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What are you doing with your life these days?
These days I am currently working at the UVM Medical Center as a Nutrition Care Representative helping patients order their meals.
What is your fondest memory of WSD?
My fondest memory of WSD is when I performed for the town meetings playing my guitar.
What are you most proud of?
I am most proud of who I have become and the many accomplishments I have made in highschool and college.
How did WSD prepare you to fulfill your goals and dreams?
WSD prepared me to fulfill my goals and dreams by providing teachers who cared about my success, and shaped my dreams by providing me the education to make it possible.
What has been your biggest challenge so far?
My biggest challenge was taking difficult classes in college. Organic Chemistry was one of them!
What do you value most about your education?
In regards to my education, I value being able to apply what I have learned to real life situations. It makes education that much more significant and rewarding.
Why do you heart Winooski?
I heart Winooski because of the sense of community it brings. I have made a lot good friends at WSD and everybody there has treated me with respect!
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