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District Communications

District communications including weekly updates, COVID-19 & more.

In-School COVID-19 Surveillance Testing

Dear WSD Community,

For the 2021-22 school year, we are offering an extra layer of protection to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our schools — our COVID-19 testing program. This program is free and voluntary for students and staff, and participation in the program is highly encouraged, regardless of vaccination status. 

While COVID-19 vaccines are very good at protecting people from getting seriously ill,  data shows vaccinated people infected with some variants of the virus could spread it to others. It is important for us to create a safe and inclusive environment for both vaccinated and unvaccinated students.

How the test works:
The tests will be self-administered through a quick, non-invasive nasal swab. These are easy for students 5 years and older to perform themselves under supervision.

When will I get the testing results?
Results will be available to students and guardians via a private login to a personal testing portal typically within 48 hours. If you or your child receive a positive test result, you will receive a call from the Vermont Department of Health. The WSD COVID-19 Coordinators will follow normal procedures to identify school-related close contacts and provide quarantine guidance.

When will the surveillance testing begin?
If all goes as planned, on Monday, October 6. Testing should take place every Monday. 

What else do I need to know?
If you want to unenroll in the program email COVID-19 Testing Program Coordinator, Emily Hecker ( 

We will work to make sure the testing does not disrupt regular teaching schedules  Thanks again for your support. We will share more details as they are finalized.

Emily Hecker, Communication Director
Liz Parris, COVID-19 Coordinator
Katharine Monje, COVID-19 Coordinator

Weekly Updates 9.9.21

Dear WSD Families,

It’s hard to believe we’re already wrapping up our second week of school. Our students continue to amaze me with how well they follow our district-wide HEART (Honest, Engaged, Appropriate, Responsible, Timely) expectations.

Saturday marks the 20th anniversary of 9/11. As we reflect on the terrible terrorist attack that devastated our country and killed nearly 3,000 people two decades ago, it is important to remember the strength of our community, both locally and nationally. This strength got us through a very dark time in our collective history and it will continue to bring us together as we build a brighter future for our students.

Please read the following updates and reminders below to continue to strengthen our district-family partnership.

Take care,
Sean McMannon, Superintendent

On September 8, the WSD COVID Coordinators were notified that two members of our learning community have tested positive for COVID-19. Both individuals were in school while contagious. The Vermont Department of Health (VDH) required contact tracing and all close contacts have been sent home to begin quarantine. If you were not contacted, that means you/your child are not considered close contacts.

Currently, in our district, 40 people are in quarantine. 32 individuals are in quarantine due to exposure to the positive cases. Those people must take a COVID-19 test and may return to school pending negative results or complete a 14-day quarantine. The other eight individuals are in quarantine due to international travel or because they exhibited COVID-19 symptoms and are awaiting testing results.

Additionally, one current presumed positive is under investigation, with up to 49 people in our learning community potentially impacted. Attempts will be made to notify all close contacts by 6pm this afternoon. If you have received a message or missed a call from the school, please respond as soon as possible by calling 802-556-2243.

We cannot share any confidential medical information about people’s quarantine status, vaccination status, or exposure to COVID with anyone who is not directly impacted. If you have not been contacted by the COVID Coordinators, you have not been directly impacted by the current positive cases in our schools.

What we can tell you is that many of the people who have been sent home to quarantine have had allergy-like symptoms such as a runny nose, scratchy throat, and a headache. Our COVID Coordinators ask that you do not send your child to school if they have any symptoms. If your child wakes up with any COVID-19 symptoms, regardless of how mild, please call the COVID hotline at 802-556-2243 immediately.

Cafeteria Opening
We are pleased to announce the new cafeteria will open on Monday, September 13!

Due to health concerns, this year the cafeteria will only serve students in grades 6-12. For students in grades PreK-5, meals will be served in the classroom. To keep everyone safe and healthy, we will follow these strategies:

  1. Masks worn by all students and staff until they are in their seat and ready to eat.
  2. All diners will keep a distance of at least 3 feet between themselves as much as possible.
  3. Tables and surfaces will be cleaned between meal services.
  4. Hand sanitizer stations will be available at all cafeteria entries. 
  5. Seating plans will be required for potential contact tracing purposes. 

