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District Communications

District communications including weekly updates, COVID-19 & more.

WSD Updates 11.12.2020

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • November 16 – No School
  • November 17 – 5th grade returns to increased in-person learning
  • Monday, November 23 – early dismissal at 11am (JFK parent-teacher conferences)
  • Tuesday, November 24 – early dismissal at 11am  (JFK parent-teacher conferences)
  • November 25-27 – No School
  • Find the WSD’s updated school calendar here
  • Flu Shot Clinic – Tuesdays and Thursdays in December

Dear WSD Families, 

We are glad to inform you that 5th grade will be returning to increased in-person instruction next week, starting 11/17 (there is no school on 11/16). All JFK students will be attending school in-person on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We are monitoring our staffing levels weekly, and the decision to maintain four days per week of in-person learning for elementary students will depend on whether we have enough staff. If you would like to help, please consider applying.

New COVID-19 Testing Initiative in Vermont

Next week, the Vermont Department of Health will be launching a new initiative to provide COVID-19 testing for all school staff across Vermont. It is important to note that school staff has not been selected for this surveillance testing because they are at a higher risk of contracting COVID-19 than other people. Teachers and school staff represent a large group of individuals in an organized setting, evenly distributed throughout the state, and are the ideal population to provide a statewide picture of the virus’ spread in Vermont. This testing is optional and will be repeated across the state throughout the month of December. Read more here

Help Us Keep Vermont Open

Due to rising COVID-19 cases across the Northeast, the state of Vermont has suspended its leisure travel map and implemented a mandatory quarantine for anyone returning or traveling to Vermont. 

As Governor Scott said in a press conference this week, controlling the virus is literally in our hands. “We need to evaluate our wants and needs – if it’s a want, let’s hold off on that for a while. Because we need to keep our kids in school and we need to keep our businesses open.”

Thank you for doing your part to keep our learning community safe and healthy.

Winter Sports

WMHS is planning for a limited basketball season, per Vermont Agency of Education guidelines. Practices will not start until Monday, December 14th. Games will begin after January 11, 2021. Due to health and safety restrictions, there will not be any spectators allowed but we are exploring options to live stream games. 

Winter Transportation

There is a statewide shortage of bus drivers and WSD’s Request for Proposals (RFP) resulted in no bids from transportation companies to provide our winter transportation for students. WSD contacted Student Transportation of America (STA)/Mountain Transit who provides our other transportation and requested we work together to recruit drivers. If you either have a CDL license or are interested in being trained to drive a bus please contact Chris Ives at (802) 893-1334.  Winter transportation was slated to begin Monday, November 30th and run through March 26th and transport students to school in the morning and back home after school. We will not be able to provide this service until STA/Mountain Transit can employ drivers and will update you each week.

Student Absences

If your child will be absent from school, remember to email or call the school to provide information about the nature of the absence. Our COVID-19 Co-Coordinators will follow up if it is a health-related issue. 

Stay Connected

For more school-specific highlights, remember to read our Middle High School news and JFK weekly Elementary newsletters

Thank you,

Sean McMannon, Superintendent

WSD Family Updates 11/5/20

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • Monday, November 23 – early dismissal at 11am (JFK parent-teacher conferences)
  • Tuesday, November 24 – early dismissal at 11am  (JFK parent-teacher conferences)
  • November 16 – No School
  • November 25-27 – No School

At this time there are no plans to move to a fully remote learning model between November break and the end of 2020. More on this topic below. 

  • Find the WSD’s updated school calendar here
  • Flu Shot Clinic – Tuesdays and Thursdays in December

Dear WSD Families, 

To my great disappointment, 5th grade will not be returning for increased in-person instruction next week. Despite our efforts, we have not been able to fill our staffing needs. At this point, we don’t have a clear idea about when we will be able to bring 5th graders back to in-person school four days per week, but we will continue to keep you informed about the situation on a weekly basis. 

Our schools, like many other districts across our state, need qualified Instructional Assistants and Support Staff. We are monitoring our staffing levels weekly, and the decision to maintain four days per week of in-person learning for elementary students will depend on whether we have enough staff members. If you would like to help, please consider applying.

