Thank you for closely adhering to all of the ever-changing guidance and for all of your efforts to keep our learning community safe. As we move into almost two years of the pandemic, we understand a lot more about the COVID-19 virus. Based on the latest guidance from the Vermont Department of Health (VDH) and the Agency of Education (AOE), we are streamlining our COVID response and have developed a new process for responding to COVID in our schools. This guidance is supported by the American Academy of Pediatrics Vermont Chapter (AAPVT), which states, “We must change the way we approach this more transmissible variant and follow the data and the evidence to not only keep our children safe, but to also lessen the burden on our schools.”
Currently, remote learning does not count as an in-session student day per Agency of Education policy. The waiver process will begin later this month which may shift our approach to closures and remote learning, but our primary goal is maintaining safe in-person instruction.
The Vermont Department of Health has determined that PCR tests are not effective given the 2-3 day delay in acquiring results. This is the type of test conducted during our weekly surveillance testing. Therefore, we will prioritize rapid antigen tests, which are considered more effective because results are available in 15 minutes. This shift will increase testing availability on a daily basis when needed.
Positive Case Notification
In place of contact tracing, we are shifting to a notification process. Instead of individual calls, when the COVID Coordinators are informed of a positive case in our schools, caregivers will receive an email informing them about the exposure and how to respond.
The message will inform you that an individual in your child’s classroom has tested positive. If your child does not have any COVID symptoms, they do not need to quarantine.
If your student is fully vaccinated (2 shots of the COVID-19 vaccine):
- They will receive one take-home test kit with two tests. They should test on days 4 and 5 after their exposure. Tests must be taken 24 hours apart. If tests are negative they can attend school in person.
- Due to limited supplies, some students may be rapid tested at school rather than have test kits sent home.
- If they test positive, do not send your child to school and follow the steps in What to Do if You Test Positive for COVID-19
- They should wear a mask around others for the next ten days. Masks continue to be required at school.
If your child is unvaccinated:
- They should pick up test kits from the school to test for five consecutive days at home and can attend school during that period, as long as all tests are negative.
- If they test positive, do not send your child to school and follow the steps in What to Do if You Test Positive for COVID-19
- They should wear a mask around others for the next ten days. Masks continue to be required at school.
Students with possible exposure to a person with COVID-19 in school do not need to otherwise quarantine during their testing periods. If you decide to opt your child out of testing, it is recommended that you follow the State’s quarantine policy.
Instructions on how to use the antigen tests can be found on the Health Department testing website. If your child’s test comes back as positive, please report this on the Vermont Department of Health COVID-19 Self-Test Reporting Form.
Monitor your child for symptoms of COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status. If your child has any symptoms of COVID-19, keep them home from school.
Please call the COVID hotline at 802-556-2243 with any questions or concerns. Call the Vermont Department of Health at 802-863-7240 (option 8) if you have questions about COVID-19. More information is available at the Health Department website:
Any students who have symptoms must stay home and may return once symptoms are completely resolved.
Continue with Precautions
The precautions we’ve been practicing since the beginning of the pandemic have not changed:
- Everyone, regardless of vaccine status, MUST wear a mask. The VDH suggests we use higher quality masks, such as N95, KN95, or a surgical mask under a cloth mask or multilayer cloth mask.
- Everyone, regardless of vaccine status, MUST stay home when sick.
- Vaccines are highly recommended for students and required for staff.