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District Communications

District communications including weekly updates, COVID-19 & more.

School Resource Officer Retained for 20/21 School Year

Winooski, September 16, 2020 – The Winooski School District (WSD) School Resource Officer (SRO), Jason Ziter, will return to WSD tomorrow, Thursday, September 17.

The SRO will drive an unmarked car and wear a soft uniform, which is khaki pants and a polo shirt with the Winooski Police Department (WPD) insignia. The SRO will be armed, per the Winooski Police Department’s General Order issued by the chief of police, which states that the SRO is an active duty police officer while serving the school district. 

Suppression of the SRO position was one of the eight demands presented to the WSD Board of Trustees and Leadership Team by the Winooski Students for Antiracism (WSA) in July. Read the original eight demands here

WSD Board meetings addressing the WSA demands, including by members of the school and Winooski community during public comments, were held on July 15, July 20, July 22, August 12, and September 6. Read the minutes from these meetings here

On August 10 and 11 the WSA met with the WSD Leadership Team. Through this discussion process, the WSA revised their demands and the revision was discussed at the August 12th board meeting

On September 15, Superintendent McMannon and the WSD Board of Trustees reviewed WSD policies and discussed the fact that their process of adopting the WSA’s demands was in conflict with their board’s governance processes. This reflection led them to amend their adoption of the WSA demands, specifically the SRO position. The WSD Board voted 4-1 in favor of amending the adoption of the WSA Demands, accepting Demands #1 and #4-8, and not accepting #2 and #3 as stated. 

During the 9/15 meeting, the board discussed how they had not provided sufficient opportunity for community engagement related to the issue of the SRO. In the coming months, the board plans to lead a public education and engagement process about the future of safety and security at WSD, including the SRO position, in order to make a decision during the budget cycle for the 2021-22 school year. A third-party facilitator will lead this public education and engagement process, and members of WSA, City of Winooski, and WSD will participate in the design and implementation of this process.






Family Updates – September 17, 2020

Dear WSD families,

Congratulations to all our students and their families on another excellent week of school! The successful reopening of our schools depends on each and every member of our learning community following our new health protocols. We appreciate each of you doing your part to keep everyone safe and healthy. 

Congressman Peter Welch visited our school on Monday to see our reopening plan in action. He was very impressed with the way our staff and students adapted to the challenging new circumstances.

“Thanks to the teachers and staff in Winooski for showing me the safe and nurturing environment they have created for their students. I am in awe of the teachers, administrators, students, and parents who are trying to make back-to-school safe and successful this year!” 

– Representative Welch

Below are a few reminders and updates. 

Important dates:

  • Picture Day for JFK: Sept. 21 and 24
  • Picture Day for Middle High School: Oct 2 and Oct 6


What Happens if There’s a Positive Case of COVID-19 at our School District?

The Health Department will work closely with schools with concerns about COVID-19. If a case of COVID-19 is confirmed in a student or staff member at a school, the Health Department will provide detailed guidance and information, perform contact tracing, and work in consultation with school leadership on school closure decisions. Read this document for more information

Mask-Up When you Drop-Off

We would like to remind all parents and guardians that you must wear a mask when boarding your child on the bus or dropping your child off at school.

Just as students must wear a mask at school, all students must wear a mask on the bus as well. Help everyone stay healthy and safe by wearing a mask when leaving your home.  


Today, middle and high school students received this message regarding the School Resource Officer position at WSD.

The message to students was adapted from this press release which was sent out publicly yesterday. A translated version of this memo was sent to ELL families in our district this evening. 

Since this issue directly impacts our students’ school experience, WMHS Co-Principals Jean Berthiaume and Kate Grodin are asking pod teachers to take time next week to support a discussion about the SRO position. Kayla Loving, the district’s new Restorative Justice Coordinator, will design some materials to support a safe and open discussion about this issue. Please contact Kate or Jean if you have questions or concerns. 


Student device issues and/or needing repair/replacement:

If your child experiences an issue with their WSD-issued device, please read this guide about repair/replacement from our IT department.

Wi-Fi Woes? Connectivity Issues? 

Try These Tips for Boosting Your Internet at Home!

Our district is sponsoring internet service for families who are current members of the Internet Essentials program, or who don’t have access to the internet at home. Contact Emily Hecker for more information (802-338-7061). 


Middle School Afterschool Offerings 

We are so grateful for your support as we get through the challenges of these first weeks together. 


Sean McMannon, Superintendent

Family Updates, Sept. 10, 2020

Dear WSD families,

The first few days of school have been a resounding success. After months of exhaustive planning by our Reopening Committee, I’m thrilled to announce that our students followed carefully designed protocols so they could come together safely to learn in-person. Having our wonderful young learners back in the building was an energizing reminder of why all of us have chosen to work in education. 

For students who started the week remotely, we are glad that everything went fairly smoothly, and their first in-person day also went well. 


  • TODAY, September 10 at 5pm – WSD Virtual Learning Cooperative (WSDVLC) Open House.
  • September 14 – WSDVLC begins.
  • The middle and high school soccer season has begun. Find tentative game schedules on our website.  


All students must continue to wear snug-fitting masks daily. Some short (15-minutes or less) mask breaks are permitted, for example, when students are eating in the classroom appropriately spaced apart and outdoors when students can maintain physical distancing. Ask your student’s teacher if you have any questions about our mask-wearing protocols. 

We ask that students and staff NOT wear valved or vented masks while at school. If your child prefers wearing a valved mask they may put on a cloth facial covering under the valved/vented mask.