Student Absences

If your child will be absent from school, remember to email or call the school to provide information about the nature of the absence. Our COVID-19 Co-Coordinators will follow up if it is a health-related issue. 

Help Us Keep Vermont Open

Families are making hard decisions about holiday plans to travel and gather with loved ones. Since last spring, Vermonters have changed their lives to stay healthy during the pandemic, and many are tired of the daily effort required to prevent the virus from spreading. 

We are all longing for connection and crave things that feel normal, like our traditional holiday celebrations. But travel and gathering does increase your chance of getting and spreading COVID-19. 

As the virus continues to spread throughout the country, we encourage families to make safe choices about travel and gathering this holiday season by taking the following steps: 

  1. Check the map to find out the risk of COVID-19 infection at your destination, 
  2. Decide if the risk is worth it for your family, 
  3. Plan to have a safe trip or gathering, remain flexible and get your flu shot and 
  4. Quarantine when you return. 

By making safer choices, we can help Vermont stay open together. 

More On Safe Travel

Travel for parental shared custody is considered essential travel, however, there are some important guidelines regarding quarantine and safe ways to travel on The Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development website.

Rumors Related to School Closure

I have heard that there are rumors that schools across Vermont will return to fully remote learning from November break until January 1, 2021. Given the adverse effect of the abrupt dismissal on the academic growth and social emotional wellbeing of our students, as well as the adverse impact dismissal had on working families, I believe it is very unlikely Governor Scott, the AOE and VDH will require schools to go fully remote this year unless the health data demands it. 

Health Commissioner, Dr. Levine, recently stated, “The less risk we take on, the more we can protect our students, co-workers, our own families and our community.”  If everyone does their part, then Vermont schools can continue to safely operate.

Winter Sports

We are excited to announce that we are able to hold a limited WMHS basketball season, per Vermont Agency of Education guidelines. There are many details we are currently looking at and we will share more information next week. Practices will not start until December. Due to health and safety restrictions, there will not be any spectators allowed but we are exploring options to live stream games. 

Antiracism Updates

Next week, at the November 11th regular school board meeting, the WSD School Board will continue with their antiracism work.  

The board will begin by prioritizing the Winooski Students for Antiracism’s (WSA) demands. They will then establish the composition and roles of each demand-based working group and discuss how to conduct outreach to recruit the necessary team members. 

The full agenda for the board meeting will be released next week.

School Safety & Security Community Engagement

The goal of the School Safety and Security Engagement is to plan and run a community education, engagement and voice process about school safety and security. This effort is being directed by our school board in response to student demands about the immediate removal of our School Resource Officer (SRO). The board has directed this process so they can hear from the community to inform their decision-making about general school safety and security by mid-January, and specifically the SRO role for the 2021-22 school year.

Lindsey Halman of UP for Learning and Evelyn Monje of the Winooski Students for Antiracism will co-lead the project through the established Restorative Justice (RJ) group of students, staff and community members, with support from an advisor and consulting team from UVM. 

Additional Information: 

City of Winooski Virtual Tutoring Program in partnership with 21C Afterschool

There are UVM Education majors available to work 1:1 with middle and high school students virtually Monday-Thursdays from 4:30-7:30. All UVM students have been fingerprinted.

If you know of a middle or high school student that could benefit from individual tutoring, please email Suzanne Skaflestad at [email protected]. She would be happy to help facilitate communication with the City of Winooski staff. 

Pick-up procedures for parents/guardians for 21C Afterschool Programs at JFK:

If parents/guardians prefer to drive up to the JFK elementary school to pick-up their student from the 21C Afterschool program, it would be most helpful if they stand outside their cars so we can identify them quickly. Or, they can walk up to the entrance to the JFK building and wait physically distant from other parents with a mask on.

