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District Communications

District communications including weekly updates, COVID-19 & more.

Weekly Updates – 1.28.21

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • Find the WSD’s updated school calendar here
  • February 3 at 6:15pm – Budget Presentation on CCTV
  • Staff Surveillance COVID Testing – February 3, 10am-1pm
  • February 3 and February 10 from 9-10am – VT Foodbank at WSD with Veggie VanGo
  • February 22 through 26 – No School 


Dear WSD Families and Staff,

I am very happy to report that our staff and students are doing a great job at picking up where they left off with our virus mitigation strategies and are so happy to be back together as a learning community!  We have been struggling with staffing issues at JFK and continue to search for solutions so we can remain open for in-person instruction as much as possible.

Since last week there has been one positive case of COVID-19 reported to the COVID-19 Coordinators, however, the individual was not in school while infectious and therefore no line list was necessary.  Within our learning community, one individual is in isolation as a result of a positive COVID test, and 16 people are in quarantine, waiting for test results.

Positive cases are steadily declining among the broader Winooski community as well. Last week (1/17 – 1/23), there were 10 individuals who tested positive from four unique addresses. The number of unique addresses is important to note because it shows that the virus spread is contained within a smaller group of people living together at the same address. This is the lowest positive rate during a full week of testing since mid-November. Rates of positive cases in Chittenden County also appear to be slowly declining, with only 17 new cases yesterday, the lowest rate in over three weeks. Read more about county-level case information here. 

We want to continue with our in-person/hybrid learning model as much as possible and are grateful for your continued efforts to keep everyone safe. Please call the WSD COVID-19 Hotline at 802-556-2243 with any questions about the vaccine, health and safety issues, etc.

Vaccine Information 

Vaccines are here! This is our shot, Vermont. 

It’s official—the public COVID-19 vaccine rollout is underway in Vermont. Wondering when you’ll be eligible to get vaccinated, and what to do when you are? Keep an eye on the website for the latest on vaccines and who’s eligible to get vaccinated.

When the time comes, getting your shot is easy and free for all Vermont adults. You can sign up online or by phone and vaccine clinics are conveniently located around the state. The more people who get vaccinated, the faster the pandemic will end and we can get back to normal. 

We will be continuing to advocate for school staff to be pushed up the vaccination priority list after Vermonters ages 60 and older have been served. 

Learn about next school year’s budget 

On January 13, the Winooski School Board approved a budget of $19,516,240 for fiscal year 2022. This represents a spending increase of 2.69% over the current year’s budget. The state formula calculates this to an estimated 6.68% tax increase. Approval by voters would allow the school board and administrators to continue providing high-quality instruction that ensures all students graduate from WSD college and career ready. Learn more about the WSD school board’s proposed investment in Winooski students for the 2021-22 school year. 

Please join board members Mike Decarreau and Alex Yin on Wednesday, February 3 at 6:15 pm for a budget presentation. The link can be found at

Early voting begins on February 10. Read more about early and absentee voting and registering to vote here.  

Basketball updates

Due to the pandemic, there will be no spectators at Winooski basketball games this season, however, we are working on a plan to live broadcast Varsity and JV games and record middle school games on our district YouTube channel: Stay tuned for details. 

Student Meal Kits (Make it part of your routine!)

Even though the district has moved back to the hybrid/in-person learning model, student meal kits will still be available on Wednesdays! 

Our staff invest lots of time, effort, and care into creating our student meal kits. They also plan the next week’s meals based on current participation. When there is a drop in numbers, fewer meals are prepared for the following week. Then, the next week if demand increases, there might not be enough meals available. Please plan to pick up meals every week.

  • When: Distribution is Wednesdays from 9-10am 
  • Who: Any student (or their adult) 
  • What: Meals kits which include five days worth of breakfast and lunch for each student
  • Where: The meal pick-up sites remain the same, WSD, O’Brien Community Center, Elm Street Family Center 

Thank you, 

Sean McMannon, Superintendent

District Updates 1.21.21

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • Find the WSD’s updated school calendar here
  • February 3 at 6:15pm – Budget Presentation on CCVT
  • February 22 through 26 – No School 

Dear WSD Families,

It was wonderful to welcome our students back into the building. I was glad to see everyone and be together as a learning community again. Despite the weeks away from the building, our students and staff jumped right back into carefully following our health and safety procedures. Thanks to all the parents/caregivers who reviewed the mitigation strategies with your children before school started today, and staff for patiently reteaching any procedures that students had forgotten. 

We want to continue with our in-person/hybrid learning model as much as possible and are grateful for your continued efforts to keep everyone safe. 