Here is some info about vented or valved masks: The purpose of masks is to keep respiratory droplets from reaching others to aid with source control. However, masks with one-way valves or vents allow air to be exhaled through a hole in the material, which can result in expelled respiratory droplets that can reach others. This type of mask does not prevent the person wearing the mask from transmitting COVID-19 to others. Therefore, CDC does not recommend using masks for source control if they have an exhalation valve or vent.


This evening at 5pm, all families with students who are enrolled in the WSDVLC are invited to attend this virtual open house to learn more about the Virtual Learning Cooperative. 

Please note, the WSDVLC is not enrolling new students at this time.


Vermont’s health and education experts agree that children and youth need to continue learning, and that school is the safest place for that to happen. Schools in Vermont support the academic, social, emotional, and developmental needs of children. For some families, school is where kids get healthy meals, access to the internet, and mental health services that cannot be provided with online learning. Read more about the changes parents and students can expect this fall from the Vermont Department of Health. 



Currently, at the request of the School Trustees, the School Resource Officer (SRO), who serves as a Winooski Police Officer, is not reporting to the WSD campus on a daily basis.  However, he is reporting to the Police Department and remains available during school days to respond to any direct requests of students, teachers, or administrators at the WSD. 


Find out more about our afterschool programs!


Check out our latest aerial images of capital project progress!

Wondering about  the extra large hole in the ground near the JFK entrance? Sorry to disappoint our students, but it’s not a swimming pool…it’s a retention pond! There will eventually be two, both of which will be permanently fenced off once construction is complete. These ponds are an Act 250 requirement for stormwater run-off due to our building construction. 


Remember to pick up free student meals on Wednesdays!

Students can pick up three days’ worth of meals, two of which will be frozen so they can be saved until Monday and Tuesday if students are remote on those days. We will continue to do off-site distribution at the three sites.

  • Winooski Family Center, 87 Elm St.
  • O’Brien Community Center, 32 Malletts Bay Ave.
  • Winooski School District, 60 Normand St.

Students enrolled in our fully remote learning option (WSDVLC) will be able to pick up five days’ worth of meals. WSDVLC students must pick up their meals from the school district on Wednesdays from 9am to 10am.

We are so grateful to welcome your children back to our schools and look forward to another day of strengthening our learning community tomorrow! 

Take care, 

Sean McMannon

Aerial Photos of Capital Project Progress

Updated images as of September 10, 2020. Images courtesy of ReArch. 


Due to Covid-19, 21C afterschool programs will look and feel a little different this year.
We are hoping to pilot a few in-person programs beginning the week of October 5th using the models below. There will be no after school classes in-person on Wednesdays, however virtual opportunities will be explored. If you have any questions, please email Suzanne Skaflestad, 21C Director: [email protected]

JFK 21C Afterschool Covid-19 Model: The goal is to keep interested students within their school day classroom (homeroom) for afterschool opportunities on the days they
are in the school building. (Mon/Tues and Thurs/Fri). We want to work with the school day structure as much as possible. Teachers and other staff that are available and interested in teaching afterschool will be assigned to a specific classroom (homeroom) based upon the level of interest/need of students in that classroom (homeroom). This model allows for the JFK 21C afterschool to take place without combining students across grade levels.

WMHS 21C Afterschool Covid-19 Model: The goal is to keep interested students within their school day PODS for after school opportunities on the days they are in the school building. (Mon/Tues and Thurs/Fri). We want to work with the school day structure as much as possible. Teachers and other staff that are available and interested to teach afterschool will be assigned to a specific POD based upon the level of interest/need of students in the POD.

The Library Welcomes You program for middle school students will also look a little different this year. Maeve Poleman will be overseeing the library program from 2:35-4:30. She will provide additional supervised support to students after school in classrooms within the POD structure from 2:35-4:30. She will also be available virtually for students on Wednesdays. Maeve is looking forward to supporting our students after school in meaningful ways.

Thrive is the City of Winooski’s state-licensed, 3 STAR childcare/enrichment program that runs from 3 PM – 5:30 PM. This school year, children can attend Thrive After School 2 days per week, on their in person learning days (either Monday/Tuesday or Thursday/ Friday). Thrive staff will be available at 2:45 to pick up students enrolled in Thrive. The cost will be $36, and we accept state child care subsidies as well as offer scholarships to families in need. Thrive will be following all health and safety guidance from VT state agencies as well as Winooski School District. Click here to learn more and register today: or please call or email Kate Anderson, Thrive Director: 802 233 8188 / [email protected].

Spirit Wear Available Online!

The Winooski PTO is excited to announce that you can now buy spirit wear online! We have partnered with 1st Place Spirit Wear to make Winooski-themed clothing and accessories available to all. Use the following links to check out the options for each of the three...

Aid for Struggling Vermonters

During these difficult times, new financial help programs are available to many Vermonters.  The state does not want people to be struggling to pay bills, so please apply, even if you don’t usually get public help. Vermont Legal Aid has more information on these...

Veggie VanGo New Schedule at WSD

The Vermont Foodbank will be at the WSD again this year with the Veggie VanGo (VVG) produce drop twice a month. Students will go through the VVG line by grade level and will be offered a variety of produce. Any student may decline to take food if they so choose....

Foundation, Steel Construction, and Gym Walls

We are in an exciting phase of construction, according to ReArch Assistant Project Manager, and Winooski resident, Danylo Whalen. "This is my favorite time in a project. This and 'Turn Over', when we finally get to share the finished project with the end-users (like...

Family Updates – Sept. 24, 2020

Dear WSD Families, We are so proud of our students for adapting so well to our new learning environment. As a district, we are still looking at our health and safety systems and procedures and adapting if needed. We need to stay safe to stay open. Your support and...

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