Walk to School Day
Walk to School Day will be held on Wednesday, October 6th! Students can meet at the Walgreens parking lot at 7:40am, we will begin walking at 7:45am. Tips for walking to school


Special Education Proportionate Share Meeting 2021-22

The Winooski School District invites you to attend a meeting to discuss the following:

Re: Parentally-Placed Students in Non-public Schools (including Home Study) and  Proportionate Share Requirements

To: Parents who have children enrolled in a non-public school (St. Francis Xavier) and/or in a home study program                                          

When: Wednesday, September 29th, 12:00 – 1:00 pm 

Join Zoom Meeting: Join Zoom Meeting

The IDEA requires local education agencies (LEAs) to provide special education services to eligible students who are enrolled by their parents in non-profit non-public schools for the purpose of delivering an elementary and/or secondary education.  Each LEA must use a proportionate share of their IDEA funds to provide special education services to non-profit non-public schools and home-schooled students with disabilities.  For the purposes of proportionate share requirement, Vermont defines non-public schools as independent (secular, and non-secular) schools, as well as home-study programs.  

The meeting will be facilitated by the Office of Support Services.  Katherine Blair, Director of Support Services & Early Learning, and Tim Rich, Out-of-District case manager, will meet at 12pm via zoom to review this process and answer any questions you may have. 

Updates 9.2.21 – COVID-19, Student Drop Off and More


Dear WSD Families,
It has been wonderful having our students in the building together this week. The new classrooms for kindergarten, first and second-grade students and the new middle school wing are absolutely beautiful! Students are thrilled to be in their new spaces. We are eagerly anticipating renovated classrooms for high school and 3, 4 and 5th grades next year.

The Winooski City-wide power outage on Wednesday caused minimal disruption, and I was impressed with how well students adjusted to this unexpected change. This morning, before school began, our district had an unanticipated evacuation due to a test of a heat sensor in an active construction area. Our Public Safety Committee, which includes Officer Jason Ziter, Principal Jean, and other WSD staff, meets weekly to develop, improve, and communicate our safety procedures. The Safety Team will continue working with staff and students throughout the year to keep everyone safe. 

We continue to adjust and revise some daily routines to better meet the needs of our students. Lunch continues to be served in the classroom or outside for all students as we wait for the cafeteria to be completed. All things considered, this first week of school has been smooth and joyful!

Thank you for reading these updates as we strengthen our school-family partnership.

Take care,
Sean McMannon, Superintendent

Student Drop Off Reminder
With the exception of the sudden downpour on Monday morning, student drop off and pick up has been going smoothly and improving daily. Thank you for your efforts to get your children in and out of your car quickly and efficiently. Please remember: 

  • Stay in your car in the car drop off/pick up line.
  • Pull as far forward as possible until the drop off/ pick up point.
  • At pick up, please put a note in your car window with your student’s name and grade level to make the process quicker.
  • Do not drop your student off by car on George Street. This drop-off is for pedestrian use only. All parents dropping off or picking up students by vehicle must use Normand Street. George Street is a no-outlet street and it is not wide enough for multiple vehicle traffic. Thank you!

COVID-19 Updates
As of August 30, there were three (3) confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 in our learning community. One individual was infectious while at a school-sponsored event. All close contacts of the individual were notified by Friday, August 27. If you have not been contacted, you and/or your child are not considered a close contact. Currently, 10 individuals are in quarantine until they receive a negative test result and are no longer symptomatic. 

We know that positive cases this early in the school year are probably not surprising but certainly disheartening.  Please read this article to learn more about Kids and the Delta Variant from a local pediatrician

The good news is, we are not powerless against this virus and we have more tools than ever before thanks to vaccines. The most important thing you can do to keep everyone healthy, our schools open and learning together in-person is to keep your child home if they are symptomatic and contact the WSD Covid hotline (802-556-2243) with any questions. Review our COVID procedures for additional information.

Per our WSD COVID-19 Communication Plan, if there is a positive case in our district, the COVID-19 coordinators will work with the Vermont Department of Health (VDH) to conduct contact tracing, and notify all close contacts of the infectious individual. If you are not directly impacted, you will be informed about the positive case(s) on Thursdays in our weekly district communication. 

Afterschool Opportunities
It’s time to sign your child up for our amazing free 21C Afterschool opportunities!  Click these links to find out what’s available for JFK and WMHS students. JFK students will also come home with a flyer today. Reach out to Suzanne Skaflestad with questions ([email protected]). 