COVID Criteria for Building Entry of Non-District Personnel

Stay Connected

For more school-specific highlights, remember to read our Middle High School news and JFK weekly Elementary newsletters

Thank you,

Sean McMannon, Superintendent


Groundbreaking Ceremony 10/29

Winooski School District Holds Groundbreaking Ceremony

Celebrating the Capital Project with Students, Staff, and Local and State-Wide Leaders

October 28, 2020 – Winooski, VT – The Winooski School District (WSD) will be holding a groundbreaking ceremony on Thursday, October 29th at 4pm at the district construction site (60 Normand Street, Winooski, VT 05404) in honor of the district’s Capital Project.

The WSD serves 855 students across PreK – 12th grade, on one campus. The Capital Project, slated for completion in August 2022, will create approximately 75,000 sq ft of new space including a new gymnasium, middle school, and elementary school wing, as well as the renovation of approximately 125,000 sq ft of existing space. Necessary infrastructure updates to the school will improve comfort using environmentally conscious design using renewable energies, safety, and support major programming changes. The new design reflects the modern advancement of the educational sector, incorporating a pod design rather than lecture structure, a full health office suite including a school-based health center, a large performing arts center, and cafeteria. 

ReArch Company, Construction Manager for the project, is excited to be part of this instrumental project for the Winooski community. “We are fortunate to have such an amazing client and equally rewarding project,” said Johnny Illick, ReArch CEO. “We are delighted to be able to celebrate the School District’s investment and success at the official ground-breaking ceremony, and to watch their future learning space come to life!”

The $57.8M project is funded through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Community Facilities Direct Loan. The loan program will result in savings of approximately $11M over the course of the loan. “Our mission is to build stronger and healthier rural communities,” said Anthony Linardos, USDA State Director of Rural Development. “The strongest communities are those that commit to their future by investing in it, and the new school and campus are reflections of that dedication by the citizens of Winooski. This essential project will benefit the children, parents, and teachers of Winooski for generations to come, and we are extremely proud to be a part of it.” 

The WSD Capital Project is being celebrated by leaders across Vermont. “This project is exactly the type of investment that the federal government should be making – helping students, families, and communities build the safe infrastructure needed for our young people to learn and grow,” said Senator Bernie Sanders. “As we know – perhaps now better than ever before – our schools are so often the heart of our towns.  Inside their walls, students not only have a place to learn, but also a place to eat, be warm, feel safe, and – in the case of Winooski – get health and dental care.  I am grateful for the hard work of the Winooski School District and everyone who has made this project possible.  I can’t wait to see what our young people are able to achieve because of your efforts.”  

“I applaud the Winooski School District for making this bold investment in the future of its youngest residents.  After months of remote learning, we all have a new appreciation of the central importance of school buildings as an essential part of our community,” said Senator Patrick Leahy. “The Winooski School will be a gathering place for years to come where students from the City’s diverse families will come together to learn, to share meals, and to form lasting friendships.  As Vice-Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee and leading member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, I’ve always been proud to support Rural Development because of how its investments strengthen our communities, and there is no better example of this than the Winooski School District.”

The speaker line-up includes:

  • Winooski students: Land Acknowledgment 
  • U.S. Congressman Peter Welch (VT)
  • WSD Board member, and Capital Project Executive committee member, Alex Yin
  • Mayor of Winooski, Kristine Lott
  • USDA Rural Development Vermont and New Hampshire State Director, Anthony Linardos

While in-person attendance is limited, community members are invited to watch the ceremony live via Facebook.

Members of the media may attend and are required to adhere to all health protocols including maintaining physical distance, wearing a face covering, and performing a self-health screening before entering the outdoor ceremony location. Please confirm with Emily Hecker ([email protected]) if you plan to attend. 


School Board Vacancy

Winooski residents,

October 26, 2020 – The Winooski School District (WSD) School Board would like to extend their heartfelt thanks to Margaret Bass for her passionate, insightful, and student-centered service to our community these past eighteen months and wish her the very best in her future endeavors. 

With her departure, we have an open seat on the Winooski School District (WSD) School Board from now through our February 2021 meeting.  By our Winooski School District (WSD) Incorporated Charter, the school board must fill this vacancy by appointment until the next election in March 2021. We will be holding interviews in mid/late November. This is a great chance to understand the important role of the school board in our community. We have regular and budget board meetings in November, December, and January. This position will open up again in March and will have to be re-elected at that time.