Since December, there have been 77 positive cases of COVID in our learning community. There was one new case yesterday. There have been 14 line lists (people who were in the building while they were infectious). Five individuals remain in isolation as a result of a positive COVID test. Eight people are in quarantine, waiting for test results.

School Nurses Share their Vaccine Experience

WSD nurses and COVID-19 Co-Coordinators, Liz and Katharine, have heard that some community members have concerns about the safety of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. So, they decided to share their vaccination experience with our community to help get the word out that the COVID vaccine is safe and will save lives!

Nurse Liz understands why some people may hesitate to get the vaccine. She says she did a lot of research, consulted with health care professionals she trusts, and felt totally confident getting the vaccine. Liz said, “I did this for my community and myself.”

Both Liz and Katharine say they have had no symptoms after receiving the vaccine except for some soreness in their arms. Watch the video of them receiving their vaccines! Read more about vaccines and the rollout of vaccines in Vermont here.

Winooski Students React to Kamala Harris Inauguration 

Winooski 6th graders were featured in a recent news report about the inauguration of Kamala Harris, the first Person of Color and Woman to be sworn in as Vice-President of the United States. Watch the video here

If you missed it, please take five minutes to watch Amanda Gorman, America’s first youth poet laureate, recite her powerful poem about American promise, unity, resilience, and love at the inauguration.

Learn about the WSD Fiscal Year 2022 Budget 

Please join board members Mike Decarreau and Alex Yin on Wednesday, February 3 at 6:15pm for a budget presentation. The link can be found at

Read more about early and absentee voting and registering to vote here.  Interested in running for WSD school board? This Monday, January 25, at 5:00 pm is the deadline to submit consent forms to run for WSD School Board. Learn more here.

Basketball updates

Basketball teams begin meeting today. More information with a detailed schedule will follow. Due to the pandemic, there will be no spectators at Winooski basketball games this season.  While we were actively looking for a way to broadcast these games to the community, an unexpected opportunity arose. Maura Sheridan is a substitute teacher in the middle school and, it turns out, a broadcaster!  Maura usually works professionally as one of a growing number of women sports broadcasters. In fact, many might recognize her as the broadcaster for UVM Women’s Basketball. Maura is enthusiastically on board to mentor a few students as we look to broadcast varsity basketball games via Facebook Live and video record middle and high school games.

Student Meal Kits (Make it part of your routine!)

Even though the district has moved back to the hybrid/in-person learning model, student meal kits will still be available on Wednesdays! 

Our staff invest lots of time, effort, and care into creating our student meal kits. They also plan the next week’s meals based on current participation. When there is a drop in numbers, fewer meals are prepared for the following week. Then, the next week if demand increases, there might not be enough meals available. Please plan to pick up meals every week.

  • When: Distribution is Wednesdays from 9-10am 
  • Who: Any student (or their adult), 
  • What: Meals kits which include five days worth of breakfast and lunch for each student. 
  • Where: The meal pick-up sites remain the same: WSD, O’Brien Community Center, Elm Street Family Center 

Free Ski Rentals for Winooski Kids

All Winooski community members are encouraged to take advantage of free ski rental at Gilbrook Natural Area in Winooski every Saturday from 10am to 1pm. Try to get there early! There are plenty of kids sizes and even some adult sizes, so parents or guardians can give it a try too. Here is a link with more info:

Thank you, 

Sean McMannon, Superintendent

Return to In-Person Learning 1.21.21

Dear WSD Students and Families,

The WSD COVID-19 Response team has made the decision to return to the district’s previous in-person and hybrid learning model this Thursday, January 21. 

On Thursday, Kindergarten through 5th-grade students will start with their four-days-per-week schedule. Grades 6-12 will resume their hybrid schedule, with House B attending in person on Thursday and Friday. House A will start in person next week on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesdays will be remote for everyone.

The Decision-Making Process

The WSD COVID Response team considered three factors when deciding to move back to an in-person/hybrid learning model. 

  • Positive cases trending downward reliably 
  • Sufficient staffing levels to safely maintain in-person instruction
  • Our district’s ability to adhere to the Vermont Department of Health and Agency of Education Safety and Health Guidance

Positive Cases Trending Down Reliably

The WSD COVID-19 Response Team thoughtfully assessed the WSD’s current epidemiological data in partnership with the Vermont Department of Health (VDH). Fortunately, the rates of positive cases in our learning community are trending downward. Since last week, there have been no positive reported cases in our learning community. 

