic Banquet

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Still Need More Information?

We will try to address your need as fast as we can!
Contact us at [email protected] or fill out the following form.

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