Correcting Vermont’s Unfair Education Funding
The formula used by Vermont to distribute education funds has been wrong for over 20 years. Across the state, many low-income schools, like the WSD, are in disrepair and lack the basic services available in wealthier districts. In 2019, at the request of the legislature, a report was written by a team led by UVM/Rutgers education funding research experts that definitively concluded Vermont does not properly account for the costs of educating children who come from low-income households or children who require English language learning services, like many students in Winooski. Read more about this important issue here

There will be a public hearing to discuss the corrections to the funding formula on Wednesday, September 8 from 5-7pm. If you want Winooski students to have the same educational opportunities as students in wealthier districts please consider making a public comment.

Join the PTO!
We are excited for the opportunities to support the students and staff of WSD this year and welcome new members and new ideas. The PTO strives to include all members of our community and welcomes your ideas on how to do so. Please join us!  

We hold monthly meetings between September and May and would love to have you join us. In these meetings, we will discuss new and recent business and provide updates on events, fundraisers (the November craft fair and the spring Fun Dog Show), committee work (including Teacher and Staff Support, Talent Show, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), and PTO financials. Our meetings are typically held every third Wednesday from 6:00pm to 7:30pm. We will begin meetings on Zoom this year with the hope to move to in person meetings in the near future. Our first meeting is on September 15. 

If you are unable to attend weekly meetings, we are always looking for volunteers to help out on the ground (in the past these have included chaperoning dances, sponsoring potlucks, and selling baked goods and raffle tickets at various school events). Just let us know what works for you!

Are you interested in joining the PTO? Please feel out our brief survey to provide your contact information. Email [email protected] with any questions. We look forward to welcoming new members and working together for a great year. 

Can you Donate Soccer Cleats?
Our soccer season is off to a great start and some student athletes need new cleats. If you are able to donate new or gently used cleats to our teams, the following sizes are needed: 

  • Boys Middle School Cleats in Men’s Sizes 4-8
  • Girls Middle School Cleats in Women’s Sizes 6-10

A bin will be set up in front of the Main JFK Entrance to collect donations. 

Let’s Stay Connected!
Find school-specific communications below:
WMHS Family Communication – Info from Principals Jean and Kate, Afterschool opportunities, athletic updates, and more! 

JFK Family Letter – Back to school info, important dates, drop-off/pick-up reminders, HEART, and what to expect during the first six weeks of school. 

Courtesy Posts
Each week we will share information from non-district organizations upon request. Click here if you are interested in learning more about

Free Trees for Winooski residents!
Winooski residents are eligible for free trees to plant in their yard through Community Canopy, an Arbor Day Foundation program!

District Updates 8.26.21 – COVID-19 procedures and first day info

Important Upcoming Dates

  • First student day: August 30, 2021 for most students
  • WMHS Mandatory Orientation for 6th Graders, 9th graders and 10th graders: Monday, August 30 from 8:00am-12:15pm
  • All students will attend a full day of school on on August 31
  • First student day for PreK: September 7, 2021
  • Updated 2021-2022 Calendar

Dear WSD Families and Staff,

First Day Delayed
As we shared this weekend, the first day of school has been delayed until August 30. Please read the detailed information about this delay and its impact on the 21-22 school calendar here. We are looking forward to seeing most of our students on August 30. The schedule is below: 

  • Grades K-5: August 30 from 8am – 3pm (dismissal is at 2:50pm)
  • Grades 6, 9, 10: August 30 from 8am – 12:15pm for mandatory orientation
  • Grades 11 and 12: August 30 from 1pm – 2:45pm, drop in for a tours and meet your teachers 
  • All grades K-12: August 31 full day for all students 8am – 3pm
  • (PreK begins September 7)


COVID-19 Procedures
Our top priority is keeping our students and staff safe, healthy and learning together in-person. To make sure our schools remain safe for everyone, our Leadership Team and COVID-19 Coordinators have created specific procedures. Read about the procedures here. In summary: 

Masks will be required for all, regardless of vaccination status. Except when people are: Outside, Eating

Keeping individuals with COVID symptoms out of our schools. Self-screenings will be required before entering the building. Students will be isolated and sent home immediately if they exhibit COVID symptoms while at school. 

