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District Communications

District communications including weekly updates, COVID-19 & more.

School Board to Retain SRO for 2021/22 School Year

April 8, 2021 –  Around 125 people attended a Winooski School District (WSD) School Board Special Meeting on Wednesday, where more than 60 individuals from the Winooski community, including parents, current students, alumni, and school staff members shared their thoughts, experiences, and feelings about the School Resource Officer (SRO) program in the WSD. The meeting was interpreted in Swahili/French, Arabic, Somali/Mai Mai, and Nepali. 

After four hours of public comments, the School Board voted 4-1 to retain the district’s current SRO program through the 2021/2022 school year. 

Within the same motion, the board approved the commission of a multi-stakeholder committee to further examine the SRO program in the district and research school safety models. The multi-stakeholder group will be required to have a report and recommendations ready mid-November 2021 to guide a path forward. 

Board Chair Tori Cleiland said that while the level of community engagement at the meeting was inspiring, she still felt sad about the outcome due to the voices that would remain marginalized. 

Tori said she agreed with fellow Board Member Kamal Dahal’s statement that the issue of the SRO program in the district remains completely binary. “It was clear from the testimony that our community is divided about whether to keep or remove the position.  It is imperative for all students to feel safe in school and it is clear that’s not the case as BIPOC students expressed being negatively impacted by the presence of an armed SRO.  Institutional racism exists; collectively, there is a lot of dismantling ahead,” Tori said. 

In June 2020, a newly formed group called the Winooski Students for Antiracism (WSA) submitted a list of eight demands to the WSD School Board which included that the SRO be replaced with two trauma specialists trained in restorative justice practices/intervention. In response, the School Board has been collecting information and input from the community over the past five months about safety and security in the district. Wednesday’s Special Board meeting was the first meeting held explicitly for community members to share their thoughts about the SRO with the full board. 

Tori said there is more work to be done before viable alternatives to the SRO program can be proposed. “The wisdom is in the community and we need to do the work together. Change is not about just stopping something; it’s about finding new ways of doing it”.

The roles, responsibilities, and tasks of the new multi-stakeholder committee will be discussed at the next regular board meeting on April 14 at 6:30pm. Find the link here.

Mask Up, Winooski! A message from Dr. Link

Dr. Heather Link, a pediatrician at UVM Pediatrics Primary Care and the WSD School-Based Health Center, wanted to share this important message with students and their caregivers: 

It’s important to remember, that as spring begins to emerge and we begin to bring back more students into our school, we need to continue to wear masks.

While the vaccine is being administered, and hope is on the horizon, we are seeing increasing cases in Vermont at this time, likely due to some of the COVID-19 variants with increased transmissibility. Masks should be worn at all times during school hours, including arrival and dismissal, except for moments when you are eating or drinking. Otherwise, they should be worn so that they cover your mouth and nose at the same time.

For younger students, it can be helpful, if you are able, to send in more than one if they become wet during the daytime. Masks are more effective when they are clean and dry. (If a student needs a mask change during the day the WSD Health Office has plenty of cute adjustable masks in smaller sizes, some of which were handmade by Dr. Link’s mom!)

There has been no change to the recommendation for mask-wearing, even if you are vaccinated or about to be vaccinated. Every day we learn more about COVID-19, how the virus is changing, and how the vaccine is protecting ourselves and our neighbors. In the meantime, we need to pull together and keep wearing our masks.

Weekly Updates 4.1.2021

Important Upcoming Dates

  • Kindergarten through 5th grades remote April 5 – 7
  • Tuesday, April 6 and Friday, April 9 – Early dismissal for all students at 11am. (Parent-teacher conferences for JFK students)
  • Veggie VanGo April 7 & 14 9-10am at the WSD
  • No School April 19 through 23
  • View the updated WSD School Calendar

Dear WSD Families,

A high percentage of our elementary school staff will be getting their 2nd COVID-19 vaccine next Monday and Tuesday. Because many people in the age range of our staff have experienced harsh side effects after the second vaccine, coupled with a lack of substitute teacher availability, our leadership team has made the decision that all students in Kindergarten through 5th grade will move to a fully remote learning schedule on Monday, April 5 through Wednesday, April 7.

Next Monday through Wednesday are learning days for students. Teachers will communicate learning plans for those days this week. Please make sure your child is at school on Friday to get any necessary take-home school work for next week. Parent/Teacher conferences will still be held as scheduled on Tuesday.

Middle School Four-Days-Per-Week In-Person Starting April 26
Grades 6 through 8 will begin their four-days-per-week in-person schedule on April 26. Current in-school schedules will be staying the same. Students will have the same teachers and their same pod, however, some pods are moving rooms. Teachers will be sharing any classroom updates with their pods. If you have questions, please contact your student’s Podvisors or Principal Kate Grodin ([email protected]).

