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After School Program

Our K-12 afterschool programs are intentionally designed programs with a literacy, math, science, technology or the arts focus. Our instructors are licensed teachers. Our afterschool academic coach and afterschool coordinators provide feedback and support to our afterschool teachers and review weekly lesson plans so that our teachers are provided with ongoing input and support about their work.

What is the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program? 

The 21st Century Community Learning Centers program is designed to provide opportunities for academic enrichment, including providing tutorial services to help students, particularly students who attend low-performing schools, to meet State and local student academic achievement standards in core academic subjects, such as reading and mathematics.

21st Century Community Learning Centers offer students a broad array of additional services, programs, and activities that are designed to reinforce and complement the regular academic program of participating students.

Throughout the U.S. about 6,800 rural and inner-city public schools in 1,420 communities–in collaboration with other public and non-profit agencies, organizations, local businesses, post-secondary institutions, scientific/cultural and other community entities–are now participating as 21st Century Community Learning Centers.

Questions? Please contact us:

Suzanne Skaflestad
Afterschool Program Director

Mag Thomas

K-8 Afterschool Academic Coach

Nancy Keller

6-12 Afterschool Coordinator
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