Our district will follow Vermont Department of Health contact tracing guidelines. Sign in sheets and seating assignments will be required.

Watch this news report with WSD’s Nurse Liz Parris about her top request for parents this school year. 

Back-to-School Informational Videos
You and your children are probably wondering: What will student drop-off look like this year? What do the new parts of the building look like? How will my student find the new middle school? How will my student access the temporary classrooms in the new gym? What door should my child enter on Monday? Watch these short videos, edited by our very own WHS student David Klinker, about all of the above and more!

JFK Elementary School Informational Video

WMHS Informational Video

Join the Parent Teacher Organization!
The PTO would like to welcome you to the new school year. We are excited for the opportunities to support the students and staff of WSD this year and welcome new members and new ideas. The PTO strives to include all members of our community and welcomes your ideas on how to do so. Please join us!  

We hold monthly meetings between September and May and would love to have you join us. In these meetings, we will discuss new and recent business and provide updates on events, fundraisers (the November craft fair and the spring Fun Dog Show), committee work (including Teacher and Staff Support, Talent Show, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), and PTO financials. Our meetings are typically held every third Wednesday from 6:00pm to 7:30pm. We will begin meetings on Zoom this year with the hope to move to in person meetings in the near future. Our first meeting is on September 15. 

If you are unable to attend weekly meetings, we are always looking for volunteers to help out on the ground (in the past these have included chaperoning dances, sponsoring potlucks, and selling baked goods and raffle tickets at various school events). Just let us know what works for you!

Are you interested in joining the PTO? Please feel out our brief survey to provide your contact information. Email [email protected] with any questions. We look forward to welcoming new members and working together for a great year. 

Thank you,
The Winooski PTO

  • President: Laura Lee      
  • Vice President: Amelie Thurston
  • Treasurer: Lucy D’Aponte
  • Secretary: Kate Simone

Sign Up for our Tooth Tutor Program!
Would you like your child to receive full access to dental care while at school? Would you like to stop missing work to take your child to dental appointments? 

Sign up for our Tooth Tutor program! This program is for students who don’t currently have a dentist or students who would like to transfer to Vermont Dental in Winooski. Read about our program here. 

ARSC Updates
The WSD Antiracism Steering Committee (WSDARSC) has spent time this summer organizing and engaging in outreach to the community to recruit members for each of the Demand Action Groups.  Members of the ARSC attended the Winooski Wednesday’s event, the Farmer’s Market and held two Community Meetings at the Pool to share this opportunity with the community. A huge thank you to our youth members Auishma, Albina, Moo Thay, Eliza, Maeree and Evelyn for facilitating the community meetings at the Pool.  

We had a lot of families, community members and youth in attendance and a lot of great energy about the work ahead. 

Next steps will be:

  • 1) Form the Demand Action Groups based on the sign ups  – by the end of August
  • 2) Communicate with Demand Action Group members – by the end of August/early September
  • 3) Hold an orientation meeting for the Demand Action groups to support their work moving forward  – September

Courtesy Posts
Each week we will share information from non-district organizations upon request. Click here if you are interested in learning more about:

Third Annual Vermont First African Landing Day – Out of Darkness: Into the Light  Intervale Center August 28 from  10am – 6pm

New Entrance and Classrooms for WSD Students

The Capital Project construction is going smoothly and incredible progress is being made daily. The high school wing has been renovated and we are so excited for students to finally see their beautiful new space! Over April break, students in grades 3, 4 5, and high...

Important Changes to WSD’s COVID Response

The COVID-19 virus will be with us for a long time. As the level of severe disease is low in our community and across the state, the Vermont Department of Health (VDH) has stated that each person can decide if they want to take precautions based on their own personal...

It’s Time to Register for Kindergarten

If you live in Winooski and have a child that will be 5 before September 1, 2022, they are eligible to come to Kindergarten for the 2022-23 school year! On May 25th, all incoming Kindergarten students are invited to come to JFK for our Kindergarten screening day....

Abdimajiid Mohamed – graduated 2018

What are you doing now? I’m earning my degree from Trine University in Angola, Indiana. I’m pursuing my Master's Degree in Business Administration (MBA). My academic life is very rigorous. Master’s-level classes are more strict and detail-oriented than I was...

Still Need More Information?

We will try to address your need as fast as we can!
Contact us at [email protected] or fill out the following form.

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