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District communications including weekly updates, COVID-19 & more.

District Updates 4.29.21 – PEBT, Internet Benefit, COVID

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • Incoming Kindergarten Info Sessions – Monday, May 3 at 1pm and Saturday, May 8 at 1pm 
  • May 31 – No School
  • June 12 at 1pm – WHS Graduation (Live streaming will be available on Facebook) 
  • View the updated WSD School Calendar 

Dear Families,
The WSD was recently featured in an article by author Bill Schubart, titled: Winooski is a Pioneer in Diversity and Learning. Here’s an excerpt:Why must we care about and learn from this bold vision in Winooski? The underlying rationale is an intrinsic understanding that the whole family’s security and well-being are integral to the child’s. Hungry, homeless, sick children don’t learn. The Winooski vision understands that the well-being of the family is integral to the success of the learner.” Click here to read the full article.

COVID-19 Updates
Today the WSD COVID Coordinators were informed about one probable positive individual who was in school while infectious. The Coordinators worked with the Vermont Department of Health on creating a line list of all close contacts of the infectious individual. If you were not contacted that means you/your child are not considered a close contact. During the break another positive case was reported, however, the person was not in school while infectious. 

Now that many community members and some older students are being vaccinated, we wanted to share a reminder of the current health guidelines: 

Okay, now I’m vaccinated. What’s new and what’s still the same? 

Everyone must still wear a mask while on school grounds regardless of vaccination status. When removing your mask to eat or drink, make sure you maintain six feet between yourself and others.

*Social distancing
Still applies to everyone. Maintain six feet (2 meters) between yourself and people outside your household to the best extent possible. Three feet is recommended between all students when learning, and six feet when eating (no mask). 
*Close Contacts

If you have been fully vaccinated for at least two weeks you may come to school/work if deemed a close contact of a COVID positive individual, but only if you are asymptomatic. 

*Feeling Unwell
Regardless of your vaccination status, if you have any COVID symptoms, you may not come to school/work.

P-EBT Updates
As we shared earlier this week, there was an error uploading data about WSD students for the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) program. Many WSD students were not included in the original list and therefore did not receive their benefit. 

The Agency of Education (AOE) and the Department for Children and Families (DCF) have agreed to work with the WSD to ensure that any families who did not receive P-EBT benefits due to data upload issues receive their cards as soon as possible.  Families who have not yet received their P-EBT cards were likely affected by the data issue and should expect to receive the cards by mid-May. 

In addition to all of the resources listed here, the WSD also has some additional resources available.

Internet and Device Benefit for all Winooski Students
The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) is offering an Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) to help households stay connected during the pandemic. The EBB will provide a discount of up to $50 per month towards broadband service for eligible households. Because all students in the WSD receive free meals through the USDA Community Eligibility Provision, all students in the WSD qualify for EBB. 

Eligible households can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers if they contribute more than $10 and less than $50 toward the purchase price. Read more here

The WSD has also extended the Internet Essentials sponsorship program. If your family currently does not have internet at home, contact Emily Hecker to learn about how to sign up for the WSD-sponsored free internet program. 

Middle School Four Day Feedback
All of our middle schoolers returned to school for our new four-day per week schedule. It is great to have all the students and teachers in the building again!  Generally, the transition has been smooth as teachers and students prepared the week before vacation. A big thank you to the staff and students who moved classrooms and are creating a new learning environment for our last six weeks of school.

Info Sessions for Incoming Kindergarten Students
Principal Sara Raabe will be hosting two info sessions for families of incoming Kindergarten students (for the 21/22 school year) next week. All families with incoming kindergarten students are highly encouraged to attend! 

Sign up for Summer School – Incoming Kindergarteners
Summer school will run for four weeks in July. Mondays and Wednesdays summer school will run 8am – 2:30pm and students will be off campus. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, summer school will run from 8am – 12pm and students will be on the JFK campus for the day. Sign up here!

Information from Local Organizations
Each week we will share information from non-district organizations when upon request. Click here if you are interested in learning more about

  • Listen Up Vermont seeks teen talent 
  • Winooski’s Beautiful Tree Competition – Win-Win Winooski!
  • Sailing Diversity Access Scholarship


WSD Updates 4/15/21 – COVID, Spring Assessments

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • No School April 19 through 23 
  • Student Meal Kit Distribution April 21 from 9-10am 
  • April 26 – Middle School Students begin the four-day-per-week schedule
  • View the updated WSD School Calendar

Hello Families,

Today, two positive cases in our learning community were reported to the WSD COVID-19 Coordinators. For case #1, no line list was needed based on the timing of the individual’s positive result.