Currently, within our learning community, eight individuals who have tested positive are still in quarantine. Everyone else has been cleared to return safely to in-person learning. There are nine individuals still in quarantine for COVID-related issues and awaiting test results. 

Within the City of Winooski, positive cases continue to decline and are currently lower than during the first week of December. The week of December 9, when our district went fully remote, there were 19 unique Winooski addresses impacted (a unique address is a given address with a group of people living together with one or more positive cases). Last week, there were 14 unique addresses impacted. This shows that there are fewer households impacted than when we opted to go fully remote in December. See more current data here

This downwardly trending data is what WSD COVID-19 Response Team was waiting for, in order to make a decision about safely reopening our schools. The team does not believe that there are any health-related advantages to waiting to reopen the schools for in-person instruction. 

Sufficient Staffing Levels to Safely Maintain In-Person Instruction

The WSD Leadership Team is confident the district is able to maintain staffing levels in a safe and healthy manner across all schools. 

A Safe and Health Return to In-Person Instruction

The third criteria for keeping our schools open for in-person instruction is our district’s ability to adhere to the VDH and Agency of Education Health and Safety Guidance

As we have previously reported, 14 people were in school while infectious. However, the VDH has concluded that there is no evidence of in-school transmission occurring. This proves that our mitigation system does work. Our safety protocols have kept our students and staff safe. 

Our safety systems are designed to keep everyone safe. Please review our COVID 19 Response health considerations and video with your child. Every student and staff member must complete a health screening before entering the building. If you have COVID-related questions please call the COVID-19 hotline at 802-556-2243. 

Our teachers and staff worked with students in September to carefully teach the district’s Safety Protocols. Winooski students and staff did an amazing job! We were able to accomplish three months of in-person learning without a single case of COVID because our systems work. 

If the data changes and rates of COVID go up again or there is any evidence of in-school transmission, the WSD COVID-19 Response Team may make the decision to go back to a fully remote learning model again. 

For the wellbeing of our students and their families, we must all protect ourselves and others, so our students can continue to learn together in person. 

Basketball in-person practice schedule for Thursday 1/21

  • Middle School boys (8th graders and select 7th graders) 2:45-3:45pm in the cafeteria
  • Middle School boys ( 6th graders and select 7th graders) 3:45-4:45pm in the cafeteria
  • HS Girls 4-5:30pm in the gym
  • HS boys 5:30-8:30pm in the gym

Thank you for your continued support and patience as we work through these challenging times, together. 

Take care,

Sean McMannon, Superintendent 


Remote Learning Extended until 1.21.21

Dear WSD Families,

As of this morning, there have been 76 known positive cases of COVID-19 in our learning community since the beginning of December. 68 of those individuals have finished quarantine and may resume normal activities. Eight of those individuals are still in isolation. In addition, there are approximately 12 people in quarantine waiting for COVID-19 testing or results, who are unable to return to school. Below is a chart tracking weekly positive cases in the WSD over the past five weeks.  

The WSD COVID-19 Response Team met multiple times this week to collaboratively make a decision about which learning model our district will return to on January 19th. Based on the information outlined below, the team decided to extend remote learning until Thursday, January 21. There will be a communication next Tuesday, January 19 to confirm the return to in-person learning on Thursday or to extend remote learning. 

Everyone on the WSD COVID response team knows with absolute certainty that the best place for our students to learn is in-person and in our schools. However, due to the following reasons, it has been determined that this is not currently possible based on the following factors: 

  • Positive cases in our learning community have limited our ability to sufficiently staff the building in a safe and healthy manner. 
  • Positive cases of COVID-19 in our learning community have not significantly decreased over the past few weeks, although, as seen in the chart above, they have been in decline since the peak during the week of December 28 through January 4. (The data we are currently considering is for Winooski, Chittenden County, and the WSD-specific data reported to our COVID-19 Coordinators). 

We know extended remote learning is incredibly challenging for our students, their families, and our staff. While there are some students who are still able to fully engage with their learning online, we know that remote learning just does not work for all of our students, particularly our ELL and students with special needs. We thank parents/caregivers and students for the sacrifices they are making during these difficult times and please know that our COVID Response team is committed to bringing students and staff back to learning together in-person as soon as it is safe to do so. 

You Can Help

The most important thing we can do to get our students back to in-person learning is to follow guidance from the Vermont Department of Health. We ask you to:

Student Meals – Student meal kits will continue to be distributed on Wednesdays from 9-10am. Read more here.

Basketball Updates

The start of the basketball season is currently scheduled for Thursday, January 21. More information will be shared soon. 