Construction Updates – New Main Entrance & Health Office
Starting Friday, April 2 all late students and visitors who arrive after 9am must enter the building through the JFK entrance.

The Nurses’ Office has also moved to JFK until the end of the year. Watch this video to see exactly where the new nurses’ office will be located.

Health Updates from COVID-19 Coordinators
Good news! No positive cases in our learning community have been reported to the WSD COVID-19 Coordinators. We have to keep it up by following health guidance including handwashing, diligent mask-wearing, and social distancing. As we see an end in sight to many of the incredible challenges of the past year, we can’t lose focus on keeping everyone healthy and our schools open today.

Vaccine Eligibility in Vermont
The Vermont Department of Health (VDH) continues to make vaccines accessible for more Vermonters every week including People 16 years or older with high-risk health conditions, primary caregivers of children with high-risk health conditions, and Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC). Read about the eligibility criteria and how to register.

SRO Decision by the WSD School Board Postponed Until Next Week (Take 2)
Yesterday, over 130 people tuned in to the Special Board meeting to listen and share their thoughts about the district’s School Resource Officer (SRO) program. It was record-breaking board meeting attendance. We were excited to launch Zoom interpreter channels so that our meetings could truly be inclusive for all members of our community. However, technology let us down and we weren’t able to make the meeting accessible to all families. In fact, the meeting didn’t happen at all. Don’t worry – we’re still working on it!  We will follow up on Monday with a new link for the meeting that is scheduled for Wednesday, April 7 at 6pm. Thank you to everyone who plans to attend the second meeting.

Superintendent McMannon’s Letter to the Board about the SRO
If you haven’t read it yet, please take some time to read Superintendent McMannon’s recommendation to the board about the SRO program.

Preschool Skills Screening & Pre-registration
If your child is or will be 3 by September 1st, 2021 and you are interested in one of our Winooski Preschool Programs or to pre-register for ACT 166 Publicly Funded Pre-k, please complete a Preschool Skills Screening & Pre-registration FormFor more information about Preschool, opportunities visit our WSD website. ELL families may contact their liaison for help with registration.

Thank you,

Sean McMannon

Weekly Updates 3.25.21

Important upcoming dates:

  • TONIGHT – March 25 at 7pm – Winooski’s Got Talent Show (Join via the link found here)
  • March 31 at 6:30pm – Special Board Meeting to make a decision about the SRO
  • Tuesday, April 6 and Friday, April 9 – Early dismissal for all students at 11am. (Parent-teacher conferences for JFK students)
  • View the WSD School Calendar

Dear WSD Families,

We are pleased to announce that Winooski Middle School is preparing to move grades 6th through 8th to a 4 days-per-week in-person schedule. Currently, Monday, April 26 will be the first day of the new schedule.

Students will stay in their current pod structures. Student in-person days will be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Wednesdays will stay remote learning days for everyone.

Due to scheduling issues, some teachers may switch classrooms. Students will still remain in their assigned classrooms with the same pod teachers. While we are working to maintain all students’ current classes, we appreciate everyone’s flexibility as we work through potential scheduling changes. Read more about the increase of in-person instruction for middle school students.

Celebrate Winooski’s Talent TONIGHT at 7pm!
Watch amazing Winooski students show off their talents here:

Outstanding Teachers of the Year
Congratulations to Matt Gile (Librarian) and Amanda Babcock (JFK Behavior Coach), who’ve been nominated Outstanding Teachers of the Year!

Save-the-date for the 40th Annual Outstanding Teacher Day which will be broadcast live on Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 4:00pm. (More details, including the link to access the event, program, and additional information will be shared soon.)

Penguin Plunge
Sadly, after careful planning, the WSD Plunge team has decided that due to COVID-19 restrictions, they’re not going to hold a live event this year. We ask that supporters share a video of why Special Olympics VT is important to them on your social media pages and tag @specialolympicsvermont and @Winooskilearns. And watch for a special video of Superintendent McMannon doing solo plunge (coming soon!)

2021/2022 School Calendar
Pending board approval on Wednesday, April 14 the 2021-22 school year will start on Monday, August 16 for teachers, Thursday, August 19 for school-year support staff, and Wednesday, August 25 for students.

WSD COVID-19 Updates
Since last week there have been no positive cases of COVID-19 reported to the WSD COVID Coordinators. Keep up the good work following health guidance! Read up on current guidance and find out when you may be eligible for the vaccine.

Special Board Meeting about the School Resource Officer (SRO)
The school board would like to announce an upcoming Special Meeting on March 31 at 6:30pm, where they will make a decision about the WSD’s armed SRO officer. The board wants to hear from you. (Please note, public comments will be limited to two minutes.) Join the meeting via this link:

For more information about SROs in schools, please review this memo from WSD Board Member Steven Berbeco and visit our website.