For case #2, a line list was necessary because the individual was at school while infectious. All students and adults who might have been potentially exposed were asked to leave the building this afternoon and wait at home for further instructions from the COVID-19 Coordinators. If you were not contacted that means that you are not considered a close contact.

Before today, there hasn’t been a single case reported since March 17. Masks, social distancing, and handwashing remain critical mitigation measures so that everyone can stay healthy and our schools can remain open.

As we shared last Friday, A Strong and Health Year: Safety and Health Guidance for Vermont Schools has been updated. While vaccines bring the hope of a brighter future, high case numbers in Vermont are evidence that we are not there yet. Read about the latest health guidance, including information about out-of-state travel, quarantine, and at-home health screenings for WSD students.

Please remember, if anyone in your family experiences symptoms of COVID contact your primary care physician (PCP) and call the COVID-19 hotline (802-556-2243). Symptomatic people should not travel.

Middle School Four Days Per Week
When students return after April break, middle school students will be able to attend school in person four days a week. In-person days will be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesdays will stay remote learning days for everyone.  Direct instruction will begin at 9am and end at 2:30pm. Due to space constraints, some classes will need to move to new classrooms. Students have all visited their new spaces and know where they are expected on 4/26.

SBAC After April Break
After the April break, the SBAC testing window will begin. The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test assesses students in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11 in both Math and English Language Arts.  Additionally, 5th-grade students will take the Vermont Science Assessment (VTSA) to assess their content knowledge and proficiency skills in science.  Please encourage your children to work hard on the tests and get a good night’s sleep before the testing.  Click here for the assessment schedule.

P-EBT Cards for all Winooski Students
Many families in Vermont received notice that they will be getting an additional benefit because they have one or more children qualifying for free school meals – this new benefit is called Pandemic EBT (P-EBT). P-EBT provides funds to help families impacted by the COVID school closure to stretch their food budget.

Since all students in the WSD receive free meals, most families with students enrolled in WSD should receive the new P-EBT benefit.

  • Families that already have an active 3SquaresVT EBT will receive the funds on the 3SquaresVT card.
  • All other families will receive only ONE card per family, but it contains funds for all children who are students.
  • This applies to Kindergarten through Grade 12 only.

Benefits are based on your student’s learning model for the month. This document has more details.

We hope all of our staff and students enjoy a relaxing, safe April break, and come back ready to complete this challenging and complicated school year strong.

Thank you,
Sean McMannon, Superintendent

SBAC Testing will begin April 26

After the April break, the SBAC testing window will begin.  The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test assesses students in grades 3-5 in both Math and English Language Arts.  Additionally, 5th-grade students will take the Vermont Science Assessment (VTSA) to assess their content knowledge and proficiency skills in science.  Please encourage your children to work hard on the tests and get a good night’s sleep before the testing.  See below for the assessment schedule.

3rd Grade 
SBAC Testing – Monday, April 26th – Friday, April 30th

4th Grade 
SBAC Testing – Monday, May 3rd – Friday, May 7th  

5th Grade
SBAC Testing – Monday, May 10th – Friday, May 14th
VT Science Assessment Testing – Monday, May 24th – Thursday, May 27th

6th – 8th Grade
SBAC Testing – Monday, May 17th – Friday, May 21st
VT Science Assessment Testing (for 8th Graders only) – Monday, May 17th – Friday, May 21st

9th Grade
SBAC Testing – Wednesday, May 19th & Wednesday, May 26th  

11th Grade
VT Science Assessment Testing – Wednesday, May 19th 

Questions? Contact Michael Eppolito, Director of Curriculum, [email protected]

Health Guidance Updates – April 9, 2021

Dear WSD Families,

As of today, April 9, A Strong and Health Year: Safety and Health Guidance for Vermont Schools has been updated. This updated guidance reflects Governor Scott’s timeline for Vermont’s reopening. While hope of a return to normal life is on the horizon, high case numbers in Vermont are evidence that we are not there yet. As Dr. Heather Link reminded us, masks, as well as social distancing and hand washing, remain critical mitigation measures so that everyone can stay healthy and our schools can remain open. 

Below is the updated guidance that will impact your children:

Student Health Screenings
Student temperature screenings will no longer be conducted at school. Caregivers are required to screen their children before arriving at school. The required health screenings for students are outlined here. Upon arrival at school, students will still be monitored for proper mask wearing and hand sanitizing.

Travel Guidance Changes
Vermont’s out-of-state travel restrictions have been lifted. Unvaccinated individuals may travel without quarantine upon return to Vermont. Unvaccinated Vermonters who have traveled outside the state must be tested within 3 days of returning to Vermont. Students do not need to quarantine while waiting for a result, but if they have any symptoms, they should stay home and away from other people.Testing is on the honor system and will not be monitored by the WSD COVID-19 Coordinators.