Becoming an Antiracist School District 

A planning group, composed of Winooski Students for Antiracism (WSA) members Hussein Amuri and Evelyn Monje, WSD Board Chair Tori Cleiland, Superintendent Sean McMannon, and Lindsey Halman of UP for Learning have been meeting to organize the Antiracism Steering Committee. 

The purpose of the Steering Committee is to be an innovative multi-stakeholder committee that creatively oversees the dynamic work of the WSA’s Demands, serves as a communication hub for the Demand working groups, and ensures the Demands are centered in every aspect of the work. 

The planning group has determined the full Steering Committee’s composition, as well as the roles and responsibilities of members. The planning group will be sending out information in the upcoming weeks about applying to join the Steering Committee. 

Budget Updates

Yesterday, during the regular school board meeting, WSD School Board adopted a budget for FY22 of $19,516,240, an increase of 2.69% over the FY21 budget. This is a level service funded budget, no new staff positions or programs have been added. 

Education spending per Equalized Pupil, which is how the state determines funding, has been calculated at $16,633, with an increase of 4.92%. 

The USDA Loan has allowed the board to spread out capital project debt service, which remains a stable $900,000 in the budget. Read more information here

More information will be shared about our budget presentation and Annual Meeting soon. 

MLK Jr. Day Events and Opportunities – Make this important anniversary “A Day On Not a Day Off” – In Burlington, ECHO and other community distribution sites will be giving out free, family-friendly MLK-themed art activity packets. Packets will include supplies and a family-friendly discussion guide on multiculturalism, and links to other suggested activities celebrating MLK’s legacy and life.

There is also a storywalk in Leddy Park, several speaking events about racial healthcare disparities, and an MLK Jr. remembrance event. All events are free but reservations may be required. Find out more here.  

Other updates

Heart of Winooski Celebrates $100,000 Donation – Watch the video. ”In my view, it’s an opportunity to correct things like inequity. Give everyone an opportunity. Get them to the start line so whatever their opportunities are going to be, they can seize them because they have a good education.” – Bruce Lisman, HOW Foundation Donor

Weighting Study – Vermont’s education funding formula is based on Equalized Pupils, which is how the Agency of Education (AOE) calculates education funding. Last year, legislation was introduced requiring the Agency of Education to reevaluate the current Equalized Pupil funding structure.

This legislation stems from concerns about the extent to which the existing funding formula is effective in equalizing educational costs, and by extension, opportunities to learn for students across the state. The manner in which the State currently calculates the number of equalized pupils in a school district has been criticized for being out of step with contemporary educational conditions. 

The proposed bill (H.54) was introduced and co-sponsored by Winooski Rep. Taylor Small, and would require the state to reallocate more funding to students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, students with disabilities, and students whose primary language is not English. 

A change in the weighting system would likely result in an increase in funding for the Winooski School District. The WSD School Board will continue to keep community members informed about the progress of this bill. 

Thank you for reading these updates and strengthening our school/community partnership.

Take care,

Sean McMannon, Superintendent

WSD Updates 1.7.21

Dear WSD Families,

The violent actions in our nation’s Capitol yesterday were deeply disturbing and completely reprehensible. The delayed and ineffectual response of law enforcement to yesterday’s insurrection is in extreme contrast to what was seen this summer when a peaceful antiracism demonstration was stopped with rubber bullets and tear gas. This is yet another example of the systemic racism that continues to impede progress toward equality for all Americans. It is my belief that if Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) had stormed the Capitol they would have been met with significantly more lethal force than was used against the insurgents yesterday.  

Democracy is the foundation of our country and we must continue to be a beacon of democratic ideals by teaching our children how to be engaged citizens. This includes our essential journey toward becoming an antiracist school district. Our staff will continue to provide space for students to voice their feelings and opinions, listen to each other, debate important issues, and to move civil discourse forward. 

Even in these frightening and confusing times, I continue to be optimistic we will rise above the divisiveness and hate that is permeating our country, and join together to ensure a brighter future.

Here are a few resources:

COVID-19 Updates

This is the first weekly message of 2021. While this year is not starting the way we all hoped it would, there is hope on the horizon. On Tuesday, during the regular press conference, Governor Scott and Health Commissioner Mark Levine discussed the plan for getting Vermonters vaccinated against COVID-19. Read more about the benefits of getting vaccinated

Every morning, for the past few weeks, I have been meeting with leaders from the City of Winooski, the Vermont Department of Health (VDH), Community Health Centers of Burlington (CHCB), UVM Medical Center (UVMMC), the Association of Africans Living in Vermont (AALV), and the US Committee on Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) to coordinate efforts and ensure that our students’ basic needs are met. While it is frustrating and sad to learn about the challenges the virus has caused, I am inspired by the dedication and commitment of this group to make things better.