Antiracism Steering Committee – First meeting planned
Congratulations and gratitude for this year’s Antiracism Steering Committee members. The Antiracism Steering Committee members will meet on the first Monday of the month from 5-7pm. Their first meeting is planned for April 5.  The first meeting will be an opportunity to begin to build connections with one another, review their work as a Steering Committee, and think about why working in partnership (youth and adults) is essential to the work of the Steering Committee. For more information about Equity and Antiracism work in our district, check out the Equity and Antiracism website.

WHS Graduation Planning Underway
Our Graduation planning team is excited to be preparing for an outside graduation celebration to honor the Class of 2021. There will most likely be a ticket system for families to attend in person as well as live streaming. More details will be coming soon.

Preschool Registration
The Winooski School District has two tuition-free preschool opportunities for families for the 2021-2022 school year. If your child is or will be 3-years-old by September 1, 2021, please complete a Pre-Registration application.

Thank you for reading these updates and strengthening our district and family partnership.

Take care,
Sean McMannon, Superintendent

Increased In-Person Days for Middle School 

We are pleased to announce that Winooski Middle School is preparing to move grades 6-8 to a 4 days-per-week in-person schedule. Currently, Monday, April 26 will be the first day of the new schedule.

Our plans are centered on two goals:

  • Make decisions that maintain safety and wellbeing first for ALL.
  • Make decisions that are the least disruptive to student learning.

Students will stay in their current pod structures. Student in-person days will be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Wednesdays will stay remote learning days for everyone. 

Due to scheduling issues, some teachers may switch classrooms. Students will still remain in their assigned classrooms with the same pod teachers. While we are working to maintain all students’ current classes, we appreciate everyone’s flexibility as we work through potential scheduling changes. 

Students on IEPs will continue to receive their necessary services, and Special Educators might follow up with parents/guardians about any potential scheduling changes. 

Below are some FAQ about the return to four-days-per-week

Why wait until April 26?
By April 26 a high percentage of our staff will be fully vaccinated.

What about Physical Distance Between Students?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now recommends that, with universal masking, students should maintain a distance of at least 3 feet in classroom settings. However, Strong and Healthy Start guidelines from the Agency of Education have not been updated with this new recommendation. Through creative planning, we are pleased that Winooski 6-8th grade students can all be back together in our building safely while maintaining the previously recommended 6-feet of distance. 

Why will Wednesday Stay Remote?
Our Leadership Team has decided to keep Wednesdays remote for all students for stability and consistency. Wednesdays are also important staff Professional Development days, where our full staff works together to deepen their knowledge of Restorative Justice practices and study together from the Teaching for Black Lives curriculum. There were also concerns about potential staffing challenges when considering a return five days per week in the spring.

What about High School Students?
For the remainder of the year, Winooski High School students will continue with their hybrid learning schedule. We know this will be disappointing for many high school students. Spacing constraints obliged us to use classrooms in the high school to accommodate middle school classes. We are committed to bringing in seniors that need additional support to reach graduation requirements and will continue to provide additional time for students with disabilities and ELL newcomers.

We know that another change may be stressful for our students, their families, and our staff. We are also very much looking forward to seeing all our wonderful students and teachers in the building together again! We will continue to work together to make this spring a strong and celebratory ending to this challenging year.

If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact WMHS Co-Principal Kate Grodin ([email protected]) directly.

Weekly Updates 9.9.21

Dear WSD Families, It's hard to believe we're already wrapping up our second week of school. Our students continue to amaze me with how well they follow our district-wide HEART (Honest, Engaged, Appropriate, Responsible, Timely) expectations. Saturday marks the 20th...

Special Education Proportionate Share Meeting 2021-22

The Winooski School District invites you to attend a meeting to discuss the following: Re: Parentally-Placed Students in Non-public Schools (including Home Study) and  Proportionate Share Requirements To: Parents who have children enrolled in a non-public school (St....

Sign Up for our Tooth Tutor Program!

The WSD is proud to offer our Tooth Tutor Program again this year. This program is for students who DO NOT currently have a dentist. If students have a regular dental home, they should continue with that dentist.  If they do wish to transfer to Vermont Dental Care,...

Updates 8.19.21

Important Upcoming Dates Veggie Van Go at the WSD: August 20 from 9-10am First student day: August 25, 2021 for most students WMHS Mandatory Orientation for 6th Graders, 9th graders and 10th graders: Wednesday, August 25th from 8:00am-12:15pm First student day for...

8.12.21 WSD Updates – Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures

Important Upcoming Dates Veggie Van Go at the WSD: August 20 from 9-10am Last day for Student Meal Kits: August 18 First student day: August 25, 2021 (look for Smart Start info for 6th and 9th-grade students) Updated 2021-2022 Calendar Dear WSD Families and Staff, As...

Student Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures 21-22

Drop Off and Pick-Up Procedures for the 2021/22 School Year (FAQ) Due to construction, student drop off and pick up at the start and end of the school day may be a little bit more challenging this year. Our Leadership Team, Construction Team, and the Winooski Police...

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