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What do you currently do for work?
I currently work remotely as the Legal and Human Resources Manager for an international digital marketing company based in South Florida.

Tell us more about your life after high school.
I started school at Champlain College but I was unsure what I wanted to do, so I left school until I could figure that out. My son was born in 2006, further delaying my degree as I stayed home with him for a few years. Finally, I earned by Bachelor’s Degree in Integrated Studies, with a Legal focus, in 2014 from Champlain. I took a few years off, moved to South Florida for my amazing job (and weather) and in 2020 I earned my Master’s Degree in Employment Law from Northeastern University School of Law.

What’s one of the fondest memories you have from your time at WHS?
I made amazing connections at WHS and many memories that I’ll always cherish. Friday night football games under the lights, the WHS Baseball Championship in 1998, the Mr. Spartan competitions.

What’s the most valuable thing you learned as a WSD student?
The most valuable thing I learned as a WSD student is to put yourself out there and get involved. I missed out on a lot in my first two years of high school by not getting involved in things outside of my comfort zone. High School only comes along once – enjoy it!

What advice do you give current WSD students?
Your teachers are truly there for you and want you to succeed, don’t ever be afraid to confide in them or ask for help. I had a couple of teachers who became friends because they helped me through a lot, both in school and outside of school.

Why do you heart Winooski?
I love the sense of community that Winooski has always had. People are shocked when I tell them my graduating class had 31 people, but I tell them how much I loved it. We all knew each other and the teachers all knew us well, we weren’t just numbers or seats to them. I knew my teachers actually cared about me and my success in life. Also, the community always showed up for us in everything we did. The stands were always packed for sports, the auditorium was always packed for shows. We were very supported as students and that really meant a lot.

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