As of this morning, there have been 66 known positive cases of COVID-19 in our learning community since December 1. 49 of those individuals have finished quarantine and may resume normal activities. 

Decision-Making about WSD Learning Model 

As we shared last week, due to the number of current positive cases in Winooski and the limited testing and incomplete results during the past few weeks, our schools will remain in the fully remote learning model until Tuesday, January 19th. There is no school on Monday, January 18 in honor of MLK Jr. Day. 

Below are the factors the WSD COVID Response team is considering to bring students back to the previous in-person learning schedule (4-days per week for JFK students and hybrid learning for WMHS students). You can expect updates next Thursday about any changes to our Learning Model. 

  • Positive cases trending downward reliably (The data we are currently considering is for Winooski, Chittenden County, and the WSD-specific data reported to our COVID-19 Coordinators). 
  • Sufficient staffing levels to safely maintain in-person instruction
  • Our district’s ability to adhere to the Vermont Department of Health and Agency of Education Safety and Health Guidance

We Need You to Take Action

The most important thing all Winooski residents can do to take care of ourselves, our families, and our neighbors is to follow the guidance from Governor Scott and Health Commissioner, Dr. Levine. We ask you to:

Many of our COVID positive neighbors are reporting no or low symptoms. Testing allows VDH to stop the spread of the virus. If you test positive, you will also be offered supports by the contact tracers to enable you to isolate and quarantine during your infectious period.

Student Meals

Student meal kits will continue to be distributed on Wednesdays from 9-10am. Read more here.

Basketball Updates

The current plan is to start the basketball season once we return to in-person learning on 1/19/21. Updates will be provided weekly. 

Other updates

Calling All Youth Leaders and Social Media Influencers

Do you know a high school student who is interested in a paid opportunity to be a brand ambassador for UVM?  Do you know a Winooski middle or high school student who would like to sit on the city’s new Youth Council? Read more about those opportunities and how to apply here

#WinooskiStrong Initiative

Winooski Strong began as an initiative to raise funds and awareness for anti-racism in Winooski and beyond. The Winooski Strong campaign has created Winooski Strong merchandise to sell where proceeds are being donated to organizations that fight for racial justice and are focused on elevating BIPOC lives. Visit their website for more info. 

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration

UVM’s annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration, featuring a presentation entitled, “Slave Health Deficit: The Journey to Health Parity,” will be held on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 from 5:30-6:45 pm on Microsoft Teams. Find more information here

Thank you,

Sean McMannon, Superintendent

Jessica Perrotte – graduated 1992

What do you currently do for work? I’m a teacher at the Winooski School District. I’ve been there since 1998, so for 23 years! I’ve taught some of my current students’ parents. I’ve also had friends who I went to school with, and I taught their children. It’s these...

Kassian Prior – graduated 2014

What are you doing today? I’m selling real estate in our beautiful home state. (Didn’t mean to start off with a just happened). I’m trying to contribute to all of the community programs that contributed to me getting where I am. That’s why I'm excited to be...

WSD Updates 4/7/21

Important Upcoming Dates: Veggie VanGo April 14 from 9-10am at the WSD No School April 19 through 23 View the updated WSD School Calendar  Dear Staff and Families, Last night over 125 community members joined the WSD School Board’s special meeting about the School...

School Board to Retain SRO for 2021/22 School Year

April 8, 2021 -  Around 125 people attended a Winooski School District (WSD) School Board Special Meeting on Wednesday, where more than 60 individuals from the Winooski community, including parents, current students, alumni, and school staff members shared their...

Mask Up, Winooski! A message from Dr. Link

Dr. Heather Link, a pediatrician at UVM Pediatrics Primary Care and the WSD School-Based Health Center, wanted to share this important message with students and their caregivers:  It’s important to remember, that as spring begins to emerge and we begin to bring back...

Weekly Updates 4.1.2021

Important Upcoming Dates Kindergarten through 5th grades remote April 5 - 7 Tuesday, April 6 and Friday, April 9 - Early dismissal for all students at 11am. (Parent-teacher conferences for JFK students) Veggie VanGo April 7 & 14 9-10am at the WSD No School April...

Weekly Updates 3.25.21

Important upcoming dates: TONIGHT - March 25 at 7pm - Winooski’s Got Talent Show (Join via the link found here) March 31 at 6:30pm - Special Board Meeting to make a decision about the SRO Tuesday, April 6 and Friday, April 9 - Early dismissal for all students at 11am....

Still Need More Information?

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