This is a great opportunity for anyone who has considered being a part of the school board as it is a short term commitment to allow a better understanding of the Board processes before running for a full 2 or 3-year term.

If you would like to be considered for this short-term appointment please email a letter of interest and resume to Krista Parisi, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent at [email protected] by November 4th. 

Also please feel free to contact me directly at (802) 655-7678 or [email protected] to discuss the position and responsibilities. 

Thanks, Tori Cleiland – WSD School Board President

Updates for October 22, 2020

Dear WSD Families,

This week’s updates and reminders are below.

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • Friday, October 23 – 11am dismissal for all student and MHS parent-teacher conferences from 12-3pm
  • October 26th – 1st and 3rd-grade students will start attending in-person four days per week.
  • October 29th at 4pm – Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Capital Project (Join us via Facebook live!)
  • November 2nd – Kindergarten and 5th-grade students will start attending in-person four days per week.
  • Monday, November 23 – early dismissal at 11am (JFK parent-teacher conferences)
  • Tuesday, November 24 – early dismissal at 11am  (JFK parent-teacher conferences)

No School Days

  • November 16
  • November break – November 25-27
  • Find the WSD’s updated school calendar here.

We Need You! The Challenges of Moving to Four Days per Week of In-Person Instruction for JFK Students – Staffing Shortages

Our district, like many other districts across our state, needs qualified Instructional Assistants and Support Staff. We will be monitoring our staffing levels weekly, and the decision to maintain four days per week of in-person learning for all elementary students will depend on whether we have sufficient staff.

If you, or someone you know, are looking for meaningful work and to make a difference in the life of a Winooski student, please consider applying. The rate of pay ranges from $16-25/hour, includes full benefits and schedules follow the school-break calendar.

As long as there are sufficient staffing levels, we will adhere to the schedule below for bringing students back to more days of in-person learning:

The days of instruction will be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Wednesdays will be remote for everyone. Kindergarten and 5th-grade classes will continue their hybrid schedule of Monday/Tuesday or Thursday/Friday until they begin the four-day schedule.

  • Next week, October 26th – 30th: 1st and 3rd-grade students will start attending in-person four days per week.*
  • November 2nd – 6th: Kindergarten and 5th-grade students will start attending in-person four days per week.*

(*If staffing levels allow.)

Traveling Outside of Vermont: Important Guidelines to Follow

The next few months are typically full of cultural celebrations and traditional family gatherings. Are you and your family thinking about traveling outside of Vermont or welcoming guests from out of state? To keep everyone safe, please carefully adhere to the following restrictions from the Vermont Department of Health. Read more here.

Early release days and parent-teacher conferences for the months of October and November

  • Tomorrow, Friday, October 23 is an early release day at 11am for all students.  Middle high school student-led conferences will take place from 12-3pm.
  • There will not be any afterschool programs running on early release days due to health restrictions. All students must be picked up by 11am.
  • JFK student parent/teacher conferences will take place on November 23 and 24. All Winooski students will be released at 11am on those dates.

A note from the PTO President

Greetings Families,

The Winooski School District Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is committed to enriching the educational and social experience of Winooski students and the community. The Winooski PTO is open to parents/ guardians, teachers, and community members. Our goal is to work together to support all children PreK through twelfth grade, as well as the teachers and staff of the Winooski School District to help do our part in making the school experience the best it can be for all students. Please consider being a part of the PTO and joining a very committed group of volunteers.  The Winooski PTO will continue to meet every third Wednesday of the month on Zoom from 6:00-7:30pm (April’s meeting is the second Wednesday of the month). Attending PTO meetings is a great way to keep informed of school activities and events and a great way to connect with others in the school district (parents/guardians and educators). With questions or for the Zoom meeting information please email us at [email protected].  All are welcome and encouraged to become a part of the PTO. We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming meeting.

