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Due to Covid-19, 21C afterschool programs will look and feel a little different this year.
We are hoping to pilot a few in-person programs beginning the week of October 5th using the models below. There will be no after school classes in-person on Wednesdays, however virtual opportunities will be explored. If you have any questions, please email Suzanne Skaflestad, 21C Director: [email protected]

JFK 21C Afterschool Covid-19 Model: The goal is to keep interested students within their school day classroom (homeroom) for afterschool opportunities on the days they
are in the school building. (Mon/Tues and Thurs/Fri). We want to work with the school day structure as much as possible. Teachers and other staff that are available and interested in teaching afterschool will be assigned to a specific classroom (homeroom) based upon the level of interest/need of students in that classroom (homeroom). This model allows for the JFK 21C afterschool to take place without combining students across grade levels.

WMHS 21C Afterschool Covid-19 Model: The goal is to keep interested students within their school day PODS for after school opportunities on the days they are in the school building. (Mon/Tues and Thurs/Fri). We want to work with the school day structure as much as possible. Teachers and other staff that are available and interested to teach afterschool will be assigned to a specific POD based upon the level of interest/need of students in the POD.

The Library Welcomes You program for middle school students will also look a little different this year. Maeve Poleman will be overseeing the library program from 2:35-4:30. She will provide additional supervised support to students after school in classrooms within the POD structure from 2:35-4:30. She will also be available virtually for students on Wednesdays. Maeve is looking forward to supporting our students after school in meaningful ways.

Thrive is the City of Winooski’s state-licensed, 3 STAR childcare/enrichment program that runs from 3 PM – 5:30 PM. This school year, children can attend Thrive After School 2 days per week, on their in person learning days (either Monday/Tuesday or Thursday/ Friday). Thrive staff will be available at 2:45 to pick up students enrolled in Thrive. The cost will be $36, and we accept state child care subsidies as well as offer scholarships to families in need. Thrive will be following all health and safety guidance from VT state agencies as well as Winooski School District. Click here to learn more and register today: or please call or email Kate Anderson, Thrive Director: 802 233 8188 / [email protected].

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