Masks are Required for All and Distancing Stay the Same
Masks and physical distancing will still be required at school. The guidance states that all students must be spaced a minimum of three (3) feet apart to the extent possible.
When eating, PreK-6 grade students must maintain three (3) feet / one (1) meter of distance and 7-12 grade students must maintain six (6) feet / two (2) meters of distance between themselves and others.

Multi-Household Gathering
Vermont has restrictions on social gatherings based on whether you are fully vaccinated or not. (You are fully vaccinated 14 days after your final shot.) Since children cannot get vaccinated at this time, a household with children is not considered a fully vaccinated household. Read more about vaccinations in Vermont. 

That means families with children may gather with fully vaccinated people or households. You don’t need to wear a mask or stay 6 feet apart, unless someone is at higher risk of severe COVID-19 or lives with someone at higher risk.

You may gather with one other unvaccinated person or household at a time. Fully vaccinated people or households can also be at the gathering. Everyone should wear a mask and stay 6 feet apart.

Other Changes to the Guidance
All students may mix classes for educational purposes, as needed. Schools should ensure careful attendance records are kept. Currently, WSD plans to maintain current student pod assignments and will update families if there are any changes. 

If you have any questions, please contact the COVID-19 Coordinators at 802-556-2243.

WSD Updates 4/7/21

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • Veggie VanGo April 14 from 9-10am at the WSD
  • No School April 19 through 23
  • View the updated WSD School Calendar 

Dear Staff and Families,

Last night over 125 community members joined the WSD School Board’s special meeting about the School Resource Officer. School safety is complex, often deeply personal, and challenging to discuss. It was inspiring to have so many people from our diverse Winooski community come together to respectfully share their thoughts and feelings about how to make our district safer for our students. You can read more about the outcome of the meeting and watch the video recording for more information.

Outstanding Teachers’ Recognition Day
Yesterday, two WSD Teachers, Matt Gile and Amanda Babcock, were honored as Outstanding Teachers of the Year. If you missed the virtual event, the video will be available here:

Free Tutoring for WSD Students
WSD is contracting with the Education Annex to provide free tutoring services for students. Most tutoring will be in small groups of 2-3 students and it will all be online. If you would like your child to receive free tutoring services after school or on Wednesdays please contact Michael Eppolito ([email protected] or call at 289-9168) or contact your Liaison.  We are also working on continuing these free services over the summer.

Special Olympics Vermont Penguin Plunge
Click this link to watch Superintendent McMannon’s plunge

Mask Up, Winooski!
Dr. Heather Link, from the WSD School-Based Health Center, shared this important message about continuing to wear masks. “While the vaccine is being administered, and hope is on the horizon, we are seeing increasing cases in Vermont at this time, likely due to some of the COVID-19 variants with increased transmissibility. Masks should be worn at all times during school hours, including arrival and dismissal, except for moments when you are eating or drinking. Otherwise, they should be worn so that they cover your mouth and nose at the same time.”

Antiracism Steering Committee Updates
The first meeting of the WSD Antiracism Steering Committee (ASC) was energizing and full of optimism about the journey forward.  The ASC is an innovative multi-stakeholder committee that creatively guides the dynamic work of the  Winooski Students for Antiracism (WSA) Demands, serves as a communication hub for the demand-based working groups, and ensures that the WSA Demands are centered in every aspect of the work.

The committee discussed why the youth-adult partnership is so critical to the district’s success in becoming an antiracist school district. The word cloud above were the sentiments expressed by committee members when asked, “What feelings were provoked when you DID have a role in decision making?”. The ASC will meet again on April 19 for a training session facilitated by (WSA) members.  

This is Our Shot, Vermont – $500 prize!
VDH is asking Vermonters to be a part of our next vaccine promotion efforts! We have launched the This Is Our Shot, VT! Photo & Video Contest, to gather original videos, photos or written thoughts on what being vaccinated means to us. Select submissions will be featured in our next vaccine campaign. One lucky person will be chosen at random to receive a $500 cash card*. The contest closes on April 16th.

Sean McMannon, Superintendent

Response to Racial Violence at Athletic Events

This past weekend, at a Winooski High School (WHS) soccer game in Winooski, three players on the Enosburg Falls High School (EFHS) team and spectators used abhorrent, violent, racist language against our student-athletes. Reading these unacceptable words may cause you...

In-School COVID-19 Surveillance Testing

Dear WSD Community, For the 2021-22 school year, we are offering an extra layer of protection to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our schools — our COVID-19 testing program. This program is free and voluntary for students and staff, and participation in the program...

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