Thank you,

Laura Lee, PTO President

Antiracism Updates

Per unanimous board agreement, every regular WSD board meeting will allow for at least one hour in each agenda to discuss and make progress toward meeting the Winooski Students for Antiracism’s (WSA) demands. At the most recent regular board meeting (10/14/20), the WSD school board spent 75 minutes focusing on these goals:

  • Building equal partnership between WSA, WSD LT, WSD Board, Spectrum and City of Winooski to move demands forward.
  • Establish process, functioning, monitoring, and structure for inclusion of community and faculty in ‘demand groups’ to commence work.

WSD representative Evelyn Monje and Lindsey Halman of UP for Learning facilitated a discussion that focused on building a balanced youth-adult partnership. Read the notes from that portion of the discussion below:

When only adults dominate decision making: What do they potentially gain? What do they potentially compromise?  What is required of adults to make a shift to partnership with youth?

When only youth dominate decision making: What do they potentially gain, What do they potentially compromise? What is required of youth to make a shift to partnership?

Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Capital Project

We will be hosting a groundbreaking ceremony on October 29 at 4pm to celebrate the Capital Project. The tentative speakers’ list is below. While we must limit physical attendance to adhere to safety guidelines, all WSD staff and Winooski community members are invited to watch the ceremony via Facebook live

  • Welcome – Sean McMannon
  • Land acknowledgment
  • Alex Yin, WSD Board member, and Capital Project Executive committee member
  • Kristine Lott – Mayor of Winooski
  • Congressman Peter Welch
  • State Director at USDA Rural Development Vermont and New Hampshire,  Anthony Linardos

Stay Connected

For more school-specific highlights, remember to read our Middle High School news and JFK weekly Elementary newsletters.

I appreciate your ongoing partnership as we work to uphold the WSD ENDS statement – that all Winooski students will lead healthy, productive, and successful lives and engage with their local and global community.

Thank you,

Sean McMannon, Superintendent

Security and Safety Presentation & Community Forum

Security and Safety Presentation & Community Forum  What:  Presentation and discussion about safety and security in the Winooski School District (WSD). Each public forum will include a 30-minute presentation by WSD Superintendent Sean McMannon and City of Winooski...

WSD Updates – 12/17/20

Important Upcoming Dates: WSD Fully Remote Learning 12/9 through 12/23. The current plan is for all students to return to the previous in-person schedule 1/4/21. December 23 through January 3 - No School Student Meal Kit distribution - Tuesday, 12/22 from 9-10am and...

Student Meals During Remote Learning and Break

While the School District is fully remote, we are still committed to providing healthy meals for our students, and all children in Winooski. In order to better meet the needs of our families, our food service providers will be offering "make your own meal" kits so...

Student ChromeBook or iPad Repair

If your ChromeBook or iPad and needs to be fixed, please tell your teacher.  The people in IT have a way to give you a replacement even though we're all working remotely.  This Google Doc will tell you more. Here is the short version: 1.  Tell your teacher what...

Fully Remote Learning Extended through 12/22/20

Dear WSD Staff and Families,  December 13, 2020 - I am writing to you this evening with some important information. Throughout the entire weekend, the WSD COVID-19 Response Team has been working closely with the Vermont Department of Health (VDH). Unfortunately, at...

WSD Updates: 12/10/20

Important Upcoming Dates: WSD Fully Remote Learning 12/9 through 12/16. The current plan is for all students to return to the previous in-person schedule 12/17 (details below). December 23 through January 3 - No School Find the WSD’s updated school calendar here. Flu...

Student Meals During Fully Remote Learning

Dear WSD Families, While our district is fully remote, student meals are still available. In order to better meet the needs of our families, our food service providers will be offering "make your own meal" kits so that students can make their own meals at home with...

Fully Remote Learning Model – Starting 12/9/20

Dear WSD Families, December 7, 2020 - I am writing to you this evening to let you know that another member of our learning community has a confirmed positive case of COVID-19. At this time, we have no reason to believe there is any evidence of transmission occurring...

COVID-19 in the WSD – Updates

Dear WSD Families, Staff, and Community, December 2, 2020 - I am writing to let you know that another member of our learning community has a probable positive case of COVID-19. At this time, we have no reason to believe there is any evidence of transmission occurring...

Still Need More Information?

We will try to address your need as fast as we can!
Contact us at [email protected] or fill